Was he a kike?

Was he a kike?

Let's run down the list boys

>Hoarding gold and jewels
>Big Jew kike nose
>Annoying squealing Jew voice
>Oppressed by merlock and Pete

The evidence is overwhelming

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But he went toe to toe with Teddy Roosevelt and was evenly matched.

No he’s Scottish. It’s funny and cool when when rich Scots do that stuff and he should not be gassed.

Umm he's a duck.

He was a based capitalist. Anti capitalistic, anti-globalism fags can get out.


No. He despised usury and banking (he took a loan only once - and repaid it to spite Shlomo, who hoped to confiscate his property) and his business practices are fair and square. If he cheats, he will have pangs of guilt and try to repair it. He is traditional and wants to preserve his homeland's culture (Scotland) and family property (castle) and cares about his kin.

Scrooge McDuck is literally /ourguy/.

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Fuck off burger, Scrooge is /ourguy/

I'm unsure if this is Canon or not

It's from Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck, which are Scrooge's "official biography" by Don Rosa.

he was a colonialist

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>he actually read that filthy capitalistic comic

lol funny how i never remember scrooge mcduck hiring goons to buy property

He was a scot. And besides, you couldn't gas Scrooge McDuck with the entire SS behind you.

leave dagobert alone you fucking nigger

Someone had to take the bullet.

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ah shit

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Yeah, go and tell op what you just said as well.

I loved to read about Uncle Scrooge's origins.

Just because some kikes have more money than other kikes and pull kike-ish moves on poor kikes does not mean poor kikes aren't still kikes. Jews don't care for their own kind. The Merchant puts shekel before his wife, family, and race. Not even jews can trust other jews.

Yes, it is. I had it and read it. Unfortunately, I ended up losing it.

McDuck sounds Irish or Scottish. Plus he's pasty white.

Scots are the lost tribe of Israel, confirmed.

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He was a poor Scottish duck who went to America and worked for about 20 years before he made any sort of money.
He also beat the ever living dogshit out of bankers.

>Unfortunately, I ended up losing it.
A copy of the TPB for Life & Times will cost you out the ass, especially in huehuedollars, but most of the stories are collected in volumes 4 and 5 of the Don Rosa Library Collection from Fantagraphics, at an entirely reasonable price.
There's a few stories not in those two, like the chapter where he kidnapped and fucked Goldie O'Gilt while Judge Roy Bean was keeping two bounty hunters from interrupting them, because it was made years after the rest, so it's in a later volume.


Pick one

He was a slave owner. Seriously.

His accent is scottish

This to me implies he's a jew

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