Why isn't Russia as good at capitalism as China?

Why isn't Russia as good at capitalism as China?

They both transitioned from communism to capitalism but China ended up rich while Russia is still a poor country that exports natural resources.


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its much more simple then you would imagine, russia completely abandoned their heratige and history, stalin/lenin/communism, everything went out the window.

China abandoned Mao's bad stuff but kept the good stuff and are still with it.

One country still has cohesion, is unified in some sort of ideology and are keeping it together for better or worse.
the other country has been a complete chaos ever since.

china has a sustainable bureaucracy, russia does not

IQ maybe?

That Chinese show is a complete ripoff of a KPOP show.

because china invented capitalism
>inb4 shill

t. park baek hyeon

Russia transition was handled by jewish American economists who fucked everything up and ended up giving a huge portion of the country's wealth to like six guys, five of whom were jews.

Nope. But I follow KPOP. What I said is true. That show is a complete ripoff.

>follow K-pop

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what kpop show?

Lower IQ, worse leaders and the West hates Russia.

Soviet Union at one point had more scientists and innovations than the US. So this is probably not the case. I think the vast amount of Chinese (plus their above average IQ), and their authoritarian government, allows them to easily achieve economic success.

This. Only Russia stopped the cold war. The west kept going by attacking their economy. The cold war never ended for the west.

You're thinking of German scientists.

every country that's not in africa is smarter than the US. the only reason you're even relevant is because jews run the show

It's called Produce 101. The Chinese version didn't purchase the rights to it. But China is making another show based on Produce 101 that IS an official remake. China had another smash hit called "Rap of China" last year that was another copy of a KPOP show.

>The Chinese version didn't purchase the rights to it.
what's the chinese version called?

White Americans and Europeans have similar PISA scores. What you are saying is stupid.

because koreans invented singing on live tv, ok

>white americans
the same ones that put trump in office? yeah, real genius

Attached: most-white-trash-photo.jpg (565x428, 41K)

No dummy, the Chinese shows literally copied everything from the songs/raps, dances, styling, set design, format, clothing, etc.

so acting like niggers? sad. SK should be nuked

Russia didn't have a billion workers willing to work for a dollar an hour or less.

Not an argument.

Hillary would probably been worse anyway.

nice shitposting, Chang. u got me gud

Whats the problem with the people in the picture? Is it cause they look poor?

ok park

Doesn't K-Pop come from Western rapping/pop anyway?

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no dummy, koreans obviously invented hip hop, rap and acting like niggers

Well yeah, but I'm talking about the actual shows. Imagine making a foreign version of Who Wants To Be A Millionaire, but making minimal changes and calling it your original product. That's what China did with the show in the OP.

nothing, they're just not very smart

bro, you haven't seen the other 99% of china....

The entire world helped China become what it is today. On top of this the entire world allows China to get away with shit that would start WW3 if Russia tried it.

When the entire world wants you to succeed and is willing to let you get away with anything if it means you'll be successful, it's not that hard to be successful.


that's true of any country though. why is the US the superpower it is today? because the world allowed it to rise

>nothing, they're just not very smart
How'd you deduce that from a picture?

There is a difference between allowing something to happen and actively participating in it.

because they most likely voted for trump?

Because Russians are subhuman

Because China made a Controlled transition from Maoism to state capitalism over he course of decades while Russia was told to sink or swim in international capitalism and subsequently spent nearly a decade drowning

>Why isn't Russia as good at capitalism as China?
Jews gave them billions of free monies and outsourced American manufacturing for over 30 years to China.

Russia was taken over by the Jew in 1917, but managed to throw the Jew down the well in 1991 after 74 years of Red Terror, and has been paying for it ever since... because the Jew still controls most of Europe and America.

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true. the world is actively helping the US to rise

What do you mean? Probably about 40% - 60% of China is modernized now and is an arguably decent place. It's not like it was back in the 80's and 90's.

russians are incredibly smart just nobody trusts them.
that's all.
they could have an amazing country but they feel backed into a corner so they sperg out like a cornered mouse.

it's 2018 everyone needs to get over the fucking past and move on.
make amends cause thermonuclear war is a really shitty option to revisit

Well yeah, China has a a 5-7 point IQ advantage. But its mostly that a lot of Russians best people left the country and rich people chose to invest elsewhere.

>China ended up rich
*in a couple of big cities everywhere else is living like the middle ages without even plumbing

Why did they make the switch in the first place though? I know that the Soviet Union collapsed, but couldn't they have continued their political practice, with just Russia?

Yes, and the world actively helped China to become what it is today, while actively preventing Russia from growing as much as it could.

>the same ones that put trump in office? yeah, real genius
You mean the same ones that voted for Obama? Oh and Trump got record turnout among every minority group as a Republican as well.

If only people who pay income tax were allowed to vote, Hillary would've lost in every single state, even with millions of illegals voting. Gas yourself.

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Well, not really. Most towns are now modernized, and/or improving. Because of their economic growth these past two decades, China was able to develop their rural and poorer areas.

>They both transitioned from communism to capitalism but China ended up rich while Russia is still a poor country that exports natural resources.
(((West))) moved factories and shit to China so they could steal all the IP while manufacturers get slightly lower labor costs than building in Russia. China stole all the IP and used the trade deficit to buy a ton of US treasuries so the scheme would have to continue forever, then got a ton of free money from US Central Bank quantitative easing program they then used to buy up even more US assets to benefit from recovery.
Also, those two countries only "transitioned" to "capitalism" because they were getting outproduced by Western countries that still used Markets to incentivize workers. The transition is temporary because once China gets production high enough they will just switch back to full socialism and then communism.
Remember though, China isn't a real capitalist state, and neither is America. They are both socialist countries with markets. In real capitalism the state can't seize your property and redistribute it for not paying taxes or whatever. In real capitalism state doesn't collect taxes on your shit to redistribute to poors.
China created its own class of businessmen to help grow its economy. They will all be purged eventually, which is why the smart ones gtfo of there.

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The same can be said of African migrants from places like Kenya.

That doesn't explain why the entirety of East Europe is generally technologically and economically shitty. Also, smart exceptions are not the rule, just like with blacks.

This post is bullshit and you know it. China is still largely a rural shithole.


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It is, I'm not disagreeing with that. But it's improved greatly since 20 years ago. Most people do have plumbing and electricity and the very least. It was their economic boom which allowed them to improve in the first place.

Meant for

tell that your leaders

TRUMP'S TOP ECONOMIC ADVISER: China is a First World country and it's 'got to act like one'


which is why the US is allies with Japan, SK, Australia, and India to check china's influence. ok

>trump is smart

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>china is rich
yeah rich alright. Rich as in shitty buildings, rich as in shitty products they needed foreign help to build, rich as in a cultureless void of ant people, rich as in polluted dump with government telling everyone they "fixed" it, rich as in shallow hypermaterialistic people that put even americans to shame, rich as in intense jealousy of European culture.

San Francisco has a lot of wealth, but is it really a "rich" city?

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Because Russia has always been shit. They weren't even able to save Soviet Union. Ivans are too conservative people for anything new. China on the other hand wanted to do important reforms and their shitty people's republic never fall apart. Russia privatized everything too quickly unlike China.

Pic related. One of the most important people in 20th century.

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No, rich as in national wealth lol

sounds like america


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Because Goldman and his chums in the sixties released they could liquidate factories in the west and rebuild and run them in China at a fraction of the cost.
Read up on how they played monopoly

Soviet Union was a Rothschild construct to show the workers that socialism was shit. Ask a Bolshevik. While you're at it ask them why they chose Plato's republic over Machiavelli's.

exactly. stupid people elect stupid leaders

Why don't you ask yourself why you're so gay?

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>hates capitalism
>socialism is shit

so are you a communist or something?

>Also, those two countries only "transitioned" to "capitalism" because they were getting outproduced by Western countries that still used Markets to incentivize workers. The transition is temporary because once China gets production high enough they will just switch back to full socialism and then communism.

wouldn't that just cause them to lag behind production behind the west, which is why they switched to capitalism in the first place?