Arabs Jow Forums

This thread is for arabs on politically incorrect arabs from Magrab Egypt levant Iraq Arabia and Diaspora are welcome
Disclaimer: Pakistanis Iranians Afghanis and all Turks aren't arabs they are brothers in faith :)

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>North Africa.


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Only delusion berber nationalists believe magrab is berber majority are arabs by language and identity and don't care about berber identity you are a countryless minority whether you like or not

>Magrab Egypt levant Iraq
Pick one bro

In b4 sectarian war.

Stfu arab.

Berber are majority in north africa. They are just arabised.

88% blood of berber in Tunisia. 68% in Egypt, 80% in Morocco. In Algeria we don't know yet but it seems around 75%.

We are berber, and we will ever be.

Stop leeching French welfare sandnigger.

Don't leech welfare balkannigger. And i'm not a sandnigger.

What is the consensus on lebanese women?
What are their mannerisms?

We are not Balkanniggers, we are Central Europeaniggers. Also fuck you.

Berbers are not arab peoples,
Only arab peoples are from the arabian peninsular
Everyone else is a mix

Should've called it /mena/ instead

They're hard to get.

By your logic only yemenis are arabs saudi bro still we love and want good for you what up with new king ibn salman is he actually good or bad honesty
Hopefully there won't be one here are you arab?
By blood yes by identity no so far berbers as a language culture and identity are almost extinct western sahara prefered to identify as arab instead of berber willingly you are arabs because you want to be arabs still you berbers aren't enemies and what about Mauritania

Based algerian

Are Berbers perpetually butthurt because of Arabs?

Whats the next shithole to get invaded by the US?

We love Iraq and iraqis but bruh, Arab is a race and being Arab is genetic. Yes we all trace our roots to Yemen. This is the politically incorrect hard truth in a self-confessed politically incorrect thread.

What do they act like?
The australian lebanese arent an accurate representation of the lebanese from lebanon.

>we aren't the bad type of sandnigger! We are the good type of sand nigger


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Yes you are my dear berber
Equivalent of latin American women and behave better than western women still Lebanon is the most degenerate arab country but thier degeneracy is little compared to the west

I agree with you. Many berber lost their identity. But there is still some zone where the berber cultire and identity is in majority.

But that's not make them arab, muslim yes but not arab.

Why not Arab world we are majority arab

No, i have a work and i project to go back live in my true country.

>so far berbers as a language culture and identity are almost extinct
Now you're pulling this out of your ass while the language is rare the culture is still dominated by berbers

Yes nationalists hate arabs and even called us sandniggers even thought they are included in it
Syria and maybe Lebanon (Hezbollah)

Not racialy

Lebo chicks are girly/feminine as fuck. Even if she's ugly your cock will get hard. And most of them are not ugly. They're high maintenance but at least they also take care of their men and cook the best food in the world. Overall wouldmarry/10 tbqh.

Still arab countries should be one country in my opinion
Magrabi arabic culture* the actual berber culture is different

Yes, Kabylia.

Aren't women who don't wear a hijab considered whores?

How genderly segregated is saudi arabia?do you get to meet women at all?

But culturally and we mostly look the same there is a chance of unity but a new leadership is needed

Whats your opinion on Saddam?

No wtf. As long as she's not disobeying her husband I'm fine with it.

Depends on the region and city, varies widely.

No, just dress modestly.
Its only the extremists who think like that.

>the actual berber culture is different
Not really the foods,clothes and festivals all come from berber traditions
Besides islam and arabic language nothing resembels the culture of the arab peninsula

Do Arabs consider themselves white? Most Arabs I met from Lebanon and Syria looked pretty white.

Algernian ahmed detected

whiter than you irish mohemed

Nobody wears a hijab besides married chicks
White as in fair skinned,i never heard a dude say that he's european

>tries to start a friendly discussion about the arab world
>everyone immediately bitches about what an arab is
this seems like an accurate simulation of middle eastern politics

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Not whiter than me but they were as white as any European meds and they were all Christians too. One Lebanese fella I worked with abroad I thought was Italian until he told me his parents were from Lebanon.

is it possible to get laid in Lebanon?
My university offers me an exchange semester in beirut next year, but I cant go if I need to fap 6 months

Araps are turd and piss.

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>make a mistake in op
>everyone politely calls op out on it in a civilized manner
What exactly is wrong with this?

I knew an Algerian girl who looked so white she could have blended in here. Nice girl too.

I wish you bastards can reclaim the garbage you call "brothers and sisters" in Europe.

Also Muslima nudes thread.

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Just go and thank me later.

He was a horrible tyrant but still better than our current mafia how lead the country to ruins
We don't consider ourselves Europeans but many of us have white skin especially the arabs living on the Mediterranean still on average most arab are browns or light brown but we are diverse in look
The rest of the arabs and the rest of the world will view you as arabs until to stop identifing as Arabs and start speaking berber

>The rest of the arabs will view you as arabs until to stop identifing as Arabs and start speaking berber
Not really. I speak Japanese it doesn't make me a nip.

A small minority of kabyles here tend to have blond hair and colored eyes

>meme flag
Faggot spotted

Fuck Muhammad(Piss be upon him) and fuck Allah(Shit with turds).

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You can do it but that still immoral act
You still a minority no country and hated for your racism and nationalists bigotry and behave worser than average arabs in the west
My apology for thier acts and majority of arabs in the Europe are north African so you need to talk with our north African brothers and you should punish them foe thier acts to be honest

They identify as arabs that the difference
No nudes please keep this thread clean

I'm not Berber, I just like them better that subhuman araps, who are made of turd and piss.

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So what did you do in your previous life to end up here?

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Report the faggot and don't give him (you)s

T*rks are the biggest scum followed by Syrians, Afghanis, Pakis, Nafris.

Iran needs to glass the middle east ASAP.
At least Iranians are human beings, Arabs are savages who act only with instinct.

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I'd say that the lizard eating camel piss drinking arabs are far more civilized than the average mountain loving cave dwelling white women raping berber

Fuck you and fuck your whore mother that birthed you.

Arabs are non-human primates. You literally fuck anything that walks, sexually deprived brutes.

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what's your opinion on Ba'athism, is hige arab state possible in future? All these unnatural linear borders trigger me

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Then we're on the same page.

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The only way for the middle east to be at human level is for them to accept Iranian rule.

At present Arabs cant govern themselves, they are primeval animals that need to be herded and hopefully culled.

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Greater Syria when?

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I was asking arabs, not some meme flag shitposter. Also nothing against persians, but they aren't better than arabs in any way

If it wasn't for us Europeans you would still be drinking camel piss and be in the gay harem of a old fat sultan.

I wish we never bothered with your backward barren desert, it was a crime against humanity to think you lot can at least be human.

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Blame this sexualy repressive society for producing men who are hungry to put their meat inside any moist hole be it their sisters a dude a goat or a little boy
So thirsty for sex they will blow themselves up just to have an orgy with mermaids in god's heaven

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*Sips free oil*

would this leave israel intact ?

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You dont have any right to talk while you suck the tit that is gibsmedat from the EU.

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So, how is situation in arab world after spring?

>you suck the tit that is gibsmedat from the EU
sad thing is that we're giving more into EU funds than we take, but that is because our politicians and birocrats are incopetent to take free money. Also post more MENA women

>All Arabs originated in Yemen
Pls stop this meme. Arabic is a north semitic language more closely related to Hebrew, while the ancient civilizations of Yemen spoke a South Semitic language more closely related to the Semitic tongues of Ethiopia. The original Arabs were Bedu who came from the Syrian desert, oldest mention of them is at Qarqar in 853 as cameleers, so clearly nomads.

In other words, the Yemenites were not originally Arabs and written records make it clear that Arabs migrated to Yemen as nomads from the north and were not indigenous to it. Yemenis were gradually arabized due to the migration of Arab tribes and the coming of Islam. Read what Irfan Shahid and Robert Hoyland wrote about Pre-Islamic Arabia and you'll understand.

tl:dr Qays were the oregano Arabs and Yaman were posers


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You are a berber with euro flag don't lie please
This meme explain everything
We don't do that man your anger blinded you at least hate us by what we actually do
We have low rape rate :/
It was good at the beginning but turn into tyranny in the end we need a new nationalist movement free from bad reputation and yes unnatural borders are horrible

you can look though, nothing wrong with looking

hi im a german muslim

Why the redundancy?

why is there an arab thread on Jow Forums when there's nothing politically incorrect about being an arab?

Not sure if serious but I'll bite anyway. You're saying Yemen was not Arab and was "Arabized" when Islam came. Am I reading correctly?

We can we just need new leaderships and no Iran isn't a good idea man
In the near future :)
You give us a lot and damage us a lot
Gay as fuck and I like sonic more than mario
Broken and in ruins but mainly on Iraq yemen Libya and Syria Kazakh bro

>german muslim
you're not german and you'll never be one

90℅ of this board is shitposting and race baiting instead of political disscusions

Germans,frogs,brits,swedes are honorary muslims regardless of their actual religion

should whiter arabs be allowed in the ethnostate?

Actual german and salam brother :)
I don't know seriously :/ and many idea about arabs are false

Not baiting at all, the study of Arabian tribes has been a focus of mine for years. But yes, its true that the Sabaeans, Himyarites and others did not speak Arabic nor identify themselves as Arabs because their language and lifestyle were totally distinct.

>"The inhabitants of the peninsula are clearly divisible into two major groups, closely related but quite distinct from each other[…] In ethnographic terms, the peninsula then is divided between the peoples of the south, who speak a Semitic language of their own which has its dialectal variations, and the Arabs of the arid area and the oases of its outskirts, whose language is Arabic, the 'arabiyya, which also has its own dialectal variations. But just as Sabaic is not Arabic or a dialect of Arabic, so are the Sabaeans and other peoples of the south not Arabs, although the two languages and the two peoples are closely related within the wider framework of Semitic" (Irfan Shahid, Cambridge History of Islam p. 6)

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>arab thread
>germans and french
Fucking kekking over here

and our muslims are are hardcore nationalists, and are even called sometimes as "flowers" of Croat nation

You will accept the Christians to be honest especially that many of them look like Spaniards and Italians

Totally ' Yup brown

>Taking Sinai

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please get deeper in detail brother

alaikum salam

Too keep the rule that terror only kills other muslims intact?