What's going on with the Mexican drug war? And South American "narco-terrorism?" It's become trendy to make TV shows about larger than life figures such as Escobar or Chapo, but of course these are dramatised and intended for TV audiences. How do paramilitaries work in Mexico? As they have rather restrictive gun laws but their constitution still includes the right to bare arms. Are people really getting their heads cut off in droves or is there even more violence?
What's going on with the Mexican drug war? And South American "narco-terrorism...
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What happen is that wypipo are fucking degenerates who can't stop doing drugs so they are runing México with their shit.
For the most part Mexico is just a method of transportation and to centralise smuggling rather than actually using drugs right?
Yes it all goes to the degenerate West
It gets made in Colombia and México is trapped as a transport route because of the long border
Cannabis too the West is the one with the problem, this wouldn't happen if druggies were shot on the spot
Nothing new really other than the addition of heroin to the traditional coke
I'm doing my term paper on this and I have ten books in front of me on this exact subject.
What do you want to know?
Mexico has its own internal drug market, but it goes
US > EU > domestic market
Mexico now has an addict population large enough to make a good profit on, and a whole lot of killings in certain areas are to control the local markets.
Your pathetic corrupt excuse for a government can’t even keep the north of their country under control and you still have the nerve to blame America for this? Fuck you. And you wonder why people want a wall.
What is the impact of Mundus Millenialis on the rest of Mexico? Are they immune to the disease that they spread, or is it much, much worse there than everywhere else?
Just to give a hint as to the sheer size of the problem...
This is the seizure of 500 tons of precursor chemicals for making met that belonged to the Sinaloa Cartel.
Do you need pics for your term paper?
Probably not but if you have cool shit you want to dump don't let me stop you.
>Are people really getting their heads cut off in droves or is there even more violence?
As the bigger cartels get targeted they fragment. As as the capos who are the real movers and shakers get locked up of killed. they are replaced with lower level operatives who are more brawn then brains.
The result is that Mexico now is at a new level of violence.
Will start with the "Hollywood stuff" Money, bling, etc.
Then i'll get to the nitty gritty.
The DEA had a doctrine of using HVT raids to disrupt cartels. They had Army Special Forces train them how to conduct HVT extraction operations from helicopters.
It worked pretty well in Colombia, so the DEA then taught the Mexicans how to do it.
As it turns out, this did not work well.
Big difference is that the situation Mexico is far larger, in people and terrain, with much more players, that have been at it far longer than their Colombian counterparts.
Add the traditional Mexican corruption and it's a way more difficult situation.
>you still have the nerve to blame America for this
Yes user the US is completely guilt-free in the war against drugs
Oddly enough, I think Colombia has a more functional political system and state.
They've had regular multiparty elections since La Violencia ended, and the judiciary regularly fucks corrupt politicians.
>I think Colombia has a more functional political system and state.
You are very correct. Even Colombia at it's worst during the Escobar days was in better shape than Mexico.
It never ceases to amaze me that Latin American corruption can fuck up countries worse than actual civil wars.
Like, Guatemala had a full-on genocide and they're still better off than Honduras.
Colombia just started demobilizing guerrillas and they're still better off than Venezuela.
It's mind boggling.
Moving on to weapons.
One to to note is that sure weapons do come from the US. But that is somewhat of a red herring. The majority of the weapons down there actually come from Military/Police/Government sources. It's not unusual for weapons to be sold multiple times as they are seized by the authorities then corrupt officials get a hold of them.
That was before the 80s, now is a profitable market, same with Brazil, Colombia and Argentina.
Mexican here, I live in the southeast of Mexico I had never heard a gunshot never seen a body or a drug of any kind until 2006. My town was very tranquil I remeber the major news were someone who stole fish from a fishmarket that was about as hardcore as it got. Then there was a presidential election some people say there was electoral fraud and the denied to recount the ballots, the guy who "won" took a strong militaristic tone as a way to look more respetable, he reached an agreement where he would help the cartel of El chapo who would control all Mexico and in return finance him and stop the deaths, during this government the chapo cartel reached its peak even desplacing the colombians from european markets, while the government attacked the zetas, the familia michoacana and ohers who were enemies of el chapo with the idea that if there was one guy ruling all there would not be drug wars. well it was the oposite cartels passed from 6 to over 30 smaller and more violent, my city started seeing people mising, doctors, small bussiness owneers and other being kidnaped, my neighbour got kidnapped and then killed when he went to the police to report the crime >/. some young people moved in his house I mean people like 8 or 9 guys and around 2 were girls. my car got stolen , and young women vanished it was an escalation of fear like i cant explain it was so peacful before, even my grandmother could not recal a time it had been this violent. th worst was around 2012, You could hear cars racing even grenades were trown and a family died. I would say the drug was started as a political move that turned the country into a bllodshed the violence that was only in the borders spread everywhere like a fire that is still out of control.
Drugs have been kept illegal to provide untraceable financing for CIA projects
How did drug smugglers go from making most of their money off bringing in weed to the states to being paramilitaries and having international influence?
Get real or GTFO out of this thread.
If you check the maps I posted it's mostly degenerate white fucks using drugs. The drugs flow to the West.
I want to know the history of the drug cartels in Mexico user you got a problem with that?
wrong, 87% are from America and 10% imported via guatemala
A good starting point i would suggest for you is Borderland Beat.
Go all the way to the start of that site and you'll learn a lot.
Also highly suggest the writings of Charles Bowden.
Yes, the CIA has made drugs illegal in literally every country in the world throughout all of history basically.
Do you bother to give one critical thought to conspiracy theories before posting them?
Every state in the continent is involved, the profits are too high. Some states control the main cartels, some prefer joint ventures.
Try again.
Even Heckler & Koch was caught selling weapons illegally daown there.
>huur the ebil whites made me hack apart my rivals with a chainsaw
Do the vigilante paramilitaries actually accomplish anything?
Because that's were the money is. In Africa for example there is a quite large addict population but no money.
Speaking of which, not only is Africa a favored transshipment point but it is now in the infancy of becoming a manufacturing point as well.
Three big factors.
First of all, in the nineties the Colombian cartels got rekt by a coordinated effort by the US and Colombian governments, and the Caribbean smuggling routes were mostly shut down.
This meant that in a fairly short period of time, 95% of cocaine imported into the US was suddenly going through Mexico. That translates to maybe thirty billion dollars a year.
Two, Mexico became a democracy. For a long time, the AFI, the Mexican equivalent of the FBI, was effectively one of the main drug cartels in the country. Mexico was a one party state, elections weren't competitive, and drug traffickers could pay to stay off the radar. Cartels didn't have armies, because they didn't need armies, they could rely on the government.
When the PRI lost their grip on power, all of the relationships that kept the peace were suddenly severed, and the government still had no experience actually fighting drug trafficking. This led to an explosion of violence as the cartels switched from bribery to violence.
Third, a shitload of Mexican special forces guys defected to the cartels in the nineties. They eventually became Las Zetas, who were the first of the archetypal narco-insurgents. These were trained by the Green Berets, and were supposed to be Mexico's key to winning against the cartels. Instead, they brought a huge amount of discipline, training, and professionalism to the cartels.
yes, a good chunk of the business
Not him but of course our degenerate fucking society created the Cartels indirectly.
Depends on where they are and who they are dealing with. Also note that in a few cases the cartels actually set them up as cover.
And it’s degenerate spics who use guns flowing from the West.
What else is the West supposed to do to stop people from using drugs other than banning them? Making them legal is not a real fucking option.
This. This. This.
One thing to note. Of the core original Zetas 12 IIRC were special forces (GAFE). The rest were elite light and motorized infantry with one being an MP and another a noncombat support MOS which i forgot.
I was wondering how the totalitarian nature of Mexico’s history had affected the drug trade, as Mexico has certainly had tumultuous politics for most of the 20th century, but until recently Mexico was a one party state. So state cronyism fell through and the cartels took authority into their own hands?
There was always a sense of rules and regulations between the state and the narcos. Once the PRI was voted out, the relationship crumbled and all bets were off.
>wealthier countries do more drugs
hurrrr durrr
If you look at alcohol consumption it looks the same you retard. It has nothing to do with "degeneracy", just people having more disposable income.
addictions are epidemics so you do the same, invest in finding good treatments
Here is one of the powerhouses that made things happen. One of the true few that revolutionized the narco world.
Based Sinosphere learned its lesson
When there was a stable, monolithic political machine, it was easy for cartel managers to form working relationships with party bosses.
Now, both the cartels and the political scene are much more tumultuous. The guy you paid for may leave the next election and take his promises with him.
So cartels decide to just incapacitate entire institutions. Don't bribe one mayor, make the entire mayor's office useless.
Back when the cartels were weaker and the government more authoritarian, the military routinely used to disappear cartel members just to show the US they were fighting crime and to show the smugglers who was boss.
“Wypipo” can’t stop spics from brutally killing each other to make a buck selling life-destroying addictive substances to other people. The only thing that can solve their problem as a society is to put their foot down on not tolerating people who pursue such a despicable tribal life style.
The things that the Cartels do shouldn’t be tolerated by any reasonable person. I remember some liveleak where the cartels abducted some cop broke up a drug ring, and then they tortured both him and his son in front of each other in unimaginable ways, and people in Mexico are “fine” with that bullshit? It is every person’s duty in society to find the motherfuckers who pull that shit and put a bullet right in their heads. Why the fuck do you make excuses for lowlifes who do this shit?
There a huge speed addiction problem in Asia. It's mainly locally made stuff though, so it doesn't really make the news much.
The judiciary gets assassinated quite often
Go after the users, not the suppliers.
Make rehab both free and mandatory for anyone who gets caught with drugs.
Yeah, but that doesn't stop them.
Politics and power > citizens
I understand where you're coming from and do fell solidarity with your views. But your post reveals a complete lack of of any but the most surface knowledge of the situation.
>very tranquil
Use google, man. Which state?
Great post
The biggest factor is number 2.
PRI used to pay off and look the other way with the cartels. The better policing in Colombia directed US attention towards Mexico which then began a full blown drug war once PRI fell in 2000-2006.
The new political parties had no reason to respect old security pacts and deals. For good reason.
He meant peaceful. And he is talking about Veracruz.
Forget Hollywood. Here is reality.
My bad. Made a mistake with the youtube link.
>Go after the users
The US literally did that in the War on Drugs and it did absolutely fucking nothing. Criminalizing drug use did absolutely nothing, and if anything, only fueled addictions even further.
It’s the suppliers that need to be taken out. Addicts are simply responding to a biological urge to use drugs.
Much less than Europe.
If the Sinosphere had a bad drug problem, violent crime rates would not be the lowest in the world.
Higher drug prices incentivize much more dangerous versions of the drug
Are you sure about that?
Do you think eventually the military will become tired of the corruption that is fucking them up?
The big problem with the War on Drugs is that it was mainly about rounding up low level drug dealers for mandatory minimum sentences.
If you're a 17 year old selling heroin out of a project block, the government will spend 30 grand a year for ten years to put you in a prison.
If you're a heroin addict, looking to kick the habit, you're on your own. Never mind the fact that it's cheaper to put somebody in rehab than prison, and the rehab is actually likely to reduce drug use by one person.
Supply interdiction simply does not work. When Pinochet killed off all the Chilean suppliers, Colombia took over. When the Colombian cartels were splintered and their leaders either killed or incarcerated, the trade moved over to Mexico. If Mexico ever regains control of the situation, the cartels will flee south to Central America, where the governments are even weaker.
>Trying to go against the laws of economics
Where there is demand there will be supply.
Organized crime is larger and has a tighter hold on the drug markets in Asia than in Europe. They traditionally have tacit agreements with local and regional governments to keep things in line.
All signs point to the cartels having pet generals by this point.
For example, the citizens in Juarez actually protested, demanding that the Mexican Army withdraw, despite the fact that Juarez was so shit that the city council petitioned the UN to send peacekeepers. The citizens said that the Army was defending the cartels from them, not the other way around.
The one institution in the country that seems mostly corruption free is the Navy, because who the fuck is going to bribe you while you're out on a boat in the middle of nowhere. Most of the really high profile raids have been the work of Mexican Marines.
It's happened in the past.
Yeah the Mexican navy has the highest arrest rate, the Mexican cartels almost never fuck with narco submarines like the southern Americans do, because the Mexican marines don’t give an inch. They also get fucked the most by retaliation attacks.
I admit I’m ignorant about the whole situation with the Cartels, but I just don’t believe that the solution to stopping them is telling other countries to just stop using drugs. Addicts only directly hurt themselves by using drugs, and it isn’t reasonable or humane to try and stop it by killing people who use drugs. It is however completely reasonable to kill people who torture other people to sell drugs to other people.
>When Pinochet killed off all the Chilean suppliers,
Wat, Chile is not a producer. Bolivia is.
Pinochet was very active in the drug trade via the pacific and sponsored a few bolivian coups (there were like eight coups between 1978-1982 and none for political reasons)
Where the Marina is, narcos surrender or die. Any capo who has a lick of sense either lays very low or gets out of the area.
Of course they have pet generals, even Galván Galván was one of them. I was talking about low-ranking officers and soldiers, who are constantly getting fucked as a consequence of corruption, and seem to be getting tired of it (e.g. torturing & killing off "prisioners" is becoming more and more common)
In the past two years one can see quite a number of cases where soldiers either finished off wounded or surrendered sicarios or shot them soon as they were rounded up.