John D Rockefeller died in 1937 with $360 billion.
In 1934 he put his money in a trust fund that tracked the S&P500. Since 1934 the total return of the S&P500 index is 1250%.
This would make the Rockefellers worth $4.5 Trillion.
John D Rockefeller died in 1937 with $360 billion.
In 1934 he put his money in a trust fund that tracked the S&P500. Since 1934 the total return of the S&P500 index is 1250%.
This would make the Rockefellers worth $4.5 Trillion.
and they're a rothschild relative that used to sell "snake oil" as a remedy for cancer, funny enough after the oil boom they started the pharmacological industry and developed chemotherapy, which does more harm than the snake oil ever did.
zuckkerfuck is a direct descendant
Rockefeller Center in N.Y. Is across the street from Kushners 666 Fifth Avenue. The Center is full of Illuminati symbolism.
Like The Rothschild’s they never disclose their true wealth.
David Rockefeller was referred to as a robber baron
It's almost as if accumulating unnecessarily massive amounts of wealth is easier when you're already rich! Oh wait, no sorry, it's the Jews.
JIDF out in full force today
My point still stands, friend. You are using Jews as a scapegoat for problems exacerbated by capitalism itself, instead of actually analysing the problem.
>capitalism is the problem
>Jewish communism kikery is the solution
Neck yourself, kike.
>John D Rockefeller died in 1937 with $360 billion.
How much would those 360 billion be worth today? That's the real question
>mfw my net worth is $480,000 at 26
>mfw gonna inheritance $600k-$650k from my granddad when he dies (hes 96)
Feels good to know that I can just throw most of it into an index fund - and retire
Wait, I thought Jews were the super wealthy and powerful? Now they want to forfeit their money and power in favor of communism? Man, it's really hard to keep up with all these roles they're filling. It's almost like it doesn't even matter, and that you'll just use them as a scapegoat whenever it's convenient.
>he thinks the people on top have to give up their money in a communist society
haha, you really have no idea how this world works, do you?
He didn’t die with 360 billion, that’s today equivalent my bruz.
>implying elite party members give up wealth instead of consolidating it
You must be the newest fag on this entire website. Kikes literally founded the Soviet Union and Red China.
Gas yourself you unread, uneducated cretin.
his ass.
jdr had 1.5 billion when the sherman act was passed. he gave away roughly about one third of his fortune.
the grandson had around 3 billion and he was, by far, the richest rockefeller alive.
It’s about closing the door behind them. They have billions and a communist system would never allow anyone outside of government who (((they))) determine to gain any real money or power.
Good luck
I recommend actually reading about previous and current socialist countries instead of passively soaking up whatever "good in theory, bad in practice" nonsense they teach you in American schools.
> Kikes literally founded the Soviet Union and Red China.
Bit of a stretch there user. Pretty sure that was the Russians and the Chinese. At least read a Wikipedia article or two before spouting nonsense.
We were talking about communist countries, why are you suddenly talking about socialism?
So the Jeff Bezos is not the richest man in the world. Who would have thought?
>>mfw my net worth is $480,000 at 26
>>mfw gonna inheritance $600k-$650k from my granddad when he dies
Must be easy to be ancap when you're rich before societal collapse
I will remember to get some guns
Communism is a stateless, classless society. There is no such thing as a "communist state" per the definition. Socialism is the transition to communism, where the state attempts to guide society along to higher stages of itself and eventually communism.
Let's put Soros in the grave.
He was worth $360B in today's dollars, not 1930 dollars.
While that amount is staggering, the reason he would be worth $360b in today's dollars is because of inflation
>the total return of the S&P500 index is 1250%.
Nigga they can make that return in 1 year using leveraged margin options and using their sheer volume of capital to manipulate and control indexes, ffs