In light of recent events, does pol find itself siding with Assad or Israel?

In light of recent events, does pol find itself siding with Assad or Israel?

> hardmode: they both slaughter Sunni Muslims, the same ones infesting Europe

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Assad is fighting terrorist groups attempting to overthrow him. He is not wrong in what he's doing.

Israelis are just faggot Jews, most of which migrated from Europe after WW II, who treat the Palestinians like shit and then play the 'wahh muh holohoax antisemitism" card when you call them out on it.

The only reason American/European/NATO Goy go die in wars in the middle east fighting Arabs is because of Israel and their control of US foreign policy through AIPAC.

Swallow the ultimate red pill and realize Jews are the vile parasites on this planet, which is why they've been kicked out of so many countries historically.

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I really don't see any reason at all to hate Assad in any way

shoo shoo, russiaboo

we don't need to choose, let them cry

Virgin Trump/Israel vs Chad Assad

Mashallah, in time you will call me father

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Gas the kikes

Always Israel, goyim

Israel finally turned loose to attack goat humping Arabs that have been fucking with them for decades

>I wish a nigger would

Basically this. Israeli people are fucking shit, they can stow their muh Mezrahi garbage. Judaism has supremacy built into the foundation of it, and as a result religious and cultural Jews are almost always scumbags.
Assad is in Syria, Assad has a mandate to defend his rule in his country. Israel does whatever the fuck it wants to Palestinians because whatever, they're not Jews, and they're basically just Jordanians right? There is literally no fucking awareness or consideration for the history that created Israel, and why they might not want to actively fuck with people systematically. If Israel wasn't a violent state made up of morally deficient fucks, nobody would have a problem with them outside of tribal Muslim retards.

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Nightmare mode SHOULD be, what should the US or NATO's policy be for Syria?


Assad, 100%. He is the Adolf Hitler for the Syrian people. He is fighting the Jews. Sound familiar?

Hail Assad! Hail Hitler! Seig Heil! And VICTORY FOR THE WHITE RACE! 14/88


t.memefag kike shill

t. fatima

open muslim bobs.

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I don't "side" with either sand devil scum. Let them kill each other. I want them OIT of my homeland.
Nothing more


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I’d rather there not be any more fighting. However seeing as to how that’s an impossibility right now, I have to side with Assad.