Europe before

>Europe before

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>Europe now

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He is

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So powerful... made me think.

Posting this every day

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He needs to go faster.

Where’s this photo been taken?

all tobacco is brown Pekka

racists btfo



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Why does it matter which year it is?

what a stupid question. kys

why do you keep posting the same thread OP

That sounds pleasant.

>Dem trips
Repent, OP.

You can't even reply idiot. Why does it make a difference whether you smoke in 1970, 2018 or 2050

Because they used to market smoking as medicinal and good for you, so falling for it was understandable. Now everyone knows that cigarettes are cancer sticks that make you smell like absolute shit, so you have to be a complete moron to start smoking now.

I dont agree. The smell of a smoker's car is fucking amazing.

The prices are listed in Thai Baht I think.


all filters are white tho paska blyat


Is Europe the filter, the tar or the hand?

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Checked and keked

nowadays people go for drugs and sexual orgies