I just learned that i’m sterile

I just learned that i’m sterile.
How can i contribute to the white race?

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Adopt some South African orphans that lost their parents/family.

Write about a subject you're interested in, and overtime you'll hopefully contribute something lasting.

Dedicate yourself to some philanthropic work, and try to benefit your community.

start resettling undesirables

Marry an Asian girl. That way an Asian girl who would have otherwise married a white guy won't marry a not sterile white guy.


There was some thing they were working on where they modify your bone marrow to make a sperm cell or some shit.
Look into that.

adopt white children

Kill niggers.

Don´t worry user, my girlfriend told me today that she is pregnant. So i am getting a white child in December and if it is a boy i am going to name it Noah and if it is a girl i am going to name it Rosalin.

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Let Jamal impregnate your wife for you.
Or adopt a white kid whose parents died.

Christian celibacy is the only answer user. Don't listen to the shills

go on a rampage attack and shoot some coons
t. moon man

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also how did you find out?
if you had tests ran how much does that shit cost and where do you get it done at?

Adoption is still an option

This. Or marry a roastie with white kids and try to raise them right

Adopt South Africans

Cloning with gene editing to fix the sterility

>Kill kill kill
>Then end it, jaffa..

how do you know if it's yours though?

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Forget contributing to the white race. Just tell bitches you're sterile and get mad pussy forever.
Hell, if you have some medical form stating you're sterile carry that shit around in your wallet. Bitches love that shit, mang.

That’s what i’ve been doing. But i want to settle down and contribute.

Never tell anyone that you're sterile. This is extremely important. If you can manage that - enjoy banging everything that moves and go on the Maury show every time a woman tells you it's 1 billion percent your kid. You'll contribute to everyone's happiness via entertainment, and taking on the high-risk litigious gold diggers.

If you're sterile and tfw no gf - well, no big loss, right?

Alternatively you can always adopt and win every pissing contest by out-virtue-signalling any normies who dares challenge you.

The common theme is don't tell anyone, ever.

Easy, i am the only one who is having sex with her, user.

So what i’m getting is adopt south africans, find white/asian wife and raise my kids right.
I’m sterile because i somehow damaged my urethra before puberty, and now it’s gone unnoticed for too long. I’m looking at surgical options.

Start taking out minorities in high crime areas where no police go at night. Pick completely random targets, change the method of killing, steal from their bodies sometimes and other times don't. Make some look intentional, make some look like an accident, make some look like suicides. Go to different areas in the city and eventually go to a different city and so on.

Be boipussy for chad who has too much hormones and is a nympho

6 years ago I was told I was sterile so I stoped giving a a fuck a didn’t wear condums anymore fast forward to present my wife of 4 years just had our 3rd child