How do you trump lickers justify this?
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get fucked KIKE
>A leaf
I have learned to never take you people seriously
Doesn't answer my question about his hypocrisy.
Trump is mildly retarded, I think
Trump is leading and pacing.
It's a 4d chess move. He defuses the false flag, maybe even will lob some missiles at another empty unused Syrian air base.
>I cannot argue with the stated points, so here's a couple of retarded images
Only according to Rasmussen, and they ONLY poll using landlines. Can you faggots possibly fathom how that might skew results?
Democrats and Leaves are famous for hypocrisy.
Why do you object now?
>flip flopping on a major issue
>"muh 4d chess"
Ok faggot
She thinks "Racist Neo-Nazis" want a war for Israel.
But yeah, Trump is a fag.
Hahaha she is right. He is only banging the drum for his redneck followers. Nobody believes him where I live.
Trump didn't bomb anything you stupid fucking nigger. Also Assad wasn't gassing his sandpeople in 2013
Appeal to hypocrisy is a fallacy
they doubt your good faith
>Comes to an image board
>Gets mad when people post images
A fucking leaf
Indeed, but OP is making a point about Trump flip flopping, not saying he is wrong or right.
American delusion is a sad affliction, and embarrassing to observe.
Kike in the office, flip flopping sides,Russian puppet ..... all of a sudden, Obama doesn't sound a bad option does it ?
literally this. Assad/Hassan 2020
but he specially said
Trumpanzees exist in a world of hypocrisy
Obama's approval at midterms got him one of the greatest midterm shellackings in history and secured redistricting for republicans.
If your argument is to say Trump is doing about as good as Obama at this point popularity wise, you also admit that you are about to drown in a blue wave in November.
No one is drowning in a blue wave. The left is the loud minority, the silent majority always wins. This is an observable fact, just look at the last election.
Fake news.
Kys leaf idiot
SHIFT + LEFT CLICK hides a thread from the catalog view.
>cannot argue
>cannot tell an American flag from a Canadian one
>The Ghouta chemical attack occurred in Ghouta, Syria during the Syrian Civil War, in the early hours of 21 August 2013.
Notice he said, don't ever do it, just to save it for another day.
Libshits can't handle the Trump twitter bantz.
Well, it is a different day, with a different situation. Perhaps it's more important now. Also with Trump it's hard to know what he's really up to.
If he responds he may give away his plans more than he wants to.
>about to drown in a blue wave in November.
more like a shit wave no matter who wins the American people lose
hi, Shlomo!
Dont make red lines you are not willing to cross. That was trumps point.
>BTFO by a beverage on his home platform
Drumpf is unfit for his office
HAHAHA .... you guys are the ones she is talking about in the tweet. Following trump blindly. Can't counter argue so start shit posting. gg
Aaaand in come these excuses. One of the only things I agreed with trump about was not intervening in Syria. I was pretty let down when he ordered the first attack.
this is "not an argument" taken to a whole new level
>look at the last election
>lowest democratic turnout in history
There are more registered democrats than registered republicans, stop talking out of your ass
No, I understand Trump is not perfect & has made mistakes.
I just know that there is no perfect candidate, Im willing to accept the bad & the good, I think Trump is trying & his pride makes him want to be the best at this
I know certain "MAGA pedes" can spin anything he does & telling them you dont like something he did gets you called a "shareblue shill" and a "concern troll"
>irrevocably BTFO
>I know, I'll just call him a kike, that'll show him
Is this the current state of discourse on Jow Forums?
you do realize trump lost the popular vote by ~3 million right? not saying this is any reason to change the electoral college system, but the idea that they are a "minority" is laughable and really just underscores what a child you are
Seriously, that's the dumbest thing I've ever read.
Found the kike....
He was the better choice for sure, but you need a new candidate for 2020, he is clearly not even doing what he promised.
>"Rebels" recieved sarin gas from turkey to stage false flags
>OPCW announces destruction of Syrian Army's Chemical stockpile
>"It's not evidence at all, it's actually the contrary. any american institution on the Syrian crisis is against reality- the opposite of the truth"
Who can? When this is legal your entire society is rotten
> you don't want to go fight a war for isreal? you Zionist shill!
Are you MAGA shits really that fucking retarded?
Trump sent that tweet before the Syrian conflict started. We should have never opened that can of worms.
Trumps recent tweet is in reference too after he had already gone to war with Syria. At that point, he should not have held back.
Why are you liberals always missing the obvious? Oh ya, becauseb your looking for something to criticize.
oh how i long for the days of a president who would read the teleprompter like a good goy.
By trusting the plan
I’d tell you what it is but you wouldn’t believe it
Calling me a kike when the guy you call your president has sold his daughter to a kike. Not to mention he is a senior advisor in the white house ... MAGA
Good thing you’re all nobodies then
he was right the first time. war with syria is a stupid idea. /ptg/ is filled with morons.
now go away /leftypol/ or go shitpost in one of the cancerous generals
he will certainly be the best candidate of 2020, so i dont get your reasoning
he was the bets one this time and he will be the best one this next time
no republican is going to run against him and risk splitting the vote
so you're suggesting s democrat in 2020 will be a better choice and we both know thats nearly impossible
One is Trump as tv host the other is Trump as president. Do you not understand how people change their minds with new information?
By the time November rolls around there may not be a D party. The indictments are coming.
Trusting the plan
>things can’t change in half a decade
>no republican is going to run against him and risk splitting the vote
were you even old enough to vote in 2016?
He’s not?
You mean all the illegals being deported IS NOT what he promised?
The wall is being built. Sorry (not sorry) it’s not on YOUR timetable
Unless Rand Paul runs again there will be nobody better. Unless you think neocons like Flake or Mitt would be a good choice.
>look, I cherrypicked from dubious sources I found by scouring the internet for information that loosely fits my narrative
3million people from 2 states NY and CA
obama deported more illegals than trump has in the same amount of time.
She's wrong, the racist neo nazis gave up on him a long time ago, the only ones still holding on are the kekistani civic nat cultists.
>Syria: UN Mission Report Confirms that “Opposition” Rebels Used Chemical Weapons against Civilians and Government Forces
>U.N. has testimony that Syrian rebels used sarin gas: investigator
>UN accuses Syrian rebels of chemical weapons use
>UN accuses Syrian rebels of carrying out sarin gas attacks which had been blamed on Assad's troops
>Full Transcript of Leaked Syria 'War' Conversation Between Erdogan Officials
>MIT Study Further Destroys Washington’s Syria Chemical Weapons Claim
Go off yourself, jewbag
what's your point? the person i replied to suggested they're a "loud minority" when the actual numbers fly in the face of that.
What has changed in Syria that would merit a policy reversal?
Saddled with diversity across the nation, America is now an empire. He needs to keep it together until it can become a nation again.
He wants to use the military to build a wall, and hold illegals for extended periods in camps awaiting processing.
Greater Israel, as long as it does not result in refugees being sent to the West, fills the power vacuum left by the ouster of Saddam Hussein. It's also something the Jewish Media and the Jews in our institutions salivate for.
What if Trump called Netanyahu and did an informal deal where he would send Africans back to Africa and not try to pawn them off on the West and in exchange we would support at least tacitly, their ambitions in Syria.
This is going to be dangerous, but the Jewish Media is going to have a hard time crucifying a President over what he does on the southern border while he is giving them exactly what they want for Israel.
His challenge will be Russia.
Currently they make money off Oil and Arms. Israeli land grabs threaten both their energy power over Europe, and their ambitions to make an ascendant Persia into an arms customer.
Russia needs to be brought into the fold by creating Russian interests that align with the rest of the West. Their economy is small enough that it seems room can be made for them easily enough.
You wanna talk about hypocrisy you stupid fucking retarded nigger cunt...
You communist cunts don’t give a Fuck about the Americans that are homeless on our own streets but you want to fill our country with military aged “refugees”, give them free health care, housing, food etc.
You niggers want to take our guns away from law abiding citizens when you should be rounding up the illegal guns.
You fucks blame the NRA, they’re literally the ONLY organization who’s members have NEVER committed any shootings & you fucks want them gone. Go fuck yourselves then anhero ASAP
>Trump maybe slightly more popular then Obama
Oh, there's something to be proud of; maybe he's only the second worst President ever!
>need a new candidate
>left runs joe biden
>trump calls him creepy uncle joe
>trump wins
>the wall is being built
With $0 in funding? How??
>believing what somebody tweets
You're a idiot. There is no Syrian invasion and there will be none.
I mean he is very whishy washy on issues of gun control and war in the middle east as we have seen. He singed a bill with a limit on deportation and the "wall" seems to be further and further from being made, Hillary is still completely fine. IF he actually shapes up and stops with the fuck ups and back walking on issues, THEN he would be a good choice, otherwise he is no better than he rest of the jewed politicians.
>daily mail
Those are some stellar sources ya got there, faggot
OP’s too stupid for Jow Forums if he can’t interpret Tweets
What she is saying is that Trump is bad at giving advice but obviously Obama trusted it because Trump said don't go and Obama agreed and didn't go.
I think we can all agree that OP is a fagot, and a leaf, and thus beneath scorn.
Not sure that impacts whether Trump is being disingenuous now, in attacking Obama (why, Obama is no longer relevant?) for following a course of action that Trump recommended to him at the time.
Let the jew(sauds and itsnotreallys) deal with their bullshit.cut all funding to any mid east state.
Yeah if you count the ILLEGALS fuck face
cucks and kikes will defend this
if he goes to war with syria he is done.
>implying the people who run homeless shelters and advocate for better resources for homeless people aren't liberals
>implying gun buybacks would even be logistically possible
I just want stricter background checks
>implying nobody in the NRA has EVER shot ANYBODY
Lol ok kid
Nigger he’s done everything but the wall.
Fuck off,muhamned.
>There are more registered democrats than registered republicans, stop talking out of your ass
And the left is in the minority. These are not mutually exclusive statements. Not all Democrats are leftist wingnuts, just the ones running the party.
>b-but ebil assad uses meanie weapons!
shutup brainlet, you dont know what you're talking about
Why would Jow Forums need to justify anything? What would the alternative have been? Sure, Trump is not Hitler, but he's the best one muricans could elect.
>I know, I'll double down on the kike meme and post irrelevant articles
What a retard!