Man wanted for murder makes a Facebook status Anonymous

How is there not a thread on this?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Who cares about some americuck shooting people? It's a daily occurance just like terrorism in the EU


Where's the rest?


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The rest dog

Fuck when I saw his mom was wasted I thought shed fucked his friend

Post the rest m80

Trying to calm down her WHAT????

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kek what a retard, I hope he offed him self

>Like Rick and Morty
yeah this guy is fucked up alrite

If you look at his page, he's all 110% for gun control and equality and every other profile pic is some equality bullshit or "we stand with x town".

Leftism is a mental disease.

god damn .22LRs always jamming up.

>not using a revolver

so this is the power of autism

Oh fuck off. I was playing MtG 20 years ago before it was cool. Soyboy faggots don't get to appropriate my shit.


I notice many of these shooters end up getting jams and malfunction when they do go off. They must be brainlets who never clean and lube their stuff.

her dog
her fucking dog


Single mother strikes again.

>Killing your own mother and friend out of the fucking blue

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He said it was a stolen gun, clearly its the fault of the owner making this young mans rampage such a hassle

why dont you post the pic where he wears the antifa shirt, has his dick in some kind of cage and celebrates being a cuck?

Wtf is mtg?

because no one uses fb? other then idiots

Magic the Gathering

Magic the Gathering?

>mom that actually cares about you.

Surprise, lefties are mentally ill.

he took national autism awareness month to a whole new level.

soyboy faggots and leftist sjws have already taken over wotc and hasbro. they can't even print cards that don't curl anymore.

You sound like a fed.

people who play mtg today are still playing it before it's cool, faggot

The only image I could find.

Attached: killer-fb.jpg (611x961, 129K)

Whew! I was really worried about the dog.

There was a thread on /x/ last night about it. Some anons went to mtsu with him and we're posting stuff from his Facebook and just general info.

bummer of a post but id "like" it anyways

a nerd card game thats all about grottos and gremlins n sheeit

it is badly infested with pedophiles also,even most of the judges are pedos,warski live interviewed a guy about it who was banned for bringing it up to the company.

little kids get groomed at the events by smelly fat virgins


What a faggot.

Thread was last night .
VERDICT = Heroin addict Manlet .
APB said suspect is 5'5" & 108 lbs soaking wet, early 20's and Balding.
That's WHY.

Not only that, the limp wristed faggot JAMMED IT TWICE by his own confession.

To be fair it could have been the cartridges failing to fire. Wouldn't trust my life to a rimfire.

The moms dead though

I still have 2500+ rounds of 10 year old American Eagle .22LR that I plant a lead farm with up at my cabin with my 10/22. Never had a single one fail.

gtfo normie!!!

The tragedy of a single mother and broken household strikes again. Reminder to ignore mental health and focus on important issues like diversity, feminism, and gender issues. How big and loud does an elephant have to get? Such a shame.

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He's a faggot redditor

It's poker for pedos

the left wants gun control because they cant control themselves and are homicidal maniacs

fucking junkies deserve death in all cases. i'm sick of 'em.

draw and quarter him sick fuck

Why does he go into graphic detail about the blood and the corpses? It's like he enjoyed writing that post. Sick! Sad!

I found the rest of it.

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He’s an autistic sociopath. He didn’t know how to utilize his powers correctly and this is the result

>killed his junkie friend and his junkie alcoholic mom

this guy did nothing wrong

some card game like pokemon I think
games and toys are for children

>Brothers name is Chad
The memes write the themselves.

also some self obsessed brat, he was going on about how his father didn't know he was a senior. Just like a woman snaps if you don't know their eye color or what they are """thinking""""

>mom fucks his friend for dope
>son kills both
>can't admit to it in his post
i know there's a chance this is what happened

actually sounds very plausible

Autistic people should be dissolved in acid when they reach 10 years old

france should be nuked

He killed himself


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Oi bruv, ave yew got a shitposting loicence?

SSRI prescription

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>shot in cold blood two humans
>"don't worry about the dog, he's fine!"
This is normal thinking for liberals in current year

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literally this

Bet this guy won't get a lifetime ban for matricide but WotC banhammers people for shitposting.
10/10 priorities MaRo.

Didnt think a .22 was big enough to kill someone must have been point blank.

Cat is alright. Nothing else of value have been lost.

That's not user error user, rimfire is fucking garbage

here you go burger

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what a little bitch. this is why atheists should be rounded up. he just murdered 2 people for no reason and still thinks he is superior and enlightened compared to people who might consider praying for others.

Any caliber to the head shot from less than a few yards will 95%+ kill

Here's the original thread on Jow Forums tons of lulz to be found in there.

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You kidding? .22 is perfect for whacking someone. Low recoil, relatively low noise, almost any hollow object will be able to function as suppressor if needed, relatively less messy and it is much more deadlier than a lot of people think.

Magic the gathering, nearly all trading card games are based off of it in some way. Still going after 25 years. It was designed by a math autist and has a lot of depth. It suffers from sjw infestation as designers and art directors for the last couple of sets which has really impacted game quality. The company was bought by hasbro and has lost touch with their players. They are currently pumping it's valuation as much as possible to sell it off.

But the infestation gives some nice material like pic related.

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Just some autistic fuck desperate for attention before killing himself. We shouldn't give him any.

He dead

Attached: Screenshot-2018-4-9 Suspect found dead after Facebook confession to killing mom and best friend.png (1361x3647, 1.27M)

imagine my shock

You beat me to it. Atheists are soulless fucking faggots. Fucking disgusting.

Nailed it

That's about what I expected him to look like...

from r9k

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Guy on the right has a tiny face and a huge head

1. it's "point Blanc"
2. point Blanc refers to the distance away from the muzzle at which the bullet reaches it's highest velocity (which is NOT right in front of the muzzle)
3. yes, a .22 LR is powerful enough to kill someone. if it uses gunpowder it can kill. even an air rifle can kill if it hit someone just right (i.e eyeball, temple, major artery)

Please learn something about firearms

> He didn't even rape the bodies and scalp them.
Fucking soy boys can't even commit murder right.

who cares fag

Casey possibly did him a favor, Chad was no chad, rather an incel.

What a fucking faggot good riddance. Glad he took out his junkie faggot friend and his single faggot mother too

Plus the .22 caliber bullet bounces around the skull after entering making it deadly for assassinations, right?

.22lr is the deadliest caliber for all of you non-Americans. It's lethality comes from its ability to bounce of dense tissue and bone, increasing velocity and creating more wound channels in the process. Nothing even comes to close the levels of damage it can do in any caliber smaller than a .45 hollow point.

But it's okay, guys! No animals were harmed in the making of this double murder/suicide!

>shoots his sleeping friend in the head.
>shoots his mom to death
>steals his magic cards and $20-40 in cash.
>steals his herion.
>pussied out and didn't even go to the tournament to sell his cards.

>which is NOT right in front of the muzzle
who even came up with this retarded notion? The gas dissipates rapidly once outside the barrel, you MIGHT get a few extra fps, but more likely air resistance would counteract any residual pressure from the barrel. Regardless, the effect is insignificant.