How can people say global warming isn't real!?
I'm sitting here in April and its hot as fuck.
I'm sweaty and i'm getting annoyed form heat.
btw. It snowed i think two times the whole winter. A couple more times in March.
Anybody who calls Danes snowniggers needs to learn some geography.
Heatwave terrorizes in Denmark
its 20 degrees out in New England
Its cold as fuck
Its been getting colder and colder here over the past 4 years.
The two previous years, we were in the low 40s for the first 2 weeks in JUNE
its fucking bullshit.
The planet is cooling.
20 celsius?
>weather is changing from year to year
oh shit the end times are coming!
its hot as fuck.
fahrenheit, wich 20 degrees would be like -6 celsius
We got 3 inches of Snow this morning
thats just too cold though.
Its China raping the jet stream with all their bullshit.
snow is not as worse as being literally fried.
my eyes are drying up.
wow 17 dergrees so fucking hot
Swen 1 degree C is not hot
i know liquid ice scares you but its normal
are you seriously "hot as fuck" at 20° C?
it's literally the ideal temperature
t. surinamees
you are obviously a snownigger if 20C is too hot
I live in the Canadian Arctic, and the Inuit are dying at 10C
>I'm sitting here in April and its hot as fuck.
And that is unusual why? I remember swimming in the sea 20 years ago in April at 30°C
Just like massive student loans, the threat of nuclear war, the importing of the 3rd world... It's all to keep people in a state of survival so they don't look up at what's really going on in the world.
it's only 63 degrees Fahrenheit in Copenhagen
are rune coons really melting at that temperature?
Why don't you have a/c?
>Norway gets colder
>Denmark gets warmer
Colonize denmark as farmland, NOW.
Fuck You. I'm in central Ohio watching it snow for the 3rd time in the last week. I should be riding my motorcycle to work and cutting grass for the second time. The planet is not warming.
It snowed this morning in So. IL. Currently 34F. In April. Global warming liars can eat a dick.
You know, a few hundred years ago the north people would have killed for some nice weather (did in fact). Now it's all bitch bitch bitch.
This. NW ohio reporting. We're used to this cold but we uselly get a week or 2 of 60s and a few days in the 70s by now.
t. non whites
we don't usually have that here.
SK has been a winter wasteland for about two weeks too long now
yeah I'm from the Philippines where the weather is often in the 80s and 90s ( high 20s, low 30s in celsius)
ohio is inland like russia. get used to it.
You should pay my gas bill
my brain stops working after 18 c.
im not build for this. also i need to lose weight.
But at the same time in finalnd its been warm winters year after year.
I feel like Clint in the desert being tortured by tuco.
618 trying to smoke meats its a pain with this freezing rain
driving down the highway in the fast lane
We only have "varmepumpe".
Bro it is midnight and 26 degrees right now, have a teaspoon of cement and harden the fuck up
I don't eat gluten either.
It’s cold in New York now shut your whore mough.
new york is close to cananda
>63° (17°) in Copenhagen
>67° (20°) in Houston
The temperatures themselves are objectively comfy but I feel like Texas and Denmark shouldn't have temperatures so close to one another, especially since it's going to be between 90° and 100° (32° to 38°) in Texas within the next few months.
>It snowed i think two times the whole winter
there is still about 1m of snow everywhere here. At this rate we will have snow till about june
Hopefully you all die. The rest of you can kys.
68 F is a heatwave?
I'm starting to feel like a texan goddammit.
although europe is in general hotter because of the gulf stream.
Jesus Christ euros are fags
>be February
>omg it’s so snowy and cold
>15 Fahrenheit is record cold (kek)
6 weeks later
>oh my god it’s 87
>this is a terrible heat wave
That’s how it is Literally every year in Nebraska
here it is
>False flag chemical weapons
>Israel trying to start WWIII
>DOJ Inspector General is starting to report to Congress today
But fuck all that
Some cheese danish is sweaty
In some places here, it’s -20C with the wind chill
this winter wasn't bad but sometimes it really is too cold here to. i think last winter i almost freezed to death. it was below 0 so at that temperatur your blood i guess starts freezing.
>15C outside
>I'm practically on fire
Fuck off amerifarts, white people weren't built for this africa-tier heat.
Just take a look at the climate data for Copenhagen, the average high in July is around 70° (21°) so that's like summer weather over there. It's normally in the 50s at this time of year.
I wish I could consider that a heatwave, meanwhile it hits 90F on average this time of year
It's suppose to be spring here and its -15 fuck sake.
Stop your cock sucking bitching.
>everybody should care only about what americans and israel is up to
I don't care. I'm not gonna die in Iran.
lol you guys are pussies between the travel I do and the mountains near my house I regularly go from temperature over 100 to below freezing
Get some fucking stones
take into account that i'm 100% nordic.
and its hot in the sahara.. so what. i don't live in the desert.
Do you want a trophy?
[spoiler] I do ;-;[/spoiler]
No euros are just fucking gay
As somebody else said, there is important shit in the news and we have to waist a whole thread because it’s a tad warmer than you are used to
You guys are so dramatic though. You always claim the world is about to end.
You have no chill.
Is it true that Arizona has the hottest chicks in us?
I call the sweater weather in Arizona
The bay of bothnia is frozen solid you fucking weather-nigger. Sweden has 2x normal snow water equivilent. This is normal spring warmup. Jesus fuck I thought Euro's were supposed to be smart.
I would say Arizona and Southern California the warm weather seems to make them hotter
Also Miami and some parts of the south east has hot women
Also Montreal for some reason
what air conditioner to get to make my room cooler? I don't have a sliding window, you open it like a door
I don't live near the Bay of Bothnia idiot.
nah it is even worse because of the high humidity
Tampa is the white miami?
Try not to worry about it too much, only few months and you will get to complain it's too cold again :^
user... i need.. watta... wa..
Adapt or perish
and here it was -13 with wind chill to -20C over the weekend.
It's climate change not global warming though the trend is warmer for the planet.
Idk never been, it’s probanly not to different from Miami it’s still southern Florida lots of Cuban influence
Cubans are pretty European though
We still have like 3 feet of snow in cuckistan.
It snowed last week in NYC
Not many people in Europe own air conditioning because we'd need it maybe 1-2 weeks max out of an entire year.
You don’t even need it for the humidity? I was in Belgium last July and it wasn’t very warm but the ac would be good for making it less moist in your house
>Currently snowing
Feels comfy man
>Oh boy it snowed like twice here and is hotter than shit in the springtime
Meanwhile in Montana
>1 foot of snow over the last week
>Has been colder than the underside of Jack Frost's nutsack all winter
>Is, at time of typing this, still snowing
Yeah global warming my dick dude, it's not been this fucking cold in almost 2 decades.
Dude shut the fuck up, it's only 13-15 degrees. Stop complaining about the weather constantly.
Snow nigger.
we are too poor. my room reached 88F last summer
No shit, it's only like 450 miles though which is nothing in terms of large scale weather patterns. Europe hasn't been warm at all this year.
>I'm sweaty
>i'm getting annoyed form heat
Slam another soy latte and you'll be fine in the morning, snownigger.
>Eurofags think they know suffering
Last week it was 21C, and it is now 2C. At least you can predict the fucking weather.
>middle of April in PA
>still cold as fuck
i cant remember it ever being this cold this late into april/spring
1. its more that 15
2. if your not complaining about this heat i suspect your not Danish.
Its 24C here and I already want to kill myself. Im sick and tired of sweating for 8 months out of the whole year. Im a half arabic mutt but i wish I could live somewhere cold. Maybe ill fuck off to some literal nowhere village in northern Sweden where it snows all year and pick up my sandnigger gibs while I get comfy.
35 degrees celsius here, 70% humidity
Man up and embrace the heat, Danish cuck.
It's pretty Cold here bro, send some heat to New England.
Thankfully I'm not
>american geography
Are you saying New york City and charlotte nc has the same weather? or nyc and quebec city?
You sound retarded.
I know you think Scandinavia is small and we are all the same.