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Dat noif bruv

what a pathetic country

Once an Empire that stretched around the globe. Has had a war with every nation, except their superiors(Sweden). Now this. Such cucks.

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Liberal men are cucks.

Muslims are unironically terrorists.

The west is the best.

Women are only good for sex and childbearing.

Capitalism saves lives.

Close the borders.
-----Put these truths into your heads lads.

We must save the west.

Enjoy your subjugation

He's not joking, m8. My buddy recently moved to the UK and was nicked at the airport for illegal arms smuggling.
>pic related
Apparently the black-handled weapon carries enhanced penalties.
Life sentence

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I remember some Brits reaction when this stupid Paki manlet became mayor of London

>i-it's just a ceremonial role! i-it means nothing!

Now they can't even defend themselves from Asians

Nice fucking proxy muhamid

>never a reason to carry a tool with you
>you have to gut that fish with your fingers and teeth mister

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>You have no reason to carry literally the first tool humans created


For fucks sake...Leaf.

Seriously why do people want to defend themselfes?

Just let the robber rob you and the acid thrower throw acid in your face. Everyone will be better off. If you take a life by defending yourself, you are the one that has committed the worst crime. That is so hypocritical.
Is your life worth more than the life of the acid thrower? Are you some kind of racist? People really need to wake up and bin those knifes.

Fucking knives.

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>there are never a reason to carry a knife

You're like 15 years behind leaf, 7 if current year man gets re-elected. "B-bbut it's just a motion, it's not law" (Yet)en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motion_103

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I'm going to kill this country

Remember Sweden; you're not that far off behind.
On that same note, there is no hypocrisy in my statement, considering Canadian Balkanization will happen very soon.

>a Swede calling someone a cuck
oh boy
just ignore my flag, ok?

Oi bruv! Do you have a loicense for that dangerous knife!


Oi! Bin that talk

Well this pretty much settles it, there is no hope for the UK. I'm considering moving to America a this point.

Do it Mohammad

Your country is fully able to off itself without your help


Now don't understand why knives are banned

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That'll be 12 years in jail for that comment.

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Holy shit

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Fucken cucks

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>there is never a reason to carry a knife
but... what if you need to cut something? I carry a small blade everyday. Luckily our laws are not that autistic

Rather than shooting knifer-attackers you guys keep banning shit and adjusting to them?

Oy mate, cuck-island

Digits confirm. Mummy May and GCHQ are posting on Jow Forums.

Probably starting all these knife posts to root out the dissenters.

Surely once we ban all sharp objects caustic substances and vechiles that go over 5 mph there won't be crime anymore right? Within our lifetimes they're going to move to shackle everyone up for their own safety. You won't be able to walk outside without wearing a helmet like a retard. OI Mate walking without goggles? A passing car could kick up gravel into your eye and blind you and we'd have to pay for it!!! Here's a ticket for walking without eye protection! Who has that mindset? Who is afraid of outside and nature? I'm sure it's not some sort of inbred crazies who lived in the desert and have mass mental illness pushing their phobias onto us?

This is like the last dying breath of a once amazing empire.

Someone just mercy kill it.

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Don’t be a prick
Bin that chopstick

I’ll help

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I don't understand how such a strong anti-gun sentiment has manifested itself, here.

It's literally less than 70 years old.

>don’t be a twat, bin that cricket bat

I wouldn't feel safe with a gun in London.

Well said when you defend yourself the assailant wins

Any more? Wasnt around pol for arianna bombing thats brutal if real poor kids. Their parents let them get culturally enriched.

the absolute state of bongland

Whiter than you, LaQuanton

Even our boomers laugh at them I love it. Based old people. They day of the pillow is pushed back a week so all the people of the world can hold hands and laugh at the Brits.


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>Never a reason to carry a knife
>Never a reason to carry a hammer
>Never a reason to use a fork
>Never a reason to drive a car
>Never a reason to breathe oxygen
>Never a reason to slowly decompose

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>a kraut calling a Swede a cuck
oh boy
Do look at my flag, aside from Paris's North-eastern suburbs and Marseille, France is not cucked yet

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>every passing day in britbongland, memes become reality

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>growing knife crime is because of growing knife crime

Oi m8 is that treason against tha queen of tha United Kaliphate?

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Why would you carry a knife anyways lol

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for protection against immigrants

>Nothing to see here goyim

Britain must be humanely killed, it's sad to see this decay.

>Why would you carry a knife anyways lol
>German flag

just lol

>The absolute state of British men
Holy fuck, how does one country get kiked so hard

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The point I made was that I posted a pic of a type of knife you should be able to carry

Fucking Ancaps

that thing is a meme btw

I always have a swiss army knife, useful for many things.

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fucking g*rmans

Eventually , people will still keep on dying but the government won't publicize it anymore because they'd want to save face over them reaping people's freedoms away and leaving them caged in with rapefugees without any means to defend themselves. It's as if they think prohibitions do anything other than make good people less free and the bad unchecked. Eventually the idea will be to prohibit people from waliing on the streets and the cucked reaction from the EU will be "lol who even needs to go out on the streets anyway". The U.K. is a dictatorship at this point.

>the full force of the law

they cont carry guns, the fuck they going to do?

>take away guns, they use acid
>take away acid, they use knives
>take away knives, CRIME STOPS 100%

I always have the big victorinox and a Böker arbolito at hand, it's really useful

>kitchen knives

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This is way worse than Sweden.

>it's not because of immigrants therefor it's ok
Who cares if it's because of "youths" it's a stupid law.

You know how Venezuela reduced the numbers of people who die from starvation? They made it illegal to report starvation as a cause of death kek. Sadiqq could do the same with knife attacks, just make it illegal to report them, everything will be fine

I use mine all the time, for clipping my nails, filing my nails, the little scissors are good for getting into hard to open packaging, the screwdriver comes in handy too.

Oh man I'm sure of those (((asian youths))) are certain to stop stabbing and raping people now, good job Brits.

At least I'm white
Checkmate muddy

its not a competition svenni

Whiter than you Mohammad

What if their Sikhs, they carry knifes around for ceremony. Doesn't this mean that the Muslim mayor is discriminating against their religion.


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>beware the spork of peace
also chuffed


>mfw there is no size limit or any other faggot limitation except no switchblades on knives in my state and we have no knife problem

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>the last ten years...
almonds activated

pretty sure "youths" is just code for nonwhite men under 30

like if you're 27 and pakistani your legal age in britain is 16

At first I thought this was a shop. Then I went to the Twitter and found it's actually real. Holy fuck is England cucked.

>How can I follow them all (400 returning jihadis)
>Carry a knife and we will find you

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>nothing to do with immigration
>just the last 10 years


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This little mudslime shit is such a CON MAN. sadiq khan man. I feel bad you brit bongs cant even own a knife or post hate speech on the internet. stand up to this short little fucking poo stain.

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reddit die