I've never heard a conservative say that they hate themselves, the world, and/or all of the people in it...

I've never heard a conservative say that they hate themselves, the world, and/or all of the people in it. I've never heard a conservative say that they hate life and lament their own existence. Conservatives don't hate people and they don't hate life. That's what liberals do.

Attached: yui.jpg (500x500, 44K)

>. I've never heard a conservative say that they hate life and lament their own existence.

You haven't been on Jow Forums very long, have you?

>Conservatives don't hate people
They hate anyone who doesn't fit into the same pigeon hole as them.

fender guitars are mediocre and a meme

Where do you think you are? Most people here are insecure, depressed losers who hate society, themselves, and the world, myself included. Well-adjusted people don't stay here.

>tfw Gibson is bankrupt and any guitar made after 1989 is shit

Good thing I have my dad's 60's Gibson ES335

The definition of "conservative" is "hating the world."

Good post op, I've been growing more and more misanthropic and I need to stop being such a liberal bitch and appreciate the blessings I have; thank you

That's because we enjoy life and everything it throws at us, Haven't become bitter by hardship. We only hate lifestyles and poor behavior.

Hello, fellow Jow Forumslers. I am also overweight and live in my parents' basement. That just the kind of people we are here on Jow Forums, myself included. Smart city people don't stay here, they go on Twitter to become enlightened and enlighten others likewise with indisputably correct, moral progressive values.

Some of the worst people with the most hate have been liberal, and I've lived in TN, GA and NY. Liberals hate other people bc they have led the worst lives (thus placing the blame on others)

That's how you call them, but the truth is they're commies in disguise. Some of them came out already full retard red.

Especially their acoustics, even ones over $1k still rattle and have no sustain and use parts that aren't aged at all so they fucking warp like crazy your first winter.

any major corporate mass produced guitar is garbage.

It's like headphones and audio systems. Are there good ones for $500? Yes. Are they sold at Best Buy? No. Gibson and Fender are now the Bose of Best Buy.

Find a lutherer and get a custom guitar out of 100 yr old aged wood and the neck length, width, curve, and radius that fits your hand best. At least half of all guitar debates online boil down to amateurs that didn't realize their preference for a good instrument just happened to be one that was closer to fitting their hand size and their disagreements were with people with different size hands and arms. Everyone in classical music learns this and plkays custom instruments since grade school, but guitar players go most of their lives toting the first mass produced piece of shit that came close to their size.

It's like this, for $3k you can get a fine custom electric or electric/acoustic that's better than anything ever sold at a Sam Ash. For about $4k you can get a better acoustic than anything Taylor or Martin produce. Lots of famous classical/blues/jazz/bluegrass guitarists play custom instruments no one has ever heard of.

TFW you realize rock is really easy to play and the gear pros use isn't that great and was just part of a marketing campaign. Also the instruments they were sponsored to use were sometimes custom made just for them and only looked like the mainstream model.

Attached: ounym.gif (316x213, 1.9M)

I hate myself

social media is a wonderful invention isn't it? speaking into a megaphone about everything in your life with zero privacy and having all of your conversations monitored for your employer to judge your every move? it's not like smartphones have replaced this and restored privacy like, ten years ago, NOOooo we must still support social media because that's what well-adjusted people do.

>You haven't been on Jow Forums very long, have you?

the only thing Jow Forumstards conserve is their virginities.

I have never experienced this.

Keep Yui out of this OP.

They are a meme indeed, you can get the same for way less, and costume made with a beautiful wood and design

it's not polite to be on your phone during class user.

This. Everything from $300 to $2,000 is literally the same. There's nothing wrong with budget models if you're a poorfag who can really, actually play, or looking for a fun hobby, but if you're looking to spend real bread, save another six months and get something special.

OP here. I have a Seagull S6. I never learned to play it.

Stfu nigger and let me be a Cutmyselfative

That doesn't mean it doesn't happen you fucking loony retarded faggot.