
Why is it that chechen looks so filthy ? i dont know how to describe it but they have some kind of weird look and look not very nice

and why is it that Chechen are mostly muslims, even tho russia is known for being russian orthodox ?

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lolling @ the state of chechens

They appear to be a different species altogether

Are those even human? Look like was reconstruction of proto-humanoids.

meanwhile in terrorist land
> marrying the autism beard with the 70's 80's classic pedo hair is bold look, let us see if catches on this season

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they look like neckbeard incels that hit the gym, still my sides

They’re goat fuckers.
Like Germans.

good one

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Chechens are their own thing, in addition to Islam (which is not all that different from Christianity) have traditions.

Their cranial capacity is also the highest among Caucasians. I think they have something like +200g on Germans.

Your opinion is subjective... i think they have exceptionally masculine features.

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they are inbreed mountain people. have you ever seen good looking mountain people?

generation after generation of cousin humping does this to you

>haha americans are all mexican XD
oh my


>and why is it that Chechen are mostly muslims
Ask your parents, Turk.

whats the relationship between russia and chechen ?

why are so many terrorists coming from the caucasus ?

>soon to be a minority
>hasn't killed politicians yet

What is your excuse?

You present good questions..I have no clue.

The guy on the left....ugly subhumans.

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Butthurt Chechen leaf

what are you even? A sheep fucker?

Son't they hate Russia because Stalin had them sent to gulags after WWII for not siding with the red army?

>Their cranial capacity is also the highest among Caucasians
They do seem to have massive fucking heads.

South Sea British.

Fuck you, we are Illyrian. Look at the blue eyes, you are not white, only we are.
I will rape your brother you sick infidels!

They'd look rather normal if it wasn't for the shitty haircuts and the mustacheless beards

Chechens are mongol rape babies.

they converted to Islam as part of their fight against Russian encroachment and domination in the Caucasus, since the region was becoming Russians vs Turks + pals at the time

they lost

my man

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Russians were raping chechen women for centuries during caucasian wars. Chechens were stealing russian women for centuries aswell.

So the product of these activities is what you see on this picture.

Basically speaking chechens are ultimate slavs.

yeah, that's what i said.

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They look better than you.

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You will probably even more surpised to learn that southern russia was jewish 1000 years ago.

>rape your brother

Chechens are Aryan Caucasian Master Race.

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Boom boom bae

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wAt ?

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You know nothing, if he is little boy it is good punishment for your family.

Khazaria...most people would be aware of that here.


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look like some crazy ass Amish

More like Eurasian Islamic slime.

Turns out barneyfag will massacre some degenerates after all. I'm scared.

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do you guys like caucasians ?

you look retarded as fuck
like two mongies had kids
and then those kids commited incest
and then the resulting incest kid had downs and was stomped at birth repeatedly
but still managed to rape a farm animal with colon cancer
and that animal took the worst shit of his life

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>From Dagestan

just wanted to write that, also checked!

Fear the Aryan.

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looks like the missing link between neanderthal and homo sapien.

>wAhT iS pHotoSHop ?

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Russians didn't allow them to cut their hair. What would you do?
Chechen men are the most manly and fierce white men in the world. You would shit your pants if you'd have to fight one of us.
You know that this is true.

>Fear the Aryan.

Black hair brown eyes looks like a fucking Turk or Arab whore.

Quick rundown?

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For some reason i'm really attracted to Chechen and Albanian girls, they're absolute goddesses. Too bad their families are crazy psychopats who'll probably kill you if you even look at them it the wrong way.

So you think Ayans are albinos from Norway?

Extremely dangerous group. Should be outright banned from emigrating to western nations that care about their people.

Why are they so much into MMA and shit? Dumb low IQ subhuman monkeys

pic related or question wise ?

pic related : they killed putin critic Nemtsov back in 2015

question-wise : just asking because Kadyrov is getting more international attention

>master race
>worship a crazy arab who had hallucinations in the desert

is an an image editing software product ?

Why? We are very peaceful and protectors of good people.
Around Chechen there is order, peace and no stealing.

And have never contributed a single fucking thing to the world with there "20% extra aryan cranial capacity" other than Islamic extremists.

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Nemtsov was a jew. Who cares, he didn't pay his debt.

The islam thing is recent, if I remember correctly up until modern times paganism was going strong. Interestingly, chechens are more closely related to western europeans (basques and britons) than other eastern europeans.

Do you feel bad for Kadyrov, that he is Putins puppet ?

Like most Germans do with Jesus?

He looks like a fucking demon

>Muslim slavs

What do you expect

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modern day iranians are at a minimum 50% arab.
>bu...but the caucus mountains
yeah, when the lineage split like 300k years ago

Kadyrov is a hero! With Kadyrov our nation is strong and is free.
Fuck Arab animals with animal caliphate. They are dirty beasts.

If they stay in Caucasus. They very aggressive, uncivilized and cohesive so in army 3-4 of them can keep in awe whole company. They even being banned from serving in army for that type of behavior.

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are they cave chinks?

Why don't you guys join the Russian Orthodox Church ?

We kill Arabs for fun like dogs. Our men go safari hunting in Middle East for hobby.

It's not our tradition.

While you worship their moon god.

if those are chechen girls they look westernized as fuck

Okay I respect that.

Why do you guys kill Arabs in Middle East, aren't they muslims just like you ?

I was surprised to learn there were only 2 million Chechens. I thought they were a bigger part of Russia, why do the Russians care so much about keeping them?

It's a strategically important area.

How is that ?

Crossroads between Russia, Turkey and central asia.

so that ISIS don't controling them.

Because they lie, they steal, they rape, they take drugs and they have no honour.
They have a different Islam too where they live like slaves.


Theyre ugly

Guy on the left looks like August West/augfrog

Chechens are great people that deserve respect, hopefully they will achieve freedom that they fought so hard for

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I'm pretty sure there are a bunch of you faggots that get a hard on seeing these disgusting savage slavs lifestyle.

If you faggots can't look at this and see what the problem is(the muzzies) then you need to get the fuck out!

Muzzie lovers get the rope too.


dont you have other problems svôrensken ?

the greatest tragedy of the Caucasus is that we failed to christianize them in a time period from 9th to 15th centuries

they would've been top tier DEUS VULT material

but now it's too late. they were stubborn pagans back in the middle ages, adopted Islam by themselves around 17th century and will probably stay muslim till the end of this world

They were going to be a great nation under the rule of pic related. Kadyrov is Putin's puppet.

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> implying aryan means being a blue eyed pale cuck from the north.

They are more aryan then any nordicuck will ever be

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You are our only hope in the caucasus !!

Georgia !!!!