Thoughts on Millennial Woes?
Thoughts on Millennial Woes?
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He's good at what he does, I'm more of a Shoah guy now though.
Never have watched anything what he’s done. How does he align politically?
he's alright. his videos can be a bit lengthy. the best we can openly talk about in Britain for now.
alt-right/ethno nationalist, more of a softer version of someone like spencer or enoch with more emotion
I don't.
Just unsubbed yesterday. Too tiring to sit through at this point. He's alright though.
Okay. Is he good at what he does?
homosexual, fat and literally retarded, just like most of the alt-right. Has no nuance, which makes sense when you consider how much of a fucking loser he is
it's good stuff and the most you're gonna get out of bongistan at this point, just don't give his videos your 100% attention with the lengths he does, something to listen to while gaming or working out
He looks like a mongrel with that pitch black hair and that weird nose and jaw.
The only Youtuber/e-celeb that i follow
Gay, chain-smoking, blue-pilled, faggot, boomer, cringe.
I don't care for him, how does anyone exist that manages to say so little in so many words? I can't think of a single decent talking point or argument he's contributed, all he does is meander around some basic bitch and youtube e-celeb topics in his bathrobe.
It's a very common phenotype in Scotland.
o hai goy-- i mean hi guys, woes is a very bad person and homosex and everyone should disavow him and he also has jewish wife
Been a subscriber since his earliest videos from 2015.
I like the dark setup with the man sitting alone in his room. Its like a modern eremite pontificating upon the world. His honest, well-meaning and down to earth nature, combined with the way he speaks to the camera feels like speaking to an old friend.
A welcome respite in an alienating world.
Is he British?
hes prob a pedo
I like him just fine. His speeches are great.
Yeah, Scottish.
Scottish born of Scottish/Italian descent.
>he's alright. his videos can be a bit lengthy
How do you figure?
literally every single person in that pic except coulter and pewds are faggots, scam artists and weirdos
obvious med genetics
A faggot. I prefer Roaming Millennial.
I believe he once mentioned he has two Scottish grand parents, one English and one Italian one.
Cringe inducing, fat slob, piece of shit.
Turns out he is half italian or somehing like that.
Kys yourself
He's got heart, but he lacks guts.
He's okay. I feel as though he should look into working out, losing some weight. Maybe quit smoking.
He seems like a good guy, and is more empathetic than somebody like Spencer. He's a fairly normie-friendly face for the alt-right, but I do wish that said face was a bit more fit and presentable.
he's a fat middle class chain smoking loser. and his art is objectively terrible. he is an irrelevant joke
>calls some guy cringe inducing
>posts using fag flag
What did he mean by this?
>literally every single person in that pic except coulter and pewds are faggots, scam artists and weirdos
>except coulter
>not having comfy memories of watching his letsplays after an exhausting day of high school
literally contemplate seduko
>I prefer Roaming Millennial.
>in b4 yellow fever
Give me another reason
what is wrong with coulter?
Well I have no yellow fever, but it's because of her looks yeah. Don't know that guy.
A real human being.
I'd drink with him.
>Well I have no yellow fever, but it's because of her looks yeah.
OK, I can understand that.
He needs to learn to laugh at himself. If he didn't take everything so fucking serious, then maybe I could stand listening to him. But he just looks silly when he's blocking people on twitter for making fun of women.
How did he go from looking like a male model to fat aspie in less that 10 years? the guy is in his early 30's!
He , Jared taylor and Greg Johnson spoke at a conference in Binland last weekend.
If anyone is interested
I lost all respect for him when he sided with the thots in the thotwars.
Why? The alt right needs to be attracting as many women as it can. Attacking them pedantically seems like shooting yourself in the foot.
This man possesses a certain set of skills. Skills vital to the survival of the movement. They necessitate coke and a fag.
You want to fight the thotwars again? You know why.
woes is official best boy
I don't care what anyone says about the matter
He has good insights but he's also blinded by a low tolerance for the Jow Forums mentality that his ideas are floating on top of. Best example was his defending of tradthots.