Searching for DUMB's

Search for possible locations of DUMBs according to the map.

Attached: 1523122279184.png (927x672, 549K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Mt. Moloch and Mt. Baal base

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Better map

Attached: 1523288385463.png (1364x909, 2.34M)

Attached: 1523119748384.jpg (741x539, 130K)

Panhandle of Texas base

Attached: whitecity.png (1118x986, 2.01M)


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Bump. Let’s figure this shit out

someone compare this with missing people map.

I think that guys story was fake

RIP Phil Schnieder

Then why was he murdered and the murder was covered up as a suicide

Attached: missing_map.jpg (1280x853, 198K)

It might have been a suicide and if it wasn't that still doesn't make his story of getting shot by an energy laser by an alien true

Pantex, Entrance 2. You are welcome.

They already tried to kill him before his death.
He was shot before he made this presentation. Then he decided to commit suicide when he clearly states he would never do that.

I think he just made it up that they tried to kill him like I think he made up that he killed 2 aliens with his ppk

Pantex is way too far north to be a location of this base. This base should be no farther North than Lubbock. No way it would be up by amarillo

If he was lying why such a mysterious death

That guy was interesting, but claiming he met aliens in one of the bases is pretty out there... though saying they smelled like shit made it a bit more convincing.

Wright Patterson AFB of course being the former home of Project Blue Book and figuring in various our UFO narratives. Who knows how deep it goes, but that fitness tracking stuff from a few months ago seems to indicate there are some underground features.

Attached: wright-pat 1.jpg (1253x791, 547K)

Attached: wright-pat 2a.jpg (1251x789, 524K)

Attached: wright-pat 2b.jpg (1249x787, 483K)

Attached: wright-pat 3.jpg (1239x789, 488K)

Thanks user didn't know about the global heat map. I checked the panhandle location and no heat at all shows up

Attached: noheattx.png (1168x956, 169K)

Having gps work underground in secret tunnels doesn't make sense user

But America is full of dumb people, all you have to do to find one is find a mirror.

You sure got him with that one, Abdul

Attached: 1518038723115.gif (240x180, 2M)
However, I doubt what is shown around Wright-Pat is that deep, likely only to be near-surface accessways.

Thanks, Skippy.

Is the one in northern california at Mt Shasta? Thats been a long known hotbed of UFO activity and other unknown phenomena.

Yup. Interesting.

Attached: shasta base.jpg (740x455, 71K)

"Mt. Shasta. Function: Genetic experiments, magnetic advance, space and beam weaponry. Levels: 5 Tunnels to: Ft. Irwin, California"