>Assad didn't do the chemical attac....
Assad didn't do the chemical attac
Apparently many of the victims are already buried(or buried from the attack, unclear). Would sure be a convenient way for the moderate rebels to disguise their own murder of the civilians they've been using as meat shields the past year.
If it's consistently been fake news, there comes a time when it just isn't worth it to put the mental energy into it anymore. Why would they gas a town days away from its defenders getting a one-way ticket on a green bus to Idlib?
>why would a crazy socialist arab leader gas random people for no reason other than boosting his ego
Idk ask Saddam
>The jews say Assad did it therefore it must be true.
kys kike.
Roth is a Jew
As the UK Skripal debacle proved and the MIT analysis showed, proof is not a concept statists rely upon.
((((Kenneth roth))))))) the jew cries in pain as he strikes you
Except the gas attacks have routinely been proven fake since like August of 2013.
Daily reminder that Americans who support Pissrael are cucks who suck the mutilated herpes dicks of kikes even though they intentionally attacked an unarmed naval vessel of ours in international waters to try and pin it on Egypt. You should feel shame for gobbling down the schlomo spooge.
1. Fight a Civil War
2. Win a Civil War
3. Gas your own fucking people
4. ?????
5. PROFIT!!!1!
Assad is a puppet
Russia begs for war
Trump knows
CIA whispering
watch NK
>meme flag
opinion always discarded
Not really. maybe if you read breitbart
>the rebels did it to themselves!
hm, no
>Russia vetos the only way to know who did it
This. Not to mention it makes 0 sense for Assad to do this.
Motive checklist for Assad
>About to get American troops out of his country
>Rebels pushed back in a corner, finally might get relief
>Decides to gas his own people and turn the world against him
Doesn't quite add up does it?
Israel motive list
>America about to pull out
>Biggest military ally withdrawing
>PM has long talk with Trump, reports using the term "Heated"
>Days later Assad gasses his own people
Gee I wonder which side was more likely. That isn't even bringing up Mossads known history of false flags and chemical attacks in Syria already. And not even bringing up how they tired to false flag Russia into ww3 last night. Pic very related.
Name one that was proven to have been done by Assad
>the rebels did it to themselves
but that's exactly what MSM said about the Aleppo gas attacks on Syrian Army men in 2013 and 2014. "The rebels say it was a hoax".
Apparently you missed the MIT study
>Russia asks to be part of investigations
>Jews (Nato/UN) say no, we will hold our own investigation
>Russia veto's sham-investigation where they were deliberately left out of the loop
Yes user. It's the joos.
this x 999,999,999^999,999,999
based kraut
>someone stopped the endless checks into the chemical attacks
This isnt the first one user we know syria wasn't doing them before.
if this guy's angry about putin being in the UN then maybe they should think about what good the UN can do if its human rights commission has Saudi Arabia on the panel/council
A Dixie flag is acceptable.
Pro jew trolls full of shit , evetyone knows assad can't be mossad, fuck you troll
Of course they can't be part of it. they have shared interest with the accuser
Looks like mossad convincing the west that russia and it's troll farms pushing hyperpartisan propaganda is more serious than their troll farms and hyperpartisan propaganda is finally gonna pay off
Cough cough GAS GAS
>Gas the kikes
And the UN doesn't have interests?
kys brainlet.
>present a case from last year as it were current year
>cause uproar
>people are too dumb to do their own research
Peak Talmudic.
>Putin vetoed the continuation of the UN investigation that could determine responsibility.
Maybe that's because UN is not objective at all and run by Jews in favor of USA and mostly Israel..
Why would he need to in the first place?
This would go a lot faster if we just bombed Israel.
Nobody gives a shit about all the other shithole countries.
>50 years ago one of our research ships got attacked by Israel, for that their country needs to be wiped out.
You disait honestly think the Palestinians or other sandniggers are going to treat you any better?
The UN had already vetoed Russia's involvement in the investigation.
why arent we doing more as white nationalists to support Israel in their time of need?
We must send all available US military to destroy Syria, we must not allow them to harm even one Jewish person!!!!
The real question is how many Jews have a fart fetish
Top tier journalism by this certain Roth.
>The UN investigation has been vetoed and responsibility cannot be determined
>Assad is responsible!!! Anyone saying something else is a troll!!!
Also no mention of reason of why there has been vetoed. Were the terms even fair?
yes, it’s my geographic flag
Wrong flag, moron
this desu
ITT: FSB shills
Why did Putin block investigation then if rebels did it
We're coming for you Kikes.
>letting the claimant investigate
what do they think will come out when somebody who wants to see assad as evil investigates it? what a fucking bunch of evil morons.
its was probably hostage situation left over from Obama / Clinton
i like the one with canada in the pit
reading comprehension?
If you want to disprove a hoax, then Saddam is the last name you should mention.
Saddam was gassing an ethnic minority that was threatening his power by joining the Iranians in the Iran-Iraq war. It had a clear political purpose.
((((((Kenneth Roth)))))))
Yes, I too am a white Christian male who supports gun rights and standing for the Anthem. I think we should all have guns, stand for the Anthem and Die for Israel. Lets all be good goys I mean allies
Every jew dies. Every single one.
What incentives have US and western allies given Assad or Putin to comply with any request of this nature? There is a very obvious agenda behind everything happening involving their countries. The US in particular has a proven track record of fabrication of evidence dating back to the fake WMDs of the Sadaam regime. Give me an honest answer
>The UN "inspectors" are totally unbiased and Putin knows that, so that's why they vetoed shit; so that everyone would just assume that Assad really and truly is guilty of doing something that totally makes sense considering the fact that he's winning in the conflict against the insurgency that was plaguing his country, and made the convenient excuse for the EU to import millions of niggers NOT FROM SYRIA in Europe
Yeah, this is totally not some sort of admission of guilt.
I guess we should just live in jungle without any judge
>a media kike keveched about it and called it a
conspiracy theory so that means its false
Are the rebels dropping barrel bombs from helicopter too?
was he so angry when the us vetoed investigation on israel killing palis a week ago?
He didn't.
The UN blocked Russia from being part of the investigation, so Putin vetoed its results.
Actually alot of people do,, people who create economies where you can go to grocery stores and buy food at low prices
Yeah, it doesn't make any sense.
>Assad: Oh hey look Trump is talking about pulling the troops out that are supporting Rebels that are trying to overthrow me... I better use some chemical weapons to make sure the whole world will want to bomb me now.
didnt fool us the first time, wont fool us this time.
nice try mossad nigs
>le ebil putler
>(((un investigation)))
>brought to you by (((kenneth roth)))
How is the wmds related to Saddam gassing the kurds?
This is a 18+ site
Russians and Syrians are walking around Douma without any precautions against WMDs at all
What does that tell you?
Do you really think this is working here on Jow Forums?
Have no learned nothing so far?
Ah alright
Why didn't he just arrest them or kill them with regular bombs ?
Still better than letting biased judges make rulings on 0 evidence.
I'd rather live in the wild west than in Salem
>pictures of little kid after every (((chemical attack)))
gotta drum up maximum feels points I see
I automatically disregard Jewish posts.
It makes absolutely no sense for Assad to use chemical attacks. And Assad is not stupid. Plus he has no trouble destroying the rebel through conventional warfare.
In fact, I do not understand how idiots can keep falling for the chemical attack meme. The frightening thing is that these idiots are in governments.
It is the same propaganda tactic used over and over again whenever they want to rile up some opposition againts Assad. I cannot believe that it still works on people. It is like falling for the same prank ten times in a row.
This. These sick fucks are gassing innocent people to get what they want. Trying to bait russia into world war 3. There is no forgiveness for this now. Even normies are picking up this time. They really, really fucked up.
Was an honest question, I misunderstood, calm down schizoid
Weiner? Is that you?
1. Barrel bombs aren't chemical
2. ISIS still holds airfields, so yes, it's possible.
Oh hi JIDF, didn't know you had an office in Australia.
Of course. Though I don't doubt the attack was real. What are some sand niggers to the kike masters.
Iran wanted them to revolt. Gassing them would scare them out of a rebellion as well as killing political/ethnic dissidents at the same time.
Saddam gassed Kurds in open revolt for ethnic-separatists reasons.
Jews want us to believe Assad gassed civilians held-hostage by jihadi rebels because Trump announced America was withdrawing and he thought it was funny.
In no scenario does Assad gassing people make sense. When you change the parameters and ask if the rebels did it, suddenly it makes perfect sense. Just like it made perfect sense the other two times they gassed civilians and blamed Assad.
I don;t think you know what that word means
Good let the strong win over the weak.
hopefully Russia annexes your cunt.
lol never mind you probably want that
Checked and saved.
There was no attack
Russians say no attack
Deal with it faggots
No hard feeling Shlomo.
It's Russia behind the chemical weapon attack i saw the evidence on Fox News
If Syria was a good place no one would come to the U.S. to get welfare