How many kids will you have (to save the White race)?

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Will I still be alive by next spring?
Let's find out.

Convert from your perverted ways and breed

i always wanted many kids even before i was a right wing.

I grew up with 3 brothers and 2 sisters and i coundn't imagine living with one sister or brother less. Shure we sometimes foght each other when we were young but in the end of thr day we could always trust each other and were
happy about having each other.

Today its great to see how everyone of my brothers and sisters is going there own way and having their own career and individuelle path. For example one of my brother lives in australia. I can simply go to australia and don't have to pay for housing or hotel or something not like my friends.

These Families with 1-2 Children must be fucking depressive

Tbh you would be better off trying to massacre others, faster results and genocide usually leads to a booming economy.

Zero. Fuck the white race, all white women want BBC. The future of white men is MGTOW. I will slay all the tradcucks, their white roastie tradthots and their white children. Jow Forumscucks need to be redpilled the hard way, so be it

5 possibly more

Good for you. I actually didnt. I bought into the globalist anti-human lie that the world was overpopulated and thought 2-3 kids max was a good number. After learning about population stats for Whites and Christians, new technologies for producing food and the amount of time the elites have told us the world was over-populated, ive realized the need for whites to have big senpaitachi.

Phase 2

Its literally impossible for that to be a future for anyone for obvious reasons

How do I get a female human being to reproduce/breed a child with me?

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Fuck you tradcuck. Your shaming tactics do not work on me.

>half Asian
>feel sort of bad for whites
>don't really care because half the planet is coated in people who are more like me, anyway

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never fall for the lie that raising to many kids is to hard

It get harder up to the 4-5 kid than it actually gets constantly easier. The 6. Child was easy as nothing for my Family because already had 5 brothers and sisters who looked for her. My parents basically had zero work to do lel.

My grandgrandfather had 13 children and after the logic of some left wing sjw's this must be a nightmare but it wasn't. They always told me that they were happy and how the sons and daughters would do any work for them. My grandgrandfather was laying in bed before his dead with his big family and kids kids around him and was happy.

Judging by human beings 200000 history the key seems to be: be capable of provide adequate resources to her and your offspring during the young's necessary nurturing period.

Not shaming.Trying to appeal to you with logic.

3-5, maybe more

None at all. Kids are a fucking disgrace and so is my wife.

Depends whom you give me to impregnate

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wow this post rly sparks my synapses

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stop racemixing, degenerate leaf

Good point. Yeah I feel like it takes more planning and responsibility, but nbd. My sis has 4 kids and my bro just had his 5th and they dont seem to have trouble and their kids are all great.

Also I feel like the birthing pyramid is upside down. less intelligent and less responsible people have more kids than the intelligent and responsible, which needs to be changed.


i don't want to bring anyone into this horrible world

>implying you're an asset to your race anyway

Lotsa $$$ or be a total dirt bag. Girls like that.

at least 7 but I will have them with my qt 3.14 nip gf. Reasons ? webm related

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I can't afford to have kids

Always wanted like 10+ kids
Doubt it will happen

Zero. Having children has more cons than pros in today's life. This isn't the 1800's anymore, faggot.

Step 1: Log off Jow Forums

I will impregnate thousands of Japanese women. I shall be the genghis khan of happas

none. I'm an effeminate anglo faggot that looks like a woman. white girls are pretty much
finished now too.

At least 5, but the more the merrier!

like there ever was something worth saving

Trump is Jewish and so is Kushner, Ivanka and Mattis. The CIA and Mossad (israeli secret intel.) pulled off 9/11 with the help of the Sayanim network which is a group of 1 million plus Jewish volunteers who help in espionage ops. The Jewish goal is to exterminate all non jews and create a slave world - this is why Communism is so similar. The Peoples Republics of China and North Korea were named by Jews after their biblical title of "The Chosen Ones" because they run Communist countries. The word God in the Bible is a code word for the Jews - Kim Jong Un is an asian jew - Moe and Muhammad are similar because the Jews created and Islam as well. Moe being a brooklyn jews name. The bible repeats the words hebrew and israelite on each page to embed into the subconscious minds of millions of christians. What is embedded into the subconscious of millions of Christians will manifest in reality. The Catholic Church made a deal with the Grey E.T's where they exchange the souls of deluded christians for wealth. The ancient pagan gods are human E.T's with advanced spiritual abilitiy - they are our creator gods who used genetic engineering to create humanity. The Joy of Satan shows this. Adolf Hitler was a Spiritual Satanist and part of the Thule lodges.

6 - I'm looking forward to it

Solid goal and with ultra white Norse blood too - very nice. I wish the whites in the Nordic countries would up their birth rate so bad

>Zero. Having children has more cons than pros in today's life. This isn't the 1800's anymore, faggot.




yeah its fucking hard having kids today without all that Polio and Indian Attacks and what not

what a luck for us you erasing yourself from the gen pool

dont worry senpai , they'll convert to islam\communism anyway

What the fucks with the nihilism?

define white.

id only breed with distinctively nordic germanic/scandinavians.

living in mutt america makes that virtually impossible.

it should be mandatory for norway to find a breeder egg to host my seed and raise a super soldier genius.

the germanic underground is off thriving and ive been left on the surface of this diseased muted wasteland where i myself have become a dirt covered heathen mutating in to one of ((them)).

now im too contaminated and crippled to be allowed into the underground. natures impersonal and cruel fate for me.

fortunately the hyper-deep-future will take me in; crowning me with reverence.

in the meantime, left crawling through the murk and mire through the dark mutant forest; overdosed on black pills.

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god, post moooar

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Why does it have to be white? Just fuck whoever you fall in love with

I have 2, a boy and a girl. 50/50 If ill have more in the future.

0, fuck having kids

15 or until my 23 year old wife becomes infertile.

It's a hard topic.

Realistically we should not grow much more since the world isn't fit for so many people. Due to the industries which produces food faster than ever we are able to feed everyone , but nature didn't instend us to work this way.

Everyone can get children now. The survival of the fittest element is dissapearing , even ugly people can go to sperm bank to still start a family. It would best if the population shrunk with maybe 60-70%.

On the otherhand , we got the problem of other races outbreeding and replacing us. So that means we will have to breed more to not get replaced.

Once society collapses and everyone goes back to their natural habitat we can have a reset and we will create a new society with our mistakes in mind.

Is half white considered at helping the white race?

No. It sucks , but your bloodline is forever ruined with tainted blood.

It hurts as hell to admit that as a person on the right side of the war but it's the painful truth.

you're, the only reason the world is overpopulated is because the population Asian and especially African countries a BALLOONING. They cry about their child mortality rate being high, mfw if they all survived then there would literally be no space for everyone on the fucking disease ridden continent. Keep having the white children and teach them so they stop advancing the third world with their money just to be attacked back as a thank you.

I was talking about my children not myself, I am not a gypsy btw.

you're *wrong

Don't get mixed children then friend.

Not only is it against our race , but you also take away an identity from your children which will results them to be more likely bluepilled.

I disagree.

The world can probably fit 100 Billion people or more easily, technology continually makes it easier for more people to exist and hasnt slowed down at all. Also, there is no evidence that we cant double our population with the current technology.

Also, by the time we hit 30 Bil we will have terraformed Mars and be working on a third planet to inhabit.

The destiny of humans is to become multi-planetary and spread across the galaxy. We need much more breeding, not less.

Well I already have 2 mixed children, so I guess in this case I cant do much, but I am going to take care of them so I dont think they will come out bad.

But high IQ people need to have the large families and currently its the opposite

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Problem is that we won't even have a future with how society is going. Slowly our right will be taken away untill we literally live in an Orwallian society.

Godspeed brother

white race is dead in america, we all know it, they only have a chance.if they retake europe

The white race is doomed if you all follow the motivational speakings JP stole off of late 80's-90's television ad campaigns
Go ahead, search youtube and google every one of his slogans .
He's controlled opposition

Many Hapas.

As many as necessary. Don't think I'd be able to find a wife interested in pushing out that many babies, though.
How much does a surrogate mother cost?

Thank you, I hope they will not have any issues until now they play and act like the children around here.

can ya lads clarify why having kids of any color matters in any way? You'll be dead before anything significant happens either way.
Why bother?

>tfw half italian half snow nigger mutt
Am I helping or am I part of the problem

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With a solid birth rate and responsible child rearing we can see an good improvement in our lifetimes

>white wife
>1 blue eyed son
>baby number two is on the way, 12 weeks in
>aiming for 4

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unfortunately, I would never be able to find a wife. 1 year away from becoming a handholdless wizard so thats cool.

are you 29 or 39?

You do know she has those children with a non white right?

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As many as I can manage.

you guys are fucking pathetic

so you take pride in the color of your family members?
buy a coloring book so that you'll find a use for those white crayons

have had 5 kids in 6 years, #6 is due this fall.

white kids feels good, senpai.


>he thinks thats an anglo
He is a fucking spic you mong look on her insta or website.

>the future
Refraining from dating women and making white babies is the future? Keep playing into the jew’s hands idiot.

Lol stop fucking bullshitting u dumb fucking neckbeard prick. u couldnt fuck anyone u socially anxious spotty midget cunt.


I agree the only future to white men is with asian qts,black and arabs can have the horrible white women.By doing this we will continue our bloodline while having trad wives.

Problem statement framed incorrectly.
It doesn't matter how many kids you have when nig nog spawn production is subsidized by the state with your own fucking tax dollars.
Encourage niggers to abort their spawn, and discourage giving them welfare, free housing, free food, etc.

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>said the arab rape baby

this. how are there so many? they fail the white race and leech off the system that is humanity

First go for a white girl, an asian should be plan B

If you already have babby what are you doing wasting time on here when you could be spending time being a good father to them?? Go love your kids user.

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I already have 2 children with a traditional asian qt, so I will advocate for anyone if they want to have a woman like our were a couple of generations ago.

i want 5 but finding a woman who wants 5 kids who isn't a reformed slut is basically impossible and i every day i look at surrogacy more seriously

Ur a disgusting race traitor fuck off from this forum u kike prick WHITE POWER dont be like this race mixing piece of shit

Yeah I didn't read the highlighted text kek

Why? I have an beautiful wife and two amazing boys that I love to pieces, I really dont know why Jow Forums believes they will become Elliots because until now they are no different to their peers at their age.So why are you angry?

Fucking zeros are bringing our average way down

As long as you kids conservative its way better than being a zero

Dude ur a kike prick we want to stop miscegenationg and here u are spreading ur fucking yellow fuking fever bullshit u kike fuck face cunt. u are probably going to end up killing urself for bringing mongrel scum into this world. Fuck off to r communism u mentally ill piece of shit

Anyone who does zero is just as bad as racemixers. Go fuck yourselves.

You are legitimately evil.

Well truth be told I cant force them to become something they dont want but I will try to keep them from being degenerate.
I am not a jew,why do you keep repeating this?
I dont have a yellow fiver, do you even know what that means? It means you want to fuck many asian women because of a fetish I didnt do that I simply picked her because she had the traits and morals I looked for a mother, something I wasnt able to find from romanian women here.

>not going above 7
kill yourself jewish degenerate shill
nigger you're just here to spread discord among the people
we need as many children as we can get
fuck you and your useless 7 children
13+ is the very fucking least you need to stand a chance

the most succesful "white" nations on the planet are all a little mixed up with meds, slavs, other white races, and the odd asian. cosmopolitan life in moderation is necessary for racial health. you need a minority of people producing halfbreed offspring to keep the gene pool healthy, otherwise you end up like finland - genetically unhealthy, with defective psychology to match, and fewer contributions to modern life than you would have if you were a less pure people, ie: the british. this is only a bad thing when the halfbreed is a direct downgrade (african admixture) instead of a sidegrade. yes, halfbreeds start out a little worse off, usually because they're the mixed result of two different strains of human sexual preference, but their increasingly white offspring see a return to hybrid vigor, rather than outbreeding depression.

don't confuse this with demographic replacement, however. it is very important that only a small minority miscegenates, and even more important that the minority is not only composed of above-average individuals, but is mating with desirable individuals of another race instead of rejects that had to resort to being mail order brides.

people of your sort are what gave the white race its good reputation in the first place. seriously.

>inb4 of course an american thinks its a good thing to be a mutt t. le 100% face
less white than you, sven "two vodka for breakfast" roetenfiske.

learn her period schedule and rape her in between 2 periods.

>I cleaned daddy's cock.
God I hate you peterson crossdressers.