Ben Shapiro is a sharp analyst, I sincerely doubt that he would repeat bogus info. Does this mean that WW3 is officially /happening/?

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Other urls found in this thread:

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you could have at least put in some effort

>Be Russia
>Winning proxy war
>false flag and attack yourself
What? Why?

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The story doeasn't have to make sense and the Goyim will still believe it

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nigga, everyone only likes him cause burns liberals at the logic argument game. everyone knows where is allegiance lies.

go home pizza boy!

>ascribing rationality and gainful decisionmaking to Slavs

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Makes about as much sense as people claiming Israel carried out the chemical attack on the village.

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This is actually President Trump here. I am going to recommend a full-scale military response based solely on this post. I hope you're happy for yourself OP.

>all other world leaders are secretly incompetent and clueless
American education, lads

nice try schlomo, but nobody is claiming that, the attack was probably done by "moderate rebels (tm)"

Israel just used the attack as an excuse to bomb bomb bomb Assad


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You fucking, lying kike.

>russians launching a false flag attack on syria pretending to be israelis to damage israel/us relations makes no sense!

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makes more sense then Syria did, when ISIS is already beat, rebels are fleeing everywhere, syrian army is winning on every front, USA is leaving .... so Assad just decides to start gassing people .... wtf

obviously a false flag, a grade one could figure this out


Yeah those classic Russians actively working to damage their biggest ally in the Middle East, towards losing their only base in the Mediterranian and attracting EVEN MORE SANCTIONS that increase instability. Those fuggin Russians man. Surely this has nothing to do with Genie Energy's interest in the Golan Heights they can't get to if there's Assad Regime's army around, as well as Iranians.

fugg dose Russians ;_;

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But if Israel carried out the attack there would at least be the logical motive of drawing the US back into the war.

The only possible Russian motive I can think of would be to turn the US against Israel. Now that I think about it, it's possible, but in that case I support them fully.

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average burger wouldn't question this

if trump wants the us to leave and it looks like israel is starting shit to pull them back in, it will damage israel/us relations.

lmao, what is this, Israel begging the U.S to take the blame for this shit?
fuck that

This is fake, fellas. Actual Tweet says Israel.

Could be the US false flagging as Israel through the rebels.

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if russia attacked the base in syria then russia is a traitor to the other alliance. not exactly sure what to call them

its been speculated that they had been to friendly with the west and the last instance where the russians attacked the american base in syria then left syria left syria in a awkward situation. it gave america a excuse to stay and russia left. what followed was as odd but it seemed half hearted. this had happened before under the previous administration. its like some little song and dance russia does to stir shit up and then america claims syria used chemical weapons again. both times

this isnt something russia fears being outed but it would make them far less useful to the west which the west fears since the west is to chicken shit to fight now. they actually expect russia to ruin itself fighting the others so they can then destroy russia. so if it cant sucker punch any one then this becomes a mexican standoff and nothing happens as it has been for a long time

israeli false flag

Thank you mister president
*rubs hands*

picture would be better if it included the white house's statement that we will remain in syria

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>Chem attack
Assad you cunt how could you do that,DOWN WITH THE (Russian) DICTATOR
>Attack on a millitary base
Egh, it's a Russian set up...? Yea.

Columbo is the best show ever made