Happy liberation day dane bros!

Happy liberation day dane bros!

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I’m not Danish, but I hope you have a nice holiday.

isnt your country full of muslims because they run your government?

Your not liberated at all when they control you and make laws against calling them out.

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Goat fuckers roaming the streets
Can't misgender or use hate speech


More like slavery.

It's ironic meme flag. Today marks the day Denmark was invaded by the German Reich

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You're thinking of Sweden

>Today marks the day Denmark was liberated by the German Reich

Not trying to be a dick but, your brainwashed to celebrate what they have dont to even get you to celebrate them taking control of you country.

Who knows how many babies they will eat to celebrate but you should seriously think about that, sorry to come off dickish, but if the truth hurts then that means your fighting it which means your waking up.

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Cheers beautiful brothers, have this rare Skurt of wisdom

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Liberation from what?

Anyway, ha en förträfflig dag kära nordmän! Skål!

You are talking about normies, normies will always be normies.
Also you spell like a nigger.

normies do what their told they live the dream.

Get woke to reality and spread the news of them behind the curtain because that is what that day is all about. Your celebrating them gaining control of you, freedom to become slaves and dont think they dont laugh and love every bit of watching it all.

:D oh yeah today is the day, you too!

> Burgers can't tell difference between Swedenstan and Denmark

OT: Cheers Denmark, though not cool what you did to German refugees after the war.

This is the day denmark was liberated during ww2

>Today marks the day Denmark was invaded by the German Reich
No it doesn't lol

It marks the day we were liberated from them.

Like you guys even know how to celebrate that shit (;

Oh i see! A day of grief :(

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"Liberated" what even is the big difference between us? Its not like we would be a completely foreign power. Your history with us saxons goes back thousands of years we live nect to each other already. I feel weird when i say foreigner in context to a dane because it doesnt feel like the right word really.

They wren't even allowed to fly their flag.
You see the nazis as these culture preserving nationalists when the fact is that they were just as bad as marxism when it comes to culture.




Oh right, today is that day Germany conquered Denmark overnight or whatever

I think any illusion of Dane-German brotherhood was snuffed out pretty conclusively at the end of WW2: spiegel.de/international/denmark-s-myths-shattered-a-legacy-of-dead-german-children-a-355772.html

"In the final weeks of the war, between February 11 and May 5, about 250,000 German refugees fled across the Baltic Sea to escape the sinking German Reich. Most were from East Prussia, Pomerania and the Baltic provinces and were fleeing the Soviet Army. And most were women, children or elderly. A third of the refugees were younger than 15 years old.

When they landed, they found themselves stranded in putative freedom and at the start of a new martyrdom. The refugees were interned in hundreds of camps from Copenhagen to Jutland, placed behind barbed wire and guarded by heavily armed overseers. The largest camp was located in Oksboll, on the west coast of Jutland, and had 37,000 detainees.

Nutrition was terrible, medical care was miserable. In 1945 alone, more than 13,000 people died, among them some 7,000 children under five. According to Lylloff's research, more German refugees died in Danish camps, "than Danes did during the entire war." Lylloff, a long-time senior physician and department head of immunology in Hilerod near Copenhagen, examined 6,200 death certificates and 6,500 grave stones. The result: A dissertation ("Children or enemies?") and a crushing verdict on members of her own profession: "What kind of monsters masquerading as human beings were those Danish doctors of 1945?" she asks.

Lylloff discovered that the Danish Association of Doctors had decided in March 1945 that German refugees would not receive any medical care. That same month the Red Cross refused to take any action, according to the newspaper "Politiken," because public sentiment was "against the Germans." The result: 80% of the small children that landed on Denmark's shores did not survive the following months.

Horrible grammar, I actually don't understand what you're trying to say.
Maybe come back when you've started in High School.

>though not cool what you did to German refugees after the war.
It was hardly their responsibility to protect people from a nation that had just invaded them though.
Germans are dumb and deserved to suffer the consequences of their actions

i'll drink to that!!!

Have a nice holiday.

Yay, i think.

And we got some of the children to clean the beaches of mines after the war, so yeah, we weren't fans of the Germans I'll tell you that much.

Denmark is based

?! You mean the night of the 4th of May?

Most people starved during and in the aftermath of WW2, Each country had the prerogative to "feed" it's own citizens first.
The Germans in the Danish camps where not treated any worse than the Germans in the allied occupied parts of Germany.

Also the camps where autonomous camps, the refugees where in charge of the camps, and the Danish military just kept them behind the barbwire.

No. Thats when we were occupied

true, based
ooga booga china man

on second day of resurrection celebration
wargs btfo

>Country is in yurope, ther4 is must be muslim-infested
>Mutt education

The eternal teuton btfo


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implying sweden ever created something beautiful and lasting

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>implying Sweden created Denmark
>not knowing Denmark is older.

Well these danes where scum obviously there are a lot of danes who are scum but so are the french

Meh, whatever.
I'd be surprised if there are any significant ammount of germans who actually know or care about that

>Well these danes where scum obviously
But the people that launched multiple unprovoked invasions totally weren't, right?

Figures. Incidentally are you aware that we Finns turned on you at the end of WW2 to keep soviets from focusing on Finland and instead rush B?

Being this retarded.
You do know how your landmass was created?

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I mean sure we Finns killed of like 30% of the soviet POWs (don't tell Russia), but letting more refugees, mainly women and children, die than you lost actual soldiers against enemy state really isn't something that can be justified.

>hide Swedish threads
>ignore swedish posters
>never reply to Swedes

Jeg kan anbefale jer alle at læse "Besat af myter"

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The danes attacked the hre several times even my city hamburg was under danish rule for a while but if the germans do it its wrong? Same logic like the disgusting french crying after we rekt them for napoleon and the countless other times they invaded german countries.

>muh Clausewitz
Lol you didn't beat the French.

>Rooting for the french
Certified scum

This was during the end the war though.

The Germans liked us and we got along perfectly fine until the (((resistance movement))) consisting of jews and communists, decided to blow up railway tracks, etc.

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Nope, I did not know we were even allies or that Finland played any significant role in WW2 beyond sniping russian soldiers left right and center during the winter war.

My rule of thumb: If someone needs to give me a history-lesson inorder for me to "understand" why I should hate a certain group of people in the present day, unless that information provides context for actual ongoing animosity and drama, I just dismiss it.
Case in point: I don't see any modern rivalry or animosity between germans danes or fins in any way that matters, so when it turns out Danes and Fins did shitty things to Germans back in the day that's just historical trivia and the only way I could get offended is if I was already looking for an excuse to hate on Danes or Fins. But I'm not, so whatever.

Grattis Guttær :D

Enjoy your independence lads.

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