Americans are sheep

Daily reminder that Americans are literally getting fooled yet again by a false flag.
They are unirronically to stupid to ever be listened to and their opinion should always be disregarded. We might as well ban them from Jow Forums all together.

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I don't want to go to war with Russia, but other than that I don't care. Sorry.

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good sheep. Only care about porn and fast food.

Hi, Tribe of DEN-mark, THE tribe of snake pit

stop smoking weed.

No one cares if its a false flag anymore. Brits just checked it up with Skripal case.
If west can consolidate over straight up bullshit, why not use it and pillage someone? Were back to Crusades, and there even is no need for Faith.

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drunken sweden please leave!

OP is jew, how was your meeting at zog offices today? reminder that we fight for the white ethnostate of israel and it is our responsibility to secure its wealth

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>call US people sheeps for falling for their gov's tricks
>assume everyone knows the US government is literally infiltrated with jews & zionists
>get called a jew

This board is 60% jewish and 56% of them have a US flag.

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We are not fooled. Even my boomer neocon parents think it's a false flag. It's not 2003 anymore, the mainstream media and neocons are losing their ability to control the narrative.

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fuck off faggoth

your probably chinese or something.
Average americans are complete idiots.


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Negative senpai, I'm white. You're misjudging just how much terms like "false flag" have entered mainstream lexicon

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To be fair most burgers today have seen this for exactly what it is, the only people who are fooled are senile /ptg/ boomers, jews and people who are clearly baiting. I'm actually pretty impressed at the degree of consensus, maybe the board hasn't degenerated as much as I thought.

>everything i know about america is from Nike and McDonalds commercials

you are a extreme outlier.
90% of Americans supports attacking Assad.

I literally have that picture hanging next to my bed, in case I have trouble falling asleep at night. Cool to see it here!


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Maybe publicly on shill cnn polls. Everyone I know sees it as a false flag

>omg i can't wait to see the super bowl ads!
I don't watch commercials like you sheeps.

Thanks Rodger, I've got this framed on my wall desu
Also hail Assad

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Americans are not stupid, and no one falls for it. The problem is that some dark forces are just itching to stir the shit up!

People care, but the problem is at this point both Reps and Dems are under control of deep state or whatever puppet master is behind all that. I honestly do not even know what to vote for, they are all fucking same.


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wut? You have no idea, no one wants to go to a new war, you are delusional.

I'm really bored of life so I wouldnt mind goin amerderin or gettin murdered. Beats what I do now.

But a more serious opinion, everyday people here in the US don't give the tiniest slightest of fucks about the conflicts in the middle east. I've tried to talk with all sorts of people about it in all sorts of settings for years. And unless I talk to people who were deployed, in which case they don't want to talk about it 90% of the time, the vast majority of people don't know or care. You're obviously going to call me a jew for this, but I also think the cries of false flag are even more unsubstantiated than the claim of Assad being a cunt to put it quickly. I think there's a lot of incompetency and idiocy that went along with the current conflicts the US is involved in, 7 countries officially (I think more), but that doesn't mean Assad and Russia don't need to be told to fuck off real god damn hard right now for their actions.

I couldn't care less about a false flag or a true flag for that matter....sandniggers and dune coons dying horribly , if thats what you're referring to, on the other side of the world doesn't move me a nanometer. When the shit ends up on my door step here in the middle of nowhere Montana I'll care. So until then let the bombs fall

if you follow any directive of any govt in power today. You are being lead like a sheep to be shorn or’re one of three things in this world, A Shepard a sheep or a wolf.