OK Jow Forums, I'm frustrated at the Christian Religion in general

OK Jow Forums, I'm frustrated at the Christian Religion in general.

I'm a religious type, born and raised that way. At the same time, I've spent my time in the world and sown my wild oats. I get aggravated at religious people and the freaking judgmental pricks they can be! I truthfully don't get it! Jesus himself spent time with tax collectors and prostitutes yet when someone walks in with a sleeve tat, they flip out as if Satan himself just walked through the door!

It absolutely pisses me off and I despise their hypocrisy! I'm a Christian that doesn't care about skin color, country of origin or who one lays down next to at night. My job is to show you love and that there is a better way in life. To, "let my light shine." Yet the church and its conservative ways are pushing people away at an alarming rate.

People don't want to feel judged. People don't want to be around those that judge. Therefore, the culture in the USA is that Christianity and the Churches involved are bad places. Brilliant tactic if you believe in the angel/demons bit.

What's your opinion Jow Forums? I know there's all types here and I'd love to hear your feedback. From a non-judgmental Christian.

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>I'm a degenerate
>I hate Christianity!

You're just an altruistic fool who probably read dumbed down versions of the bible.

He may have spent time with prostitutes, but flipped his shit and flipped tables over when he saw tax collectors and money changers in the temple.

You're either mislead or a shill. Which is it?

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>Not a degenerate
>I'm a Christian

I probably should have made that clear. My bad user. I'm actually a leader in the church I attend and this is what I'm seeing. That's the source of my frustration.

>sleep around
>not a degenerate
Probably a protestant. Not a real Christian.

They had turned the temple into a marketplace. It mentions those who "bought and sold", money changers, and those that sold pigeons. It's Matthew 21: 12-13.

I don't see where you're coming from in your comment user. I can be kind to those not of the faith yet defend my faith at the same time from those that would bastardize it like chief priests and scribes did at that time.

Please define "real Christian" and I'll answer honestly.

What are you talking about retard, go to a liberal church then.

Would love to, but can't find any that follow the Bible the way I understand it. I've only got one real line as far as Christianity is concerned. The other items are preferences and not "heaven or hell" issues.

That line is baptism. I believe it is necessary for salvation. 99.9% of other churches don't believe that.

Bump because I enjoy these types of conversations.

Mislead, it is.

You can be kind, yes, but tolerance of evil is not kindness, nor love user. I advise you look up Matthew 5:5 in the original Greek, and do the translations yourself.

Meekness is not what you think is when given proper context; it is more akin to providence.

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I will, stand by.

Are you implying that Jesus and His teachings were more totalitarian?


>Jesus hung out with prostitutes and tax collecters.
Wrong. He hung out with REPENTANT prostitutes and tax collectors. They weren't prostitutes and tax collectors anymore. That's the point.
I hate nu-Christianity

I'm not implying it; I'm explicitly stating that is the case, when it comes to being loving in terms of agape.

Some Christians today think that it is loving to allow people to make their own mistakes, to allow them freedom of agency when it comes to sin.

To allow someone to hurt themselves; that is not loving. It is neglectful.

catholic server /bkXHBgq

>Please see the woman at the well and Zacheus

Jesus spent time around them to show them a better way. I agree they should be repentant, but I'm not supposed to shun people that aren't Christians yet.

You are correct. I am a protestant. Glad you're here Padre Anderson.

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Then don't shun them; tell them where they're fucking up and do so with love.

And humor; humor always helps in today's world.

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only niggers and spics use this word user. don't be a nigger.

So, I've looked up the word "πραεῖς" used in the original Greek. All I'm finding is soft, gentle / tame / mild, as a definition

I agree that we shouldn't just sit back and let people screw up, we should encourage like Jesus did at the woman at the well. After the crowd had left, he asked where are her accusers. When she said they all had left, Jesus said that he didn't accuse her either. Then He encouraged her to "go forth and sin no more."

Unless you're seeing something I'm not.

Agreed. Which I do. It goes over pretty well with people who are not "life long" members of the church or the younger generation. But the 50+ crowd gets furious with me over it.

I'm caught between a rock and a hard place. All the Elders of the church which make the final decisions, are all part of that 50+ crowd that has their head up their rear ends.


Okay, but Jesus also "hung out" with Pharisees (Nicodemus) and leaders (Centurion). Actually Jesus didn't "hang out" with anyone. He traveled around eating raw grain, sleeping on rocks, hungry, cold, scorched, and so tired he could sleep through a storm. He spent the vast majority of his time rebuking people and calling them stupid.
I agree that we should be accepting, but I don't agree that we should cast Jesus as a Nice-Guy hippy.

Religion is honesty and the Universe is the church. Anything else is parasitic. Churches will become extinct in the end times because they are a place where the word is twisted.

Never said He was hippy nice guy. I disagree, however, that all he did was call people stupid. He spoke with them, showing them a better way. Most questions He answered were with a question or with a parable. Then He spent a very large amount of time healing the sick, etc.

Religious or not, living the Christian lifestyle is basically not being a douche and just being a good person with a few rules thrown in there. (Not to mention an eternal consequence.)

"I have come that they might have life, and have it to the fullest."

One could say the Universe is God. I'm not disagreeing with you in that aspect.

You're close, but you haven't taken historical context into account.

The Greeks used this word, originally, to describe a horse that had been broken in.

Three uses of praus in the gospels are provided by Matthew. The first is in the sermon on the mount as you probably saw.

The second, in Matthew 11:28-30, clearly keys into the image of a beast of burden as raw power, tamed to so that it can be used. Jesus advocates in Matthew 11:29 “Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.

In Greece, a trainer would yoke or tether a colt to a more experienced animal, thus encouraging them to comply, without making them fearful. This practice has made it to modern times.

In the third, Matthew 21:5, we find the claim that Jesus’ triumphal entry fulfilled the prophecy of Zechariah 9:9.

By association it was therefore applied to the outcome of such taming, to the gentle, quiet and friendly who, like a well trained animal, do not succumb to bitterness or anger, whatever the provocation. As with the trained workhorse, this is not simply a matter of passive submission to a stronger force, but involves an active choice to accept instruction.

Thus, meekness was a noteworthy characteristic of Moses, of whom the analogy with a broken-in workhorse would hold true. The man who reacted out of his own anger at injustice, then fled from Egypt in disgrace, was certainly very different from the one who returned bearing God’s message to his brother, the Pharaoh.

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So, going back to your original post Are you saying that our yoke is God's protection? If I'm reading your comments right, the "take my yoke" being protection of God?

Not trying to sound ignorant here. Our comments have been kind of all over the road and I'm trying to understand your viewpoint.

Providence, yes.

Not ignorant at all, the fact you're trying to understand says more about you than most who think they know Christ.

I'm not saying all he did was call people stupid, I'm saying that it is way too simplistic to say he "hung out with prostitutes and tax collectors therefore we are all great!" He also cursed a fig tree for bearing no fruit, told a man to leave his father's corpse behind, and cursed the entire city of Jerusalem to be sacked and razed by Titus. He was a complex man amd his teaching was not: "lol be nice too each other and stuff!" He actually said: "Take up your cross and lose your life or you're not worthy of me." He told us to kill our attachment so much that it looks like hatred of our own family. His apostles, filled with the Holy Spirit, taught that there a lot of "rules" a person must follow to gain the Kingdom. If a man walks into a church, a house of God, wearing his tattoos out in the open then he should be told to cover them up or leave. He has already sinned by mutiliting himself but now he wants to immodestly flaunt his sin in front of the Lord? Be gentle in correcting him, fine, but correct him!
When we enter into prayer, or come into a church, we should think of ourselves surrounded by millions of angels who are trembling in fear of God. People these days dance where Saints would fear to tread and then they wonder why atheists and heretics and infidels rightly ask:
"If your religion is true then why don't you Christians act like it?"
I am sick and tired of wishy-washy, make no waves, conform to the world, BS that passes as Christianity these days.
If "young people" don't want Truth then they can go where all liars go.

Fair point, and thank you. I'll have to dig further.

So, what, in your opinion, is it that Jesus commands of us as his followers? The rest of Matthew 5 talks about the peacemakers and those that are persecuted.

This so much

I can certainly see your viewpoint. A little too militant for my liking given we're following the man that healed a cut off ear in Matthew 26 before His Crucifixion.

It sounds like the Great Commission in Matthew 28 is more a guideline for a Holy War to you, user. Are we not supposed to teach and bring people to Him?

Yes. I'm not Catholic. We covered this.

Christianity is yin to Judaism's yang. Judaism is for the masters and christianity is for the slaves. If you believe it, you are an unwitting slave to the Judaists.

Open gour eyes, user. There are many gods: Perun, Zeus, Odin... Pick one and work on discovering his teachings.

Depends on the individual path of each of us, as individuals. As for a definitive answer, I don't think I can give you one; sorry. I do think we're both on the right path, however. As to what lies at the end or what obstacles we will need to overcome, I can't be certain.

Godspeed. ^_^

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Protestantism is the truest form of christianity, it was created because Martin Luther realised we must read the bible and gods word for ourself, not trust the catholic church's tainted and twisted understanding of it.

you might find this amusing; I sure did hehe

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So, if this is the case, how can we be sure which God is the True God? I agree (in speculation) that there are many god(s) and I'm very interested in the history of all religions. Christianity is the one I decided upon after leaving the faith and coming back to it.

If, however, Judaism is the one true religion, then who was Jesus to you?

An user that knows his history. 95 Thesis ftw

I've always wondered where the rest of the Bible went. Someone like Enoch doesn't just "walk with God" and have nothing to say.

sounds like some protestant bullshit
become a real christian

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Well, according to the anons above, I'm not allowed to convert to Catholicism due to me "being a degenerate."

>That line is baptism. I believe it is necessary for salvation. 99.9% of other churches don't believe that.

Why would it be necessary if you do not even keep the commandments of the father ? its symbolism just like the bread and wine

don't pay too much attention to these Jow Forums catholics
they probably hate the pope and don't even go to confession and just want to larp as crusaders online

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We can cherry-pick verses and events all day. This is also the King who will return with a sword and a host of angels to conquer the world by force and then throw a massive part of the population into Hell
Bring people to him, not bring him to people.

>edits the Bible to fit his own worldview
>openly admits his people became worse degenerates than the worst Catholics
>secretly allows powerful people to practice polygamy so they support him
>whine about persecution from Church and then genocide the Anabaptists
>go insane and start talking to Devil constantly
>followers don't actually follow 90% of what you taught
Sounds like a real winner.

I didn't keep the commandments. Past tense. I do now.

I'm picking up on that slowly.

We're saying the same thing with 2 different levels of intensity. I agree about bringing people to him, which is what I stated earlier. I believe God to be a merciful and forgiving God, but also a God of wrath when rules are broken. I just don't think it needs to be ALL hell fire and brimstone.

>I didn't keep the commandments. Past tense. I do now.

>Doubt ... Most denominations are build on to disobey gods 10 commandments

The pope is a commie who speaks heresy, I do go to confession, and crusaders are as Catholic as it gets.

the pope hasn't even spoken ex cathedra, let alone heresy. fuck off and go be orthodox or something

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try and source that quote. you can't.

Not Orthodox

You do not care about skin colour ? Good goy. Get replaced.

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Fr. Arturo Sosa Abascal, the Jesuit’s Superior General, said in a May 31 interview with the Spanish paper El Mundo that Satan is a “symbolic figure” who doesn’t really exist.

“We have created symbolic figures, such as the devil, in order to express [the reality of] evil,” said Abascal when asked if he believes evil is a process of human psychology or comes from a higher being.

“Social conditioning also represents that figure,” he added.


Where so you see any fire and brimstone at all? All I see is "meeting people where they are" and "live and let live" milquetoast Christianity these days. Seems like you're fighting an enemy that isn't even there.
Honestly you'd fit in just fine with most Catholics. I'm just a salty 28 year old.

>says something heretical
Shocker. Why don't you clean up your own mess before talking aboit ours?

that's just some jesuit, not the fuckin pope
and honestly I can understand his reasoning. it's like when a verse in the bible says "god was angry." do you actually think god is like a person who feels anger?

This is from 2015

What happens to that lifeless soul? Will it be punished? How?

>Francis’ answer is very clear: there is no punishment, but the annihilation of that soul. All the others will participate in the bliss of living in the presence of the Father. The annihilated souls will not be part of that banquet; with the death of the body their journey is ended and this is the basis for the missionary work in the Church: to save the lost souls. And this is also the reason why Francis is a Jesuit to the core.


The leader of the jesuits , its like saying the leader of isis does not understand islam

you people just believe everything you read on the internet huh

>The Vatican has reported that Italian journalist Eugenio Scalfari’s assertion regarding Pope Francis’s position on hell is not accurate. Scalfari claimed the pope told him that damned human persons don’t suffer in hell eternally but rather simply go out of existence.

>On various occasions, Pope Francis has publicly made clear that hell is real and everlasting and that unrepentant souls who definitively exclude themselves from God go there. As Vatican News recently reported:

>its like saying the leader of isis does not understand islam
well there are like a billion muslims out there who say exactly that

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Journalist tells untrue stories about you in 2015 , in 2018 just lets do it again , offcourse the vatican will deny it it the foundation of your religion

Christians need to be more judgemental

Your type of thinking has watered down and ruined Christianity. It’s turned into a new-age hippy love fest. It’s a fucking joke and that’s why nobody has any respect for it.

>It absolutely pisses me off and I despise their hypocrisy! I'm a Christian that doesn't care about skin color, country of origin or who one lays down next to at night. My job is to show you love and that there is a better way in life. To, "let my light shine." Yet the church and its conservative ways are pushing people away at an alarming rate.

tell it to them, retard. all you're going to get here are faggot 'religiosity is edgy now!' RPers and genuine atheists.

I'll believe it when I hear a recording
til then I'll take the word of the vatican over some rando journalist

He is a atheist journalist using real theology , it can only come from francis

what are you saying? atheists can only get real theology by speaking with the pope?
the idea that hell is temporary comes from jewish mysticism. if pope francis wants to tell some atheist shitlib "hey maybe those jews are right lol" in private then I don't really give a fuck as long as he says hell in real in public, which he already does.

>Francis was quoted as saying: “One day, when she was about to die, she called me. Not to receive the sacraments, since she was Jewish, but for a spiritual dialogue.”

>He added: “She was a good person. For six months she helped me a lot.”

At the time, Francis – or Fr Jorge Mario Bergoglio as he was then – was the head of the Jesuit order in his native Argentina, which was ruled by a military dictatorship.

>He is believed to be the first Pope in history to have visited a psychoanalyst – or at least to have admitted to it.

Guess who also do not belief in hell?


Its pretty clear francis believes other stuff then he teaches

This is scary.

>Its pretty clear francis believes other stuff then he teaches
because he had a jewish therapist once?

Those who judge bring judgment to themselves. And anyone who has reflected a little on himself, will hardly have begun to scratch the true depth of our faults. And God demands perfection. They are fools.

>I'm a Christian that doesn't care about skin color, country of origin or who one lays down next to at night.
You should. You will see the future in them. Secularists want to decrease the presence of the religion (in fact, reduce it to a purely personal dimension). For them, Christians are the enemy.