What do y'all think of this guy? The moderate party has flaws, of course but this guy seems to be pretty sane...

What do y'all think of this guy? The moderate party has flaws, of course but this guy seems to be pretty sane. Probably One of the few sane swedish politicians left right now honestly.

Attached: hanifbali.jpg (194x259, 5K)

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> Swedish politician
> Shitskin
> checks out

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Only Reddit faggots likes this shitskin

He's an immigrant sure but he isn't a shitty immigrant who destroys this country and rapes everyone. He is one of the few politicians who actually looks out for the state of Sweden unlike the leftists who are basically shitting on this country every day and do nothing to improve it. If the Swedish elections makes the leftists win and causes the feminist party to be able to step their foot into parliament, I swear to god I will either leave this shithole or pick up a rifle and fight for my country.

iranians confirmed for honorary aryans

We need white men leading the charge. If they can't uncuck this situation Sweden will go under.

Stefan Löfven is a white man and he is literally fucking retarded. I just disproved your point.

And a liar. A godforsaken liar.

I can't argue with that.

I said that we need white guys to step up to the plate and not sandniggers. Guys like Jimmie Åkesson and Gustav Kasselstrand. Obviously Stefan Löfven is a joke.

To be honest I don't give a single fuck about skin colour anymore. I would rather want a sane nigger who can actually improve this country to be in charge than a white swedish man who doesn't know shit about politics.

The problem with Gustav Kasselstrand is that he wants to not take in any immigrants at all, which I don't agree with. Some immigrants should be allowed if they can act right and follow the law. Jimmie Åkesson has fortunately learned this which makes me respect him more than what I did before. Afs and Nordfront has no place in politics just like Fi because of their retarded policies that will drive this country into the ground.

En ögontjänare och för partilojal. Han var dock bra på att blotta vänsterns hyckleri.

yup, just fill Sweden with niggers just as long they're B A S E D xD

Immigrants are needed in Sweden just like any country, believe it or not. But you should have a limit on how many immigrants you can take in and kick out the immigrants who can't act right.

The absolute state of cuckistan

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You truly are doomed.

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Tbh a sane, competent shitskin is better than a retarded and ignorant white swede.

>A bunch of Swedes having political discourse in the english language

God I love being an alpha anglo

ta livet av dig bögjävel svartskallar och du ska UT

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lol most swedes loves immigrants... never a middle class swede could afford house cleaning, like they do today.

He looks like a med jokes on you.

Then tell me? Where are we gonna get people who work shitty jobs like cleaning toilets, doing dishes and work in construction? Do you really think that most white swedes that go to college will work those kinds of jobs? Like I said immigrants are needed but in a LAGOM amount and only good immigrants at that.

for some reason i really hate the look of this guys face... he looks like a rat


Watch this video. There are many other ones in swedish as well.

I liked Hanif before it was cool, but at the end of the day hes loyal to Moderaterna and that party is completely spineless. With their new leader they managed to sink even further in my eyes. Fuck that party.

"One of the few sane swedish politicians" I would say SD, AfS and MED contain the sane ones. Hanif is good but not worth voting for in his party.

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Construction is not the same a cleaning toilets you fucking methane breathing champagne-lefty.

Like I said before, Moderaterna has their flaws for sure. They are better than socialdemokraterna but still not that good. If they stop being cucks, I could actually vote for them. Any party that I should vote for except for SD? Nmr and asf are retarded and I don't want to be associated with them.

There are many polish and balkan immigrants who work in construction jobs. These are respectful and hardworking immigrants as well who aren't pieces of shit. I just put it as an example man.

There's plenty of ethnic swedes that don't go to college and work "those" kinds of jobs. Also if we need more people too work "those" jobs then we can take immigrants from Easter Europe and not Africa or Middle east like you suggest for some strange reason.

What you don't understand is that if you don't prefer your own culture (which you obviously don't) to that of strangers, or in some way think that a country "needs" to import people from countries that are thousands of miles away, then YOU are the problem and you will never be a part of ANY solution. Your are the kind of person who will side with disgusting leftists over more radical right wingers because of peer-pressure.

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1- more native birth

2- temporary workers without handing out passports left and right

>implying those somalis and other bottom of the barrel good for nothing migrants will ever work to make an honest buck (fronts for illegal activities do not count)

You swedes are doomed for sure.

I never suggested that they have to come from there. I just said that immigrants are needed and that we shouldn't completely close the country from people coming in. That would halt the development of Sweden. At the same time you should make sure that the immigrants that come in can act right.

If immigrants come in here. They should respect OUR culture instead of us respecting theirs. Immigrants should adapt to our country and our laws since we were kind enough to let them in and give them oppurtunities to work in the first place.

No body gives a shit about what you think immigrants ought to do. You're essentially asking them to cuck out on their own culture in favor of yours.

Spoiler alert: They won't cuck out, since most of them aren't cucks.

The only solution is to not bring strangers into your country. This is not because of hatred but because you want to preserve. Japan is a great example of a completely non-cuck society that no one thinks of as hateful in any way.

Then vote for MED. Don't vote for Moderaterna for the love of god.

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Then they can leave. If they don't like our culture and our laws, they should move to a country that fits their culture and their laws. Japan has many immigrants. Not as many as Sweden but they do have a good amount of immigrants and they expect them to adapt to their culture like any country would. Sweden should do the same thing.

If anyone can still support them after they betrayed Sweden, they're the foe.

MED has barely any support and I feel like I would throw away my vote but voting for them.

I don't support moderaterna it self, but I like what Hanif has to say.


Are you voting AfS?

SD, MED and AfS. Those are really your only options right now. If you vote for Moderaterna you are voting for another Reinfeldt you realize that right?

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No because they are basically everything that was bad about SD in a single party.

So you are a leftist then? Admit your political leanings!

Care to elaborate?

Im centrist, I'm neither right or left. I want what's best for Sweden only. I feel like there are both good and bad things from both sides.

All shitskins must be gassed. Every Swede who are friends with one as well. 8 million of us needs to go if we want real change.

A lot of people who work in Afs used to work in SD and left because SD wanted to adapt to be more appealing for the swedish people. They are basically the old SD that no one likes and won't work in the current swedish parliament.


Go for SD then, I don't see any reason why you wouldn't unless you lack a spine.

Yeah that's basically the party that I will be voting for if I don't change my mind or if other political parties won't change their mind.

It is amazing that even "woke" Swedes still want immigration. Sweden needs to remain genetically Swedish. Otherwise you become something else.

Immigration should be limited to heterosexual marriages only.

Hanif is an opportunist. He sucks at his middle eastern finger, points it up in the air and determines where the wind blows. Swedes are slowly waking out of their multicultural coma and are in desperate need of a shitskin-alibi.

>l-look at this iranian guy expressing pseudo-radical thoughts like mine
>so you can't call me a racist, check mate

Hanif actually supported immigration just 5 years ago, but Swedes got the shortest memory in the world.

I just can't see why you would even consider one of the other seven parties in the parliament at this point. This has to be your first time voting or you been under a rock for these last few years. Anything parties say right now is to trick voters to vote for them, don't fall for their simple lies just when the election gets close. Look at what they have actually done throughout these years and you will realize what to vote for.

He's not "woke", it's probably his first election and he's scared by the media stigma.

Quite frustrating to be having to state such obvious things.

The problems you see in our society. The violence, the lack of community, the fall of our health care, school system, police force and military is a product by the malice and greed of our politicans and media.
It's not a product of incompetance and stupidity as a lot of people like to think.

Go your own way, don't trust the establishment, act and ultimatley vote so that your ancestors can smile down upon you, and so that your future grand children can remember your struggle with pride.

100% italiano

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Isn't he /yourcoon/? I saw him on Fox once. Supposedly, he is anti-immigration shitskin

Hes good, his party isn't.

You're right, it is my first time voting, considering that I just turned 18 this year. I want my vote to count and I also want to think for myself and do my own research instead of just blindly following what the media says. Swedish media claims to be obejctive even though that's not true and wants to censor what I can see on the internet as well. Immigration is one of the many things that I'm critical about in Sweden. Since this is where I live and where my family lives and where my children will grow up later on. I want this to be as good of a country as it can possibly be and you can't do that by sitting on your ass and wait for change.

At least you are further ahead than I was your age. Back then I still had some trust in our media and this whole immigration debate wasn't so prevalent as it is today. They managed to fool me into thinking SD wouldn't make it into parliament and it would be a wasted vote. Never again.

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Hanrej Balibi

>say a few woke things
>immediately fired

Yeah trust the moderate party to right the ship goyim. :^)