I'm an Asian who supports white nationalism. AMA

I'm an Asian who supports white nationalism. AMA.

> And no, that's not me in the picture.

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you will never be allowed into the ethnostate. why the fuck...?

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God bless you asia bro

maybe he's sick of all the fucking bullies. fuck them why do they bully everyone except the fucking jews

>> And no, that's not me in the picture.

sure it isnt


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because he is not asian, just a 13 year old kid with big mountain dew tits trying to stir shit up, mos probably

White liberalism will create a "diverse" dystopia of half breed blacks with low intelligence and their leaders will be the same. Intelligent white people like the ones in the days of yore are the bulwark of western civilization, the best civilization. If liberals took over the west, they would have a weaker military who would not interfere in world matters, like with obama. Hence opening up my country to a Chinese invasion.

Asians can have their own ethnostates in their own homelands christ its like you never picked up a history book

an ideal world is a world where everyone who isn't white or asian doesn't exist.

I am not white (or at least, non-anglo white) and I support anglo-nationalism and majority white in America and the west. It just works.

We must secure an existence for Asian allies.

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No such thing.

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>I'm an Asian
stopped reading

Funny how they recently discovered that the Queen is supposedly related to Muhammad. Total propaganda.

asians are cool with that

they have low test and a low conquering drive so they are very content with having their own place separate from another group, with no chance to dominate another group

asians want us to be nazis because that means we will destroy their enemies for them

you should just support nationalism for everybody. nationalism is more pro-diversity than globalization ever could be.

(you)'re a retarded faggot. I tread where I please.

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>I'm a meek asian bottom looking for a masc white daddy


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Because Japan for the Japanese, we get it, that’s why

You wish you stupid commie faggot

>he still thinks his crapnostate will ever be a reality

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I'm also (half) Asian and support the creation of white ethnostates. I know what Canada once was and I'm sickened to see Toronto change over the decades into a completely different society. The quality of the people here are just terrible.

I often ask myself what would happen to me if such a state were to be created. Obviously I couldn't remain, but I would accept that outcome for the greater good. The white nations have provided so much to the world. They ended the dark ages and created the modern world. It is worth dying for.

I though that I may be of value to the movement to establish a white ethnostate. For a non-white to argue in defense of it, well, that suggests that you don't have to be a hateful, raving racist to support such an idea. I would lend the movement credibility. I don't want to be called an uncle Tom, but I will accept that when it comes about. The truth is that multiculturalism doesn't work for any nation. AMA if you want.

Hey memeflag, here's your proof.

Also, fuck you. People like you are part of the reason my country is fucked up.

What do you mean, non-anglo white?

I am stealing that.

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cheers asian bro.. im with you on that.

Jesus Christ I look like a druggie.

are you from ph? or did you have the chance of living in the white man's world?

I am a Filipino born in the Philippines, but I'm half Chinese. My dad could pass for a mexican.

I visited Switzerland, Germany, and France. This was before the whole diversity thing. Everyone was white and most of them were very sociable.

based flip bro

Why would he bother agitating for a flip ethnostate when he already has one and lives in it?

Good on you m8. I hope you and Duterte successfully purge the druggies and white degenerates from your country.


i envy you man, for having the taste of what the world is like outside this shit-hole of a country like ours..

>>White Neo-Nazi
>>They hate Asian Nationalist too
>>They are Nazi bandwagoned but they don't know anything about national socialism
>>Right now this board is become memes and troll !!!
>>I'm giving up National Socialist long time ago, Come here to check troll and bait thread
Go to training or learn some martial arts.
Don't waste your young life in here.

nice try commie rice nigger

Jow Forums has nothing against asian nationalism. They hate that white people aren't allowed to have the same thing, dumb fuck

I dont mind Asians in their own country, i just dont want them here.

God bless you respect pinoybro

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We still have nice places, Filipino bro.

Learn how to greentext, Charlie.

Thanks, but that's guaranteed to end in failure.

I wish more Southeast Asian countries were removing kebab


You know it, BLMbro

Yeah, sorry, but Australia scares me. Like, killer rabbits and shit. I ain't going there.

Thanks, HKbro. Stay independent from China.

What the fuck is that and how do I join them?

Nah, most Muslims here are moderate. And they respect us and we respect them.

im from mindanao btw.. everything here is "hellish" considering the fact that i live near goatfuckers and terrorists..

God i wish i was white..

Welcome to the fold brother

>What the fuck is that and how do I join them?
Google Mongolian nazis. That bald British guy did a documentary on them

nice try White sexpat faggot
Most of Jow Forums are Neo-Nazi, you can't change that
Yes me too. White for EU. Asian for Asia and Black for Africa. We must stop race mixing
Final advice:Watch Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told to know What is about National Socialism.
Go to gym and trainning. Make you stronger and keep searching about truth story about jews make you know about New World Order control by Jews. Don't listen any faggot user Jow Forums. This will drain you down and make you weak.
Your body and Your mind are matter.

Don't worry, 80% of the Philippines is Christian. If the Muslims became a problem, we'd do something about it.

Like, shoot them all.

Do you still have that president that killed all the druggies?

When those white nationalists come to take your land and abuse your people you are going to realize you wasted your effort in a bad way.

Mind your own business, concern yourself with your own problems. That was a friendly advice.

Yeah. But we still have a drug problem. The problem is that he sided with certain drug lords to take out others. I hope he wipes them out too.

How did you become so fucking cool?

I don't think there's ever been a snazzier looking uniform.

I support the white nationalists because they're the only people aside from conservatives who are against the globalists who would weaken the west and allow china to invade us. If the west remains strong, then the pact we made with America after Ww2 will be upheld.

based,also i what is your opinion of my country?

The west is allied with Saudi. They would sooner flood you with radical muslims than do you any favours. Moron.

Your country is a little shithole that isn't even worth 0.0000000000000001% of the oil the Saudi provides them.

>I hope he wipes them out too
Me too, bud

Mostly true but on occasion like maybe once every couple hundred years an Asian country flips out and does the whole mass-genocide and rape thing. Just something to be mindful of.

When I was younger, I thought nazis were evil like everyone else. Then i realized most of the young germans who fought and died were just there serving their country, no different from the Americans or British.

Most soviets were forced conscripts.

The death of nazi germany opened up to a liberal age of anti-totalitarianism that allowed too much for left wing degeneracy.

I eventually realised what was good before is bad now. I then came to support the right after looking into Trump.

Duly noted and NOTED!

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fuck globalism

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Watch this. If you're real National Socialist stop being faggot cuckold in realife and faggot on Jow Forums. I think you're retarded when you think I'm communist.
You're not National Socialist when you're weak and degenerate.
But I think you don't know what is National Socialism?
Watch this you faggot stop cuckold and want White notice to you.
You can become stronger and make them respect you back.
I'm respect White Nationalist but only They respect me back. Don't be a cuckold faggot user Philippines

Hey memeflag, we kill Muslims here. And just because saudi arabia is allied to them doesn't mean they'll put muslims here. There's no evidence to that, you shill.

>> learn Engrish, like super trooper
>> why is evelyone become raugh on me?
>> because the mix from l and r, sometime?
>> por is lacist!

>doesn't mean they'll put muslims here.
They had higher priorities than your country. But they will get around to you eventually.

And when that time comes, they will not be your friend, they will be Saudi and Israel's friend.

>My dad could pass for Mexican
My dad is Irish and Filipino, but wears cowboy boots because he's from Texas. Everyone thinks he's a Mexican.

What is your country?

I want to be allied, but not mixed. I still favor my own country's interest. But that's why i support America, it's in my country's interest to do so. Also what are you if you're not a communist? Doesn't Vietnam forbid other ideologies?

Thanks, I hope the AFD wins.

>They hate Asian Nationalist too
What the fuck are you talking about?

I was National Socialist but I'm tired and giving up.Natsoc was great but their spirit is gone Right now I'm Ethno Nationalist and many young Viets are nationalist.
Listen to me young user philipines, don't waste your time in here. You can become strong by trainning and love your people and your country.
This board long time will drain you down, make you become weak mind. You can respect White or any race nationalist but you need make you strong first.
The world is cruel don't trust any race, trust your people first. Do you know what I feel?
I'm love Hitler and I'm still but right now most white nationalist they're not true Natsoc.
We can respect them if they respect us back and don't depend on them !!! You can red pilled and keep training make you healthy. Go to real life and enjoy it. Just like I said : Body and Mind are matter.

>Vietnam being commie globalists
I guess Lyndon Johnson was right after all.

Hi I'm a white who supports Asian nationalism. Want to get the band back together and conquer Manchuko?

Long but I think I get it. I too want a world where all races are strong and have their own separate societies.

Except for Muslims.

I agree, but places like these are great for venting.

Sounds fun.


What is your country?

Portugal my asian amigo

You too, were once a world power. I wish you luck in Europe's upcoming muslim crisis and hope your country can return to its former glory.

Also the guy who discovered us was Portuguese so kudos. Sorry we killed him.

jesus thats really nice,i also wish fortune and good things for your country to come.

Yeah we are not being hit nowhere as hard with the muslims here as the rest of the euros,its not really a problem here yet.hope it stays that way

Ph iq is 86 they are niggers of asia

Since this is still up, I’ll throw in my 2cents. I grew up in Appalachia, so very few minorits(at the time, thanks king nigger). However I came across and befriended three Asians, one Korean, one Filipino, and the other, well I never asked, SEA though. All three were pro white, loved the West, and where 1st and 2ed gen Americans. They always remarked how you never heard of Asians being talked about by the bleeding hearts Democrats when they talked about the poor minority’s. It was always blacks, blacks, and latter moslems(lol again religion is a race) and eventually latinos. They were already what we today call red piled, but as years went on they learnt the horrible truth. The powers to be(liberals, socialists) had no place for them in their new world(this was 00’s so Canada and Australia had not yet opened wide for Asian migrants). They even saw Asian countries getting blacked(which we see today) and others islamizing. In short, they knew they would be next after whitey was dealt with.
I lost contact with my gundam brothers, you need to understand that most school friendships don’t last long in small towns, not when everyone is trying to leave for a better life. One, sadly was KIA serving his country (USA). I know some will laugh, but we graduated in 05, he enlisted asap, and was serving in 06, same year he died. He enlisted for revenge due to 9/11, not to die for some Jews. He could have been a doctor, but instead wanted to defend his country, it’s truly not fair what happened to him.

Anyway, I see Asians, even Indians as brothers, as most I have met have proved that to be so. Sadly, 3rd generation ones seem to be going full lefty, which kills me to see.

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Retarded scum. No wonder why you're the niggers of Asia.


Funny, coming from a Canuk. Have fun with your cuck of a leader.

Filipinos aren't asians, they're niggers.

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False alarm lads. Dirty nigger filipinos aren't true Asians. They literally suck the dick of any oppressor they have, conditioned after 400 years of Spanish rule.
Vietbros are nominally Asians, depends on the concentration of Chinese blood he has.

Whites are inferior on every level and to create a progressive and technologically advanced world they must be wiped out alongside the blacks, browns and anything in-between. They are too violent, too low IQ and have an inbuilt superiority complex.

You know European Jews own the world, right?

Why the fuck are you jerking it to a north korean cartoon?

Haha go to bed Mahmoud. Soon the brits will kill all you dirty sand niggers

Because the Norks created the greatest furry cartoon in Asia's history, while "Filipinos" created the Nutshack which is arguably the worst adult cartoon in animation history. That's how much "culture" you chink-negroite mutts have.

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Eugh. You're lower than fucking jews for even being attracted to an animal.

You mutts are hated by almost all asians, the only history you have is getting raped in the ass by colonizers. From the Chinks, to the spainards and then finally the Amerimutts.

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Kek. Look at the furry.

Right back at you, Jorge

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Y the fuck they acting like Americans

Oh god hes a spic of Asians.

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>suck the dicks of amerimutts for over hundred years
>literally are the rapebabies of spaniards, negroites and chinks
>wow why the hell are they acting like americans?

The only reason you're allying with whites is because nobody that's asian would care about you guys getting nuked. Guess what, we don't care either.

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Goddamn, the Nazis had 10/10 fashion

is that you in the picture?

Ethical leftist cucks would. And you'll be extinct in a few hundred years anyway. Guess who'll care? Nobody. Cracker boy.