ITT we laugh at krauts

ITT we laugh at krauts.

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Don't you have more of them in London alone, fuckin britbong
Gott strafe Englang

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London is not part of England anymore Hans.

For fuck's sake

lol what nigger?
At least we don't have islamist street gangs harassing people or a knife and acid attack problem.
Anyone who isn't a complete retraded knows that germany is the greatest country to live in. Just avoid the muslim neighborhoods and you're good.

Inb4 furry map.

Wish granted. I came for that.

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Besides, most of these mosques are just small apartments with a sign on the door. You won't even notice thats a mosques. We only have a dozen classical mosques with built minarets.

>You won't even notice thats a mosques.

even worse desu

Germany is nice, but the fact that you have to avoid your own clay should haunt you.

At least in America we have the 2nd amendment for when our muds chimp out.

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Oi, do you have a shitposting license for that?

you won't be laughing anymore when Jamal rapes your mum

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but they decide your laws. wayyyy better

The ex-soviet side of Germany is best Germany.

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What part of subtle take over do you not get

tfw living in east Germany

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Have you literally never been to Essen, Gelsenkirchen, Duisburg, Köln, Dortmund or other shitholes? In Essen you can literally spend your whole day shopping, walking and not see a single German. I took my father shopping last week and he was shockedand didn't understand what was going on, he thought it was all right wing propaganda.
I told him I will take him to Berlin some day to see how deep the rabbit hole goes. This was not what he imagined when we came here from Poland!

Damn, furries are white af, might have something to do with berserkers n' shit

Based east germany

Commie germany is based


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You don't hear about the attacks because your media reports them as "German man", and any outlet that says otherwise is branded fascist fake news and slapped with a hefty fine. Your president is literally responsible for Europe's downfall and your people will be hated forever for welcoming white genocide.

Fuck you.

the whole of britain is a single big mosque

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I just checked the map, you can create an account in less then a minute. And the total number is of accounts is like 14000 this is just a meme

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Should have nuked germany

They really cant help it

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>"By Allah, you people are dogs!"

Germany needs more refugees

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Nah. I like germans. Well the germans they used to be. I hope they wake up, but as all of us, they are spamm with guilt from birth. I had a german gf. Nice and beautiful, but a lvl of self hate...over the rook. Couldnt continue. I never revealed my powerlvl. Its heartbreaking. Wonder what she would have thought if she learned i am unironic natsoc.

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Oc its a meme. Furries are even rarer than trannies. But admit that its a good bantz. Here, have an babe. Made in germany, the best in the world.

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Checked and keked.



>ITT we laugh at westgermany


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'Nuff said.
France, nuke'em

Should Poland annex east-Germany to protect the native population?

>furries in the vatican
as expected

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>that east-west contrast
communism kills the body, but liberalism kills the soul

WELL, this land has officially been conquered.

>eastern germany has least mosques
>rightful polish clay

Not sure how to feel about anything anymore.
Help me anons

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Reminder that East Germany had best anthem

i hope those furries are in northern hungary and not southern slovakia, actually scrap that, they're one and the same


>the absolute state
Not avaliable in your Country

>not realising that commie germans are gibbes
>not realising they fear immigrants so much because they are also gibbes


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Don't worry Hans nobody is going to find where you live from that map. Well, nobody on Jow Forums

I'm so sorry German bro.

Idk man, I think furries might have trannies beat. There are a lot more than you think, since most of them don't even have a suit.

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Jesus Christ, Hitler should of just done an hero and surrendered. Selfish asshat. Germany is collectively mentally ill after the war.

The parts of Germany where mosques aren't, are where the Russians' preside over, I'll put money on it.

or at the very least, 'Eastern Europeans'

>being this retarded
Flag checks out

>rationalizing Abdul
Please kill me I can’t take it any longer

>procedes to make an account on a furry network
Just when you thought your country couldn’t possibly get more retarded

East is cucked too. Your economy is in the shitter and you all want to try socialism again

based bosnia

I miss DDR.

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>there are furries in my Fatherland as we speak

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They are cucked just like you.


>tfw russian rape baby

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stfu commie bastard you are the biggest cucks of them all

>not realizing East Germany is the least commie

from just a couple of weeks in 2016 - & it makes me equally sick in any corner of Europa

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tfw memeflag

>be independent German news outlet
>publish article "Muslim man commits attack"
>get jailed for Holocaust Denial

You have to remember that not all furries have enough of daddy's cash to spend on suits.
Most are probably like that one sperg in class that draws his furry OC in a notepad during English class

Gorilla man said it

>"some shit about a communist revolution"
no thanks


They are all connected by secret underground tunnels though.

>all want to try socialism again
looks like theyre the ones that want to save Germany

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Where you at?

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Called it.
Cheers for doing the research, I just instinctively knew this would be the case.
>Remember goys, all cultures are equal...

>has to give up his own capital city
>makes fun of germans

Germany, France, and UK, you're all so fucked up.

At this point, you are pissing on the graves of your ancestors. How can you allow Mosques to be built on Christian lands, and not feel revolted/disgusted by it?

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there multiple mosques here in beautiful Dresden, they are just not on the map

>ust avoid parts of your own fucking country and you're good

We should all just instinctively know this, the allies killed most of the brave strong men of Germany...genetics will do what it does best...

>Großeltern emigrierten nach Westdeutschland in den 50zigern

Ich leide.

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wow rude

Go take a walk through fucking Detroit then mutt


I've done it, and I had a gun on me and it was fine. However, the real problem is that we know how badly we fucked up with niggers, and it's painful to watch Europe make the same mistake.

>How can you allow Mosques to be built on Christian lands
Its called Freedom of Religion and Worship, you fucking leaf.

besides there are also enough churches in muslim countries.

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i visited germany for a week, travelled through the whole country, can't remember if i saw single white person there

literally ate turkish food every single time, streets were full of migrants, blacks and the occasional polish worker

Like you ever bought into that "freedom" thing until you literally had no other choice.

Fuck freedom of religion or worship. Germany is Western European land, a Christian nation, not Muslim.

Fuck Islam.

guess (((who))) built the first mosque in the UK ?

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