Why do people dislike centrists?

Why do people dislike centrists?

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Because they are taking advantage of the fact that they are not in the driving seat of society to claim superiority from the sidelines, but shock horror their ideas are just as bad as most and would lead to their own problems.

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Their IQ's are 97-108.

they are spineless cowards

Centrist are just leftist lite.


Because its the most normie political conviction you can hold. It signifies nothing as centrism commonly draws from views people of all sides can agree upon. You are the political ideology of people that are happy with plain cheese pizza, Top 40 radio pop music and whatever moronic TV sitcoms the networks put on TV any given year. If that wasn't reason enough many centrists give off a smug attitude like they are very clever for believing in middle of the road political goals most sides would agree to anyway. That is why people dislike centrists

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True centrists who judge the centre by a historical standard are fairly based though, but that's like just left of what's described as far right.

They are like the fair-weather fans of politics.

Extremists are ideological retards that will never compromise.

Because the Jews have successfully fostered the us vs them mentality and driven both sides to such extremes that people in the center are seen as “them” by the people on both sides

Centrist are literally the most dishonest people in politics

They’re faggots who think that the answer is always “right in the middle.” They also suspiciously always seem to agree with the left

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Moderate right wingers have to identify as centrist, or everybody else would think muh edgy alt righter

Everyone who calls themselves centrist is a right winger.

>Loud House

Kill yourself memeflag

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Because centrists, like Leni, are dumb as shit and nowhere near as pure.

Because false dichotomies and whatnot. You're either "part of the solution or part of the problem", which is just a politer way of saying "you're either with us or against us"

Anyone who refuses to take a side is seen as a threat by both sides, when really we just want both sides to LEAVE US THE FUCK ALONE.

This isn't the case once you turn off your computer

Aka the only people that will actually end up doing something, the moment radicals start to push for something, centrists will eventually fall in line becouse they have no convinction to the cause or the will to change the status quo.
Zelots or fanatics(raidcals in one way or the other) are the best henchmen someone could ask for.

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it depends what you mean by centrist

Centrists fear standing up for any platform with conviction. To be a rationalist and seek a middle ground between conflicting ideals is normal but to live by this idea means that you are just a vessle, a doormat for other people's beliefs.
He who stands for nothing will fall for anything.

Centrist means you are comfortable in saying that you have no idea what the fuck you are talking about, and that worldly concepts are completely abstract and out of our reach and we move in a fully subconscious hivemind state

But it makes sense to be a fair weather fan so to speak when any side could fuck you at any given time. Look at the retards in /ptg/, sticking with a team sure is working out for them isn't it?

Because they want to feel smug and superior to anyone while also avoiding holding to any firm convictions

well that's more an argument for being independent

>why do people hate retards
well, its because you suck at thinking and tend to want to say retarded shit

..are just bullshitters who pretend everything is opposites with every solution in the middle

this is so retarded you should just stay off the internet

Because they barge into a discussion, say "both sides are bad," and then have no further input. Talking to someone who says that shit is like talking to someone who just started playing a video game that you solved years ago. Their retardation becomes very clear when it's something that has way more than just "two" sides and everyone knows it. It's obvious they don't give a shit about the discussion and are just fulfilling their need to feel superior to absolutely everyone despite knowing fuck all about the subject.
So it's not so much that people hate centrists, it's more that their input is valued less than anyone else's. If someone is a complete fucking retard they'll get more respect than a centrist as long as they're actually saying something.
Also a note to centrists. If everyone you interact with seems like an extremist then that says more about your position on the spectrum than it does about anyone else's.

Because no one can trust them, as they share no goal with anyone (because they have no real goal)

>that ID
>centrist opinions worth less than right wing opinions
Been outside lately bruv?

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In part because they both don't agree with them enough and agree with the opposing side too much.

In part because centrists can also come off as fence sitters too afraid to pick a side, not every problem has an answer that's in the middle ground.

I have no problem with people who happen to be centrists - Like they support a moderate amount of tax and social programmes but not wealth redistribution, but those who are "radical" centrists, I.e. they always plonk themselves in the middle on any issue and only mock the fringe lunatics on both side to make themselves feel superior, are fags.

Talking to retards doesn't count because that's always going to be retarded.

They're confused with moderates.

National Socialism is centrist.

yeah that's basically golden mean fallacy

I try to take a pretty impartial position on topics I'm not too familiar with and I like to hear and research multiple perspectives on the topics that I do find interesting. That being said, I find that it's pretty uncommon to remain in the middle on specific topics once you've become informed enough on them, even if you can acknowledge the pros and cons of opposing sides. Your convictions will fall closer to one side than the other.

I suppose you're right, mentally I kind of conflate the two with each other

This, true scum.

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Centrists are Chads while radicals are losers who crave attention for being lolsorandom snowflakes

Obviously speaking in generalities, but they like to lord it over people how superior and above it all they are while offering little themselves, with any genius epiphany they *do* offer usually being poorly considered and lukewarm.

it makes some sense. if you're independent that implies you have mixed stances or have some significant disagreement with the direction of a party. like to give an example a lot of posters here identify as conservatives but are anti-neocon

or faction within a party anyway.. could be that someone joined a party because of a specific issue or issues but doesn't have much else tying them to it. or they weren't "born into" that party

because they want their cake and eat it too.

>National Socialism is centrist.
Can you explain this a bit more?

third position

Because the only people aren't centrists are lefties. There is no centrism, only capitalism and socialism. The liberals picked their hill to die on, and it wasn't exploitation of third world workers, it wasn't even exploitation of first world workers, it wasn't racism or sexism, it was bawwwing about someone punched Richard Spencer and how Andrew Anglin should be allowed to give a primary school assembly about how we need gas the kikes and lynch black people. Liberals and the far-right are the same thing, if you don't believe me, go ask Dave Ruben.

>Why do people dislike centrists?
Centrists are people too cowardly to pick a side. You don't believe in anything. You have no convictions. No one respects a coward

Why are loudfags everywhere?

Centrists believe in the key tenets of social leftism which are equality and social justice whilst proclaiming themselves to be the common sense alternative to "extremist ideologies"

>Liberals and the far-right are the same thing
What? Liberals hate racism and always say "fuck capitalism" (while being total hypocrites of course). And at the same time every Liberal labels themselves as left wing.

Centrist /=/ Chaotic Neutral

What definition of Liberal are you using? Most Democrats are actually socialists, they're only voting democrat because America's overton window is so far right it makes the Tories look like the Communist Party. Liberals are capitalists like Locke and Ayn Rand.

R K Rowling.

I'm sorry?

pretty much this. most centrists are leftists that are tired of defending their positions. Typically they'll claim what they believe is a safe leftist ideology and say they're also fiscally conservative, when the majority of "safe" leftists ideology and fiscal conservatism are mutually exclusive.

As an example of a person who exemplifies "liberal" in the modern usage.

You mean J K Rowling? And yeah, she is. What hilarious is how the right try to make her out to be a lefty when she's a TERF, a Tory and is hated by Labour supporters for frequently spreading lies about Corbyn.

>just want to enjoy sitting on my porch
>this makes me a centrist according to larping faggots on Jow Forums

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The dems are worse than that: they're communist.

Shit, that's what I get for not double checking. Yeah, of course.

The left and right flap belong to the same cunt.
reply to this post with " wahhh :'( wahhhh" words while I close this thread

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Socialists are communists you wacko. You can't really "be" communist, communism is something that comes about naturally after socialism. Aside from Anarch-Communists, not many people think we could transition into communism any time soon.

because they are cucks who cant choose a side

Still a lefty. Anything with "radical feminist" in the name is well left of centre.

>A Tory
As the party that legalized gay marriage that means roughly Zero. Also, is she? Always had her pegged as labour.

>Everything else about her
She's someone to point to whenever someone says "SJWs don't exist in real life". A walking caricature. She may not be a communist, but she's nowhere near right wing other than possibly with regards to money.

>Still a lefty. Anything with "radical feminist" in the name is well left of centre.
She's a reactionary transphobe. That is right wing.

>As the party that legalized gay marriage that means roughly Zero. Also, is she? Always had her pegged as labour.
Yeah, she hates Corbyn and agrees with austerity. Also, you're just making your own standards of left and right. If don't support equal rights for trans people and you agree with fucking austerity, you're not on the left.

>She's someone to point to whenever someone says "SJWs don't exist in real life"
More uninformed right garbage. You don't have a clue what you're talking about, you're just parrot talking points you've read on Jow Forums. Fine, she's a left winger who everyone on the left hate then.

>radical feminism, something rooted in Marxism
>right wing
>reactionary transphobe
>meaning anything other than you are even further to the left than an already hard lefty and that your side is eating itself with it's -ism witchhunts

>Yeah, she hates Corbyn and agrees with austerity. Also, you're just making your own standards of left and right. If don't support equal rights for trans people and you agree with fucking austerity, you're not on the left.
Ah, so New Labour plus not *entirely* bonkers then.

>More uninformed right garbage. You don't have a clue what you're talking about, you're just parrot talking points you've read on Jow Forums. Fine, she's a left winger who everyone on the left hate then.
You're right to hate her. But she is one of yours. She would not be caught dead anywhere near any of us. She's retconning harry potter to have all the characters be non white ffs.

Actually, feminism was inspired by both marxism and capitalism. I mean, the fucking core tenant of classical liberalism was "equality" (only under a definition that wasn't actually equality) and freedom for everyone, so its only natural the first feminists would jump onto that.

>But she is one of yours
She's a capitalist mate. Whether you like it or not, capitalism is perfectly willing to be racist, sexist, homophobic, whatever or inclusive whenever it suits it.

Because they are fence sitting motherfuckers.

Pick a side, faggot.

>implying anarchists are right wing

>She's a capitalist mate. Whether you like it or not, capitalism is perfectly willing to be racist, sexist, homophobic, whatever or inclusive whenever it suits it.


Left and right has not been about economics since the fall of the Berlin wall (which showed that communist economics simply do not work).

Nowadays most non commie lefties would say that you need capitalism on a pragmatic level if you want to have any sort of economy, but they have not dropped anything else from the agenda.

This, and the smart ones are evil neoliberals

Communist economies do work, the capitalists just do everything they can to fuck them up. And capitalist economies don't work, they don't work for anyone except the rich. Its just capitalists define "what works" by how much it generates for them. Anyway, fine, we can argue about semantics all day, but when push comes to shove, she's going to be supporting you, not us.

They don't add anything to a discussion and are pussies

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>Communist economies do work, the capitalists just do everything they can to fuck them up.
The classic response. The same is true in the other direction. Remember that whole cold war business. Yet one imploded dramatically while the other is still here and working to this day.

>Anyway, fine, we can argue about semantics all day, but when push comes to shove, she's going to be supporting you, not us.

Ok. It was irrelevant to my point anyway. What I think doesn't matter here, what they do does.

And no, she wouldn't. You are aware what Jow Forums is all about right? She would run a mile before even breathing the same air as us. If she could push a button and have us deleted from the world she would.

Because extremism is more retarded.

Imagine you could either fail bigly or win bigly yet you decide to be a luke warm cup of water faggot instead.

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They dont know anything. There's no sides to choose you just either know how the world works or you don't

Because they always choose the middle road in an attempt to please everyone which in the end leads to no real changes being made and the situation staying exactly the same as it was before. Also they're incredibly smug about it too.

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Centrists are just people who didn't do the research and don't want to offend anyone by choosing a real position on a matter, even if they know it to be true if they did research it.

Fuck off loudfag nobody likes your pedo shit

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Fence sitters are complete retards and will often vote based on some tabloid news story before the election over actual policy reasons. If you do not belong to a specific political party your voice should not count. Pick a side, if you don't like it, switch, but stop acting like you aren't just as part of the problem as everyone else.

souce of his art?

Thry are people who claim the superiority of indecision.

same reason people dislike atheists.

theyre just faggots who think theyre better than everyone else(theyre not).