Are vegans superior to weebs?

Are vegans superior to weebs?

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Poor guy. What condition does he have?

>castrated Nigerian
>shit tier genetics

Nope. Being left-wing is aggressive cringe, and being a vegan is, like all unnatural things, Left-Wing.

For the average ectomorph who lifts and doesn't juice, this is your destiny.

Everything is superior to weebs, talk about low hanging fruit.

chest gap

Nigeritus. It’s a birth defect that is getting all too common these days...

His chest looks weak as shit. Does he even lift brah?

Vegans are no different to herbivores. The lowest form of animalia.

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his genetics are so fucking BAD. and he's a little psycopath. he seriously wants to hurt people, he's a little freak that needs locked up.

>are autists superior to autists?

This guy admits to shitting massive blood and has hemorrhoids.

He's vegan.

You sound kinda intimidated.

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His body is fucking weird

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imagine how much less work he'd need to do if he just ate some animal corpses occasionally

Yet he looks better than you


Soylent Green.

why is he yellow?
bad liver?

i dont have the pic of his extremely fucked up midsection and chest, so this random vegan cuck pic is my only rebuttal

Attached: vegan cuck.jpg (661x673, 109K)

Why are some people’s pecs so round like boobies?

What exercise are they missing that connects it more to their shoulders and the middle of their chest?

If it's true I'm not batman

That chest

vegans living rent free in your nuts

is that why that nigger is turning green?

>Poor guy. What condition does he have?
testicular cancer

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>try vegan for a while
>tired and depressed all the time
I now know why vegans act like cunts 24/7.

whats he tryna gain? estrogen?

Why is that nigger half yellow!?

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because he is vegan

These fucking comments lmao

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Trips have scientifically named the condition

Is his liver failing?

how can such a buff chad talk like such a pussy

What's up with that moetron hairdo he has going on there?

>being vegan is left wing
don't know if AH was veggie or vegan
But it's not that simple.

>buff chad
Pick one

Who is this Shrek Jr.?

I guess I should put /s after chad next time like they do it on reddit

is that his actual color or is this shooped?

56% mutt like the majority of your cucked nation.

Niggers are superior to weebs
Jews are superior to weebs
Trash is superior to weebs

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What the actual fuck, he looks like a wasps nest fell on his head.

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if you're a faggot who doesn't do compound exercises. bitch

A very sexy man.

Not a chance

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This nigga ate so much greens he's turning into a tree

vegan photoshop and camera angels

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Everyone is superior to weebs.

He's getting choked by your mommy's clit. Such a bad condition.

he is soy huge

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It's not genetics. It's 100% his vegan diet. Plant-based proteins aren't complete proteins and a diet lacking in animal fat lacks the cholesterol groups needed to make hormones. Obviously this affects his glucagon, HGH and test but it probably also fucked up his cortisol and that's why he's angry and psycho. And as much as Jow Forums is in love with picrelated, just remember that her androgynous look is largely to do with her vegan diet and so was her attack on YouTube.

Fun fact: Emperors of old would use eunuchs to guard their harems because they knew they couldn't fuck and because their hormone imbalance made them extra irritable and violent.

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It's a fucking leaf, kill it with fire

He also shops his pics lmfao he's a tiny manlet

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Im an extomorph and I'm wayyy bigger than this fag, much much more aesthetic too. Compound lifting is key. Roids are for cowards

its called "gynecomastia". You should try it