What would it take for big Nixon-like electoral victory in current times?

What would it take for big Nixon-like electoral victory in current times?

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Unified Korea

In an era where even New York and Massachusetts would vote Republican, Minnesota still voted democrat. Why?

trump taking a bullet to save his son, barron, from a terrorist on national TV, and surviving.

not even that would do it
hed have to save a spic or something

I could see that but replace Barron with Obama kek

Mass voter fraud

Purge non citizens from the census and voting rolls.

It was his home state, he only won by 2,000 votes

New York is more like Canada than the rest of the US. You guys can have it if you want it.

This is the only correct answer

>poll tax
>illegals can't vote
>cali falls in ocean
>if on welfare of any kind you can't vote

>MFW these things happen and we advance civilization to a new epoch

Attached: OpenYourFuckingEyes.jpg (500x380, 79K)

My dick

If it's just upstate and only the whites, you've got a deal

shitskin killing robots

No thanks, we already have our own New York-like city. It's called Toronto and it's awful.

cucks and weird shit everywhere but still the beast city on earth

Perhaps. Maybe throw in the fact that based Barron was messing around with a black buddy of his, and so it really looks like he saved both, rather than his privileged white son.

No thanks. Stop trying to dump your shitskins on us.

A white-only electorate. You've seen those election maps broken down by demographics.

It would be something like that map if only men could vote.

Worth considering, however radical it sounds today, to all the men who built civilization, from ancient Greece and Rome, the ancient Indian Hindu culture, to the British colonists who conquered India and so much of Africa, to the Japanese men who built their own civilization, form those who gave us great art and technology to those who simply worked the fields and mines - on one thing they would have all agreed - women should never ever be allowed to vote or get involved in politics.

The past century rather sugegsts they were right.

>redpilled white male conservative national unionist / natsoc-lite chokeholds the crippled democratic party and takes the nomination
>idpol left splits to a third party for the election
>GOP nominates a boring RINO
>moderates, blue dogs, alt-right, white democrats unite under the new democratic party
extremely unlikely but it would be a landslide