The Illinois General 4/9/2018: Midday edition

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WGN staff vows resistance to Trump supporting Sinclair

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>The normally free-spirited Hoover later said he could not talk about what he had written and declined further comment. Other sources confirmed that Hoover had been admonished by his bosses for the unauthorized tweet.

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Same user from last time here. Sorry local politics are very unpopular on this board. Try making this thread again when there's high traffic (mostly evenings and weekends).

I really want cpd generals to come back but that's the reality.

South side reporting in

Yep, it's unfortunate, it's been too cold for any good /cpd/ threads, I'm hoping we can merge with /cpd/ for the summer violence.

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North side reporting in.
Hows it going down there?

Real Illinois map coming through.

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My girlfriends old high school was featured in a news segment about run down schools with pictures of rats and yellow tap water. And this weekend some guy flashed a pistol at me after I said I didn’t want to buy any weed from him.

Not the worst week in all honesty.

>The Illinois General 4/9/2018: Midday edition
You're a little too invested in this general thing. I think at best we're going to have a decent thread in the evening and CPD will just consume these threads.

Generals are for constant topics that hit bump limit. Not for topics that get phased out with

Sounds like a great sales pitch.

Thanks for the advice, start the thread late to coincide with late night violence, although there probably won't be too much with the snow.

>tfw from cook county
I'm gonna move lads, where should I go to?

Gary like everyone else.

How bad is crime in East St Louis is it just as bad as Chiraq?

Its worse, chicago is only like 40% nigger, East St Louis is 98% nigger

618 user here. can confirm. ps. stay away from the strip clubs. they smell bad, especially the pink slip

but that's becoming a shithole too

Chicago is actually quite segregated for the most part, blacks live around blacks in the total shithole areas, Mexicans live in less shitty areas next to the black hell holes and most whites live on the north side. Chicago is safe if you are in the right area, but stay out of Austin unless you want death by dindus.

>Chicago is actually quite segregated for the most part,
Its not, i'm on the north side, it is filled full of niggers. Sure you can find a few neighborhoods that have concentrations of white people, but they're small enough that niggers from other areas still constantly wonder in.

>.t Rogersparkfag

Yeah, it's definitely not as segregated as it used to be, that high school they put in definitely didn't help.

How's Rockford these days? I used to live there.