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Really? No shit? I didn't realize this in the 100 OTHER FUCKING THREADS ABOUT THIS IN THE CATALOG RIGHT NOW, FAGGOT.

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Please fire back with everything you have uncle Assad

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>Terror attack in "Munster"
>Gas attack in "Ghouda"

Who wants to bet the next attack happens on "Swiss" soil?

They're laughing at us at this point

they know Russia wont touch them

>dead russian subhumans

Based israel

They should keep testing them!
Just try every day!
That would be a smart idea!

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Aaaaand ww3 won't still happen



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huh really makes me think



damn you and your fake shit

Israel is now allowed to attack Syrian airbases?!?!?!
This is literally an act of war.

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It's all been shut down!!!! Preserve this screenshit with your life!!!!

90% of /sg/ called this last night

>Israel is now allowed to attack Syrian airbases?!?!?!
>This is literally an act of war.
Israel has been attacking syrian airbases for the past 4 years you moron


NATO and Shitrael are completely allowed to make pre-emptive strikes whenever, wherever they want.
If anyone else does it, it's condemned everywhere.

If you there on the other side of Nordsjön want to do anything ever against your minorities, NATO could just bomb the shit out of Uppsala becouse "it is justified" becouse muh free wurld

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is it all a conspiration from cheeseminati?

A friend who is a CIA Nigger says they are going after Assad tonight. Going to level the Presidential Palace in Damascus. He has been right on regarding other things

Russia said that The US attacking Syria was a red line, and then Israel bombs Syria, and for 8 hours the entire world thought that it was The US because Israel ///still/// hasn't taken responsibility for the attacks.

Israel tried to start WW3 and threw us under the bus.

>MFW I finally get redpilled on the Jews and it's the Jews that redpilled me.

Keep your eyes on Wisconsin in the days to come. They're making a power play.

The signs were there all along. Big Dairy played us like a damn fiddle.

>wtf Jow Forums why u hate kikes and based israel???

now you know

There goes the moon RIP

remember when Osama Bin Laden was taken out the freezer after 8 years of being in CIA custody and given to CIA child Obama to distract Americans and make them feel (((closure))) without demanding to get out of all the wars? I member

Israel just randomly bombs Iran Iraq and Syria whenever they want. Too bad about that nuclear power plant you sand niggers were trying to build so you wouldn't be dependent on oil sales forever. Nothing personnel kid. They've been doing it for at least 20 years. But remember it's always the sand niggers fault never the poor innocent jews they're so peaceful.

Got (((Milk)))?

Holy shit. And if it had gone down that way and you had told the story everyone would just call you an antisemetic conspiritard and blame it on Assad and Putin.

Kek, Russians are cucks


oh I don't nescesarily disagree but like

>not a single serious answer to this
Are you all children?
They're attacking Iranian bases in Syria. Everyone knows Syria should not be allowing Iran, an enemy of Israel, to set up bases in Syria, which is why they get away with bombing them all the time.

>>MFW I finally get redpilled on the Jews and it's the Jews that redpilled me.
Is this a shocking development to you? Fucking newfag, Israel has been doing this shit since it was formed.

The only reason Iran is an enemy to Israel is because we keep overthrowing their elected leaders in bloody coups you stupid fucking kike ignoring history. History starts and and skips where the jews find it convenient.

First Munster attacked, then Ghouta. What's next, Switzerland?

Literally all the mudslimes would have to do is stop publicly declaring that they want to wipe israel off the map and everyone would be on their side against das judens.

They are too fucking dumb to realize this therefore I have zero sympathy for them when their shit gets bombed.

> the news
> google
goy, please

Ya all these bs threads which one do you support Pol the Jews or the Arabs? My answer is no fuck them and their sand scams trying to make us choose between 2 bad options. I wonder what is wrong with the Middle East? Is it some chemical or what?

Israel and Syria ARE officially in a state of war, so whatever..

Can you plz fight your own wars? I think you've spent all your holocaust tokens sweety. You haven't even remade Schindler's list in like 5 years. You're going to need Steven Spielburg make an entire holocaust trilogy then we'll come die for you.

I think if they're going to do anything they're going to do it in the next 6 hours. If not then I don't see anything happening. No point in announcing it and not being mobilizing and on the move for it 6 hours later.

Israel's goal is to start shit and drag the US in to a war to protect them. once the US is in israel sits back and watches the fireworks.

would be a shame if Putin takes this as a declaration of war and nukes Israel

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Watching your guys die is so much more comfy.
Also apologise for using Israel as your human shield when during the gulf war even though we did all the black work and destroyed the nuclear reactor for you

And it was a mainstream Israeli newspaper that first reported on twitter that the US was considering military options. They were clearly constructing a false flag.

no jidf in this thread I bet...


I see this kind of stuff posted constantly, do this many people forget that Israel has nukes?

Nukes aren't real.

Israel can do almost anything without impunity. The U.S.A. will side with them practically unconditionally.

And now it never gets talked about again

Israel is tiny AF. Do they have hardened bunkers? Do they have missile subs? I don't think so. If Putin dropped 1 giant nuke on Israel it would destroy the entire country in 1 attack. What is Israel going to do? They only have a few hundred nukes at best and would depend on planes and short range missiles to deliver them. They don't have ICBMs. Israel needs to go.

Dinosaurs never existed.

Of course these terrorists have aquired ICBMS with American aid, they even got submarines from Germany to launch nukes for "preemptive selfdefense with Jewish characteristics"


Maybe now they'll stop begging us to do their fighting for them. No more useless foreign wars

The swiss banking zionists would just force retaliation from their puppet states in america and china.

Israel is allowed to do whatever they want, they've got the US as a puppet state.

>Israel kicks out African migrants, deported them to Europe
>Israel shoots Palestinian protestors
>Israel attacks Syria

What the fuck is their problem? Do they really think they’ll survive the final showdown?


Not this time, schlomo.

wew, reality

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they think you will fight for them, goyim supreme

Kikes don't realize that Israel is gonna be sacrificed and destroyed and make "Muh Holocaust" look like a firecracker.
Pike's plan was to destroy Islam and Israel all along, in an attempt to create such a scenario in which whomever brings Peace after the WW3 , becomes the leader of the NWO (And that dude is the Antichrist). That's why Israel is being pushed to draw so much attention.
Right now, Israel has become Abel and they think if they consider themselves a brother of the devil (Cain), they will survive

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>An ally can turn, you're going to find that out.

Because 6 million goyim

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why dont assad or putin attack israel? because they are either cowards or also part of the ZOG machine

wake up sheeple

It's like Eve Online.

The UN are like Concord.

This is all normal believe it or not.

cause that would definitely cause all goyim to gank on them
also, because they are defending themselves here

Who is going to stop then ? Their flesh golem, the jew S A ?

You only need to know one thing about them, never trust a Jew.


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My friend is in Mossad and he says that they're going to knock the sun out on orbit right on top of Syria. He's been right regarding other things.

holy fuck underrated

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[citation needed]

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This can't brie happening
Cheddar them than me

Not enough scuds hit Tel Aviv.

Qanon predicted this

Israel has 3 state o the art German built submarines that are able to launch an array of nuclear tipped missiles in case the west grows a pair. They've also been building more bomb shelters and reinforcing existing ones. The kikes are prepared to hide in their holes after starting a world War so they can come back up lie roaches.

because they are intelligent enough not to take the bait. Boots on the ground if you want to "export democracy" yet again.

leave me out of this, faggot
i did no such thing

Hasha nah, roh hitz vah

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They would probably nuke us. I mean, that's what I would do if I were a kike.

So this breaks the defense pact right? Russia can beat Israel and US can only watch.

yup. by ways of deception they wage war. never ever ever trust the jews.

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The jews are doing this more and more lately. Their hubris will be their downfall and the mask is cracking.

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Q predicted this.


Someone tell Putin that if he does not bomb Israel then he is a pussy.

It was a warning.

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Are you serious you faggot? Syria can allow the Klingons to set up military bases if they want to. It is a sovereign country.

Now I hate kikes. Hitler was right.

It actually is. Not a long time ago I thought Hitler was a bit mental. The Jews have proven he was right.

Yeah, what we need is a sequel to Schindler's List. Then the kikes can bomb a few years more.

if this shit doesn't redpill people on the jews, I don't know what will. your assholes should all be puckering right now with how close we came to a third world war. its fine for now but goddamn you NEETs almost just got drafted.

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