"Gen Z is way more conservative. Enjoy never winning another election, liberals!"

>"Gen Z is way more conservative. Enjoy never winning another election, liberals!"
>Tons of Gen Z kids start speaking out against Trump
>"Sh-shit! Raise the minimum voting age!"

Attached: Hogg-1.jpg (1200x675, 104K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>One and an Orc
>The media won't show the redpilled ones it just sticks a camera in front of the ones that support it's narrative

All that shit started with the DailyMail article. Making a survey on British pupils. Where a large Muslim population showed an increased intolerance against tattoos and gay marriage.


Literally a state enforced protest. Remember that student that got suspended for not playing along?


The media wants you to think this so it normalises dumbfuckery.

Muh "right side of history"
Bet that kid wants to get shot up like MLK or Lincoln so he can be an hero

Hogg gets rejected by colleges.

"For the time being, Hogg doesn’t know where he’ll end up after graduation.

“At this point, I’m probably going to take a gap year and I’m sure I’ll eventually find the right place for me,” he told Axios. “Right now I’m more focused on changing the world and the future of America.”


Attached: hogg school.jpg (437x1075, 91K)

La Goblina....

meme lab pls go

Changing the world one accusation and one lie at a time.

Attached: pure hoggwash.jpg (1842x1036, 67K)

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this. He's a litteral brainlet with a 1270 SAT

Attached: WhoHogg.jpg (500x333, 98K)

What's bigger? Her clit or his penis?

Emma is looking pretty worn out lel

Mulder and Scoldy

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Who are these two faggots btw?
I came back to Jow Forums after a month and I keep seein them posted everywhere

It's Trumps own fault, it took him less then a year to go full neo-con kike zog war machine like Bush did, and we all know how much Bush was hated by everyone, even republicans

and the alien from the looks of it

I love how nobody acknowledges these two are cousins who graduated high school in california

Yeah, or the vestigial twin from the humbug episode.

Attached: f21e0692-fb4d-443f-b2f6-ce62f216a3db[1].jpg (271x254, 9K)

I don't know about the correctness of the "muh Gen Z" but, dude the anti gun mutts is the most blatant faux-grassroots shit I've seen. They're really throwing it all in right now.

In west Philadelphia born and raised...

Fash out, niggas.

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Anyone who says
>we'll be on the right side of history
is almost always ends up on the wrong side


What are the statistics exactly?

>literally two
>almost the whole rest of the class has spoken out against the media bullshit

This is bullshit. Most people don't believe in any of this shit, especially the walkouts. My little brother's middle FORCED him to walk out, and then he was forced to "talk about why he walked out". It's literally politicians shilling, hoping to stop Drumpf from winning.

>Rolf and Johnny

They are the ones who sadly survived during the Florida shootings

>the greaseboy on the far right with the tranny gf

My little brother's middle school* I meant

That's honestly sad. Does he have a learning disability? I feel bad for him if that's the case. My brother got a 1250 last year, but he suffered a traumatic brain injury near the start of high school, and he's never been all the way there since.

>Remember that student that got suspended for not playing along?

Bruh, what kid would choose listening to their teacher babble on about shit that will be useless for them in life over spending a faggot outside in the sun walking around.

>generation zambo

Yeah obviously, most kids didn't give a shit about it and just talked with their friends for the most part. But it's just the fact that they had no choice in the matter and that the teachers were trying to force the kids to do the activism for them.

Where were these little fucks during the war of chiraq?

Shit I don't even know what word autocorrected to faggot

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HuffPo said he just got accepted at UC Irvine. So, mission accomplished for this faggot.



>Where a large Muslim population showed an increased intolerance against tattoos and gay marriage.
so Jow Forums is radical islam for neets

>muh optics
dare I say you are the problem

>gap year
Lmfao only the most retarded kids take gap years. His unweighted GPA must be absolute shit tier. He was overconfident and didn't apply to any safeties either. Though some cucked Ivy will probably let him in, unfortunately.

how about we end democracy instead?

haha i love these kids, i wonder if most of them still browse pol

post yfw Hogg get's #METOO'd by La Goblina when he makes a move on her only to find out she's using him to further the feminist agenda

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Go out in the streets and try it scum.

Gen-Z fag here.
Obvious bait, My generation is more Conservative than ever before, (((they))) just don't give us a platform, as its doesn't fit (((their narrative)))

Attached: Confederate blood and soil.png (1600x900, 3.02M)

>lol guise, you think generation Z is redpilled and doesn't trust the mainstream media, but the mainstream media says this isn't true BTFO!!!!!

He'll have no trouble getting in to a good college regardless of GPA, thanks to his fame. It's a smart move.

Children have a low level of intellect and hold impossible ideas. That is why they are deemed incompetent under the law to make contracts, have sex, consent to medical procedures, or hold public office, and why it was always said that they should be seen and not heard. As children, they are far too emotional, irrational, inexperienced, and quite frankly, stupid, to possess a worthwhile opinion on ANYTHING. We actually need an age limit for exercising First Amendment rights, so as not to encourage children to believe that they should have an equal say in how society should be run. Accordingly, persons who display the emotional, irrational characteristics of children should be restricted as well.

Attached: CrisisActors.jpg (720x641, 45K)

Didn't liberal congressman Ted Lieu pull some strings to get Hogg into Stanford? That's what I'd heard.

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Surly he will be drowning in pussy

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It's likely part of the payment package for being a traitorous crisis actor.

When did it all go wrong?

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It's also happening in the US. Decreased support over LGBTQAIDS since 2016

Camera Hogg has said he has dyslexia, ADHD, and that he is on Adderall. Here is his posting where he said he couldn't read until he was 12 !!!

Attached: hogg reddit dyslexic.jpg (751x110, 29K)

"The media can't be trusted!"
"Hey guys check out this thing the media said that benefits us! Based media, I don't believe them on anything else but I believe them on this!"

Yeah. Boipussy.


Of course wash poo paints the picture differently, but it's the first source I found.