when Isreal gets nuked?
How many Jews will die
This is Happening.
Probably a well calculated number worked out to cause most feels across as wide a demographic as possible.
Not all of them.
over 9000
Not enough
This, unfortunately.
Not enough.
Six gorillion goy, duh.
Will it be Russia? ISIS?
Will Isreal nuke itself?
Israel is not going to get 'nuked'. You're a child,
Does that mean... s-six(6) million?
Kek has Spoken.
So it is written.
So shall it be.
Assuming some survive, it might actually hit 6 million this time, but the radiation exposure even in Israel's bomb shelters will probably render entire generations of kikes hideous mutants.
My guy, they blocked 4chin when I was only any of the major FOBs.
question. why are jews allowed to be any race any background anything you can quite literally just say Im jewish with no proof. is everyone a jew?
stop being a stupid faggot retard cunt nigger jew dickfuck
Why do they keep doing this? "Hurr durr let's just do some false flags to get the USA to fight our battles, it'll work if we keep doing it!"
Literally zero.
You really think Israel will get attacked with nuclear weapons?
I am not a Goy for Israel. I'd have happily had your head.
heaps bro
This, according to the Torah Israel and it's inhabitants are an abomination in the eyes of Yaweh.
Hassidic (anti-Israeli) Jews are pretty bro tier.
The evidence is undeniable.
nice rare
6 000 000. This time for sure.
not enough
(((contractor))) copy that homie
6 millions real time
not enough
They'll be sure to add a few extra 00s onto it
All of them, hopefully.
> trump will win with 500 electoral votes in the mid-terms
KEK. I didn’t realize Trump was running for Congress in 2018. Just like I didn’t realize they utilized the electoral college for congressional seats.
Don’t get me wrong, I’d love for this to be true, but it’s just too retarded.
Not enough
You missed the and in that sentence
they already are hideous mutants
About 1% of the number of Iranians
>wanting one of the most advanced regions in the world nuked just to appease your desire for happenings
also i'm pretty sure that'd kill 90% of israeli Jow Forums posters
also it won't happen
Wow. That's surprisingly few. Nice find!
Not enough, it's never enough
I do not want this to happen, nor do I want this to not happen. I merely Herald the Word of Kek.
your shit mossad and zionist fucks running your fucking country and infiltrating ours are the ones to be blamed when you get nuked, rabbi.
also you should probably lay off the fucking foreskins shit looks retarded as fuck to the rest of the developed world.
Clearly it'll take a few.
You faggots still think that Israel is real?
Wake up sheeple, Israel was invented by the jews so white people will hate the middle east!
Who cares?
Soon they will be a rare flag.
Active duty? Got any info on the inside? Or just a based islandbbro?
Based island bro.
One of the few ones who has seen what's been happening with the world. Read the kolbrin Bible.
Trying to control evey thing does not work and if actually read the actual bible jews are not the anything special
Kolbrin does not mention Jews.
I spent 3 years in Hawaii. Why dont you guys have stateship? Does Guam want stateship?
Got lots aloha for the island bruddahs
6 million but for real this time
>How many Jews will die
none, there are no jews in israel
imagine russia and china nuking israel while usa refusing to help kikes because of decades of espionage against them.
>imagine US not being goys
I dont have such vivid imagination.
>middle east
>most advanced in the world
choose one
soon i hope
>the self immolating jew
I hear orthodox Jews are ok and that the Zionists/neo-Jews/Talmud Jews are what is fucking jewing the whole planet.
Is this correct?
Israel will be destroyed.
>That's surprisingly few. Nice find!
I tried moving the impact point around, especially inland towards the airport, so not to waste the bomb's effects on the ocean, but I couldn't up the kill count.
Tel Aviv's population must be really concentrated around the downtown area.