Isreal shoots hundreds of Palestinians

A week and a half ago Isreali soldiers shoot more than 750 Palestinians with live ammo at a protest along the Gaza boarder.
Barley any media coverage.
Like a 7 minute speel on MSNBC

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Ragheads get shot. Who gives a fuck. Take this shit to the retards over at dailystormer español.

Gun control for Israel, this is the world's largest mass shooting

>why aren't there any threads about dis
>barely any media coverage

Haven't you been paying attention!

(((They))) run the show!

keep this in your folder for when the great mexican annexation comes


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this is the Israeli Minister of Justice. Want to say that again?

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Paying attention to What?

Say what again? By the bye Why have you not accepted Jesus Christ as the son of God?


>shoots 750 Arabs
>Don't tell us what to do goyim
>False flag gas attack
>Go to war for the innocent children goyim

Even if it was a legit attack by Assad on his own people bc he's a crazy in the fuck do Boomers, lefties and normies ignore this kikery?

Because no one gives a fuck about two warring tribes of ragheads in the desert. Shitskin wars are for shitskins.

"So, as far as male lineage goes, the genetic story is very clear. Palestinians and Jews are virtually indistinguishable."

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Indeed. In fact, may as well start putting them into gas chambers, right?

And nothing of value was lost.

>throw rock at soldier with automatic rifle
>get shot

are semites of all types this dumb


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>750 shot only 15 dead.
What do they have women in the army?

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>a protest

marching together in a common goal of going through the fence into the state of israel

fuck off i would do it again

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What a shitty PCA. Also Jews are autosomally European.

Get Hogg and Giblina out there ASAP!

When people say they don't care about the Palestinians or that they support israel they should realize what that means. The zionist agenda it to turn the entire world into a totalitarian shit hole just like Palestine is. They want all the Goyim to live in conditions just like Palestine.

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Lol, fuck off sand-nigger.

Israel's only mistake is not taking out more of them.

Israel #1

Cry me a river chomsky, no one is calling israel the victim, they are a regional player and they have alot to lose from a protracted war with states such as iran, turkey or even iraq. War is ugly, go to your antifa hugbkx for support.

>Live rubber bullet rounds

Maybe this has been said already...
But does Israel have zero sense of Irony?
Is there any kind of self awareness going on?

M8, why would anyone give themselves bad news coverage?

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Gee, I wonder who could be behind this post.

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I'd come over there and do it, no sympathy for ragheads. Especially if they seek to undermine your state like ragheads do in Israel and Europe

but muh cabinet shuffles.

You're still acting smug on Jow Forums when Israel is literally days away from being destroyed, do you understand that?

You're telling me as though I would waste my time doing principal component analysis on shitskins? I don't need a PCA to tell me what my eyes can see. XD
Are you denying that semites are the same race?

Checked your retarded post. Are we getting raided by anti faggots so that Jow Forums seems so hellbent on demonizing israel?

Yeah you do it. Fine. Just don't make me.

never said we were the victim, support me because we have a common enemy or do what ever the fuck you want? no one is begging you for help faggot we have a strong military and we sell advanced military tech all over the world

this picture is all over the place.. dont confuse jews with Israelis we are not always the same (jews dont always support israel)
and american jews operating on their own inside your country are not "israeli spies" you paranoid tinfoil burger idiot

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I would prob be pissed if I was a pal. At least they have a little vitality left to resist kikes instead of just quietly fading away like whites are doing

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How can we help the Palestinians? Can we crowd fund a massive arms deal so they can protect themselves? The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

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yeah there's been a lot of shills lately
funny thing is they're having the opposite effect of what they actually intend

Trump is about to wipe israel off the map

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The PCA is shitty because it puts nigger sway closer to other populations than it should.
And Jews are still autosomally European.

You could go join them on the "protest line" and get shot. That way they can use their kids for the next propaganda event. You'd be doing a great service and the world a favor!


Don't worry after (((we))) get through with all those smelly dun coons, you whites are next. White sycophants are get the bullet first for being so nauseating. No one likes a suckup. Never again!

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It's amazing, how if any other country did such a thing the while world would go crazy and other countries would step in. Yet for the kikes? go ahead and murder civilians.

Lelelele great may may XD

But actually. Get the next flight there. Your fat ass would make an easy target.

Proofs faggot, you have none. Then you are going to cry when the USA intervenes and deters any escalation.

Nice try achmed, but the days of baby boomer morality politics are running out. I support the Americans decision to maintain their alliance and Israel's decision to glass heebs who threaten their country. I would rather see the USA retain more influence in that region than the heebs, ive seen the culture that heebs create and much prefer Western, American influenced culture.

Honestly its like pottery
>"displaced people" persecuted by a militaristic, fascist country which has a symbol of supremacy on its' flag
>Finally return to their ancestral homeland
>Adopt a militaristic, fascist government with a symbol of supremacy on their flag
>Proceed to persecute and displace a people

What is their endgame? Inb4 greater israel.

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Because the offspring of whores deserved to be shot.

the kikes own the media.

Also all the heebfriend flags have disappeared off Jow Forums

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Someone who was clver enough to figure out that comparing heebs and ragheads is like comparing Episcopalians and Presbyterians.

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Arabs aren't really that clever..

Lol is that the journalist that got shot? What a fucking retard.

"I'm here reporting from the front lines where Hamas militants are literally trying to get themselves killed for the martyrdom paycheck. I'll be totally safe!"

Jow Forums Has always hated the jews. You're either new, retarded or a shill.


Oh, wait.

And yet USA nuked the Japanese... Germans did the holocaust... The british wiped out the natives. I mean seriously what happened is horrible, but get off your high horses.

Don't hate all Israeli's because of an isolated incident.

fascist cunts, tankies will roll over you. Multicultiralism is the future,

Jews are the enemy of the whole world. YOU are the common enemy of all the other races, which was your own decision. You fuckers flooded white countries with muslims so whites would empathize with israel, and it worked for a while. But you will lose in the long run. I've been watching this shit for a long time, potentially for many incarnations or life times, and I have never been so certain that you will lose.

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if you dont want to destroy isreal, Jews are and have always been our mortal enemy and them out is a just and worthy cause

Do you know what a PCA is and how it is done? If so please describe the steps. You make it sound as though morons like you have PCA kits in their basements and do genetic research after Saturday morning cartoons. Here is the link. Send them an email. XD

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>Israel is literally days away from being destroyed

not gonna happen buddy

sand nigger lover fuck off and die
try to live with these animals in your country one fucking day i dare you

>How can we help the Palestinians?
wipe them off to end their missery

>Trump is about to wipe israel off the map
nope, trump and netanyahu are good pals

my people shoot israelis
>have israelis shoot civilians for media coverage

hammas is literally destroying the gaza strip

can we just nuke this shithole and be done with it?

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So what you're saying is every country gets one freebie?
We've already got ours out of the way.

Trump is the person feeding evidence to your police about Netanyahu's case you dumb fuck. Who do you think has all the information on Arnon Milchan....

Don't forget to wear your diapers when you're called to defend Israel against Russia, Iran, USA, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, and NATO.

On a scale of 1 to HABBENING, how can you sum up what its like right there right now?

>dont confuse jews with israelis
As you wish. You'll be put in different ovens.

>He believes this is going to happen

Hahaha, the west will always side with Israel

>Trump is the person feeding evidence to your police about Netanyahu's case you dumb fuck. Who do you think has all the information on Arnon Milchan....

lol source or gtfo

come at me faggot i own 90% of your country you cant do shit the only reason america is so rich is because we used your free market economics to do what we do best.. business

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But again, so you are denying that kikes and pakis are the same race?

>As you wish. You'll be put in different ovens.

This is the biggest problems about nazis. They claim to have the utmost moral superiority and then go ahead and say barbaric shit like that.

>You fuckers flooded white countries with muslims
>implying white leftist city cucks bear no responsibility

How unironic that you are a sand nigger though. XD

How do I sort out the cognitive dissonance?
>Israeli Jews are surprisingly right wing
>Jow Forums is right wing (besides the shills)
>Jow Forums hates muslims (rightly so)
>Jow Forums also hates jews
>jews remove kebabs
>(((and put them in europe)))

Wat do?

So how does it feel like?

U mad you never got a free holocaust?
Hows it feel being a fake country

Lol, this nigga. Sperging about race.

wow we really are fucked, jews own us and they own trump. they want us all to suffer and build robots for them so they can kill us off once robots take over the work load.

literally 1
just opened a news site and the title is "USA will respond strong to assads attack"
we good

oh no a Holocaust joke, what am i gonna do now? listen to me you pathetic fincuck your wife is being ass ramped by abdul as im typing this but you probably dont care because you are too depressed from not taking your vitamin D pills you shit tier socialist piece of garbage

im not im white (ukranian jew)

exactly.. why dont you see we are on the same side? stupid burgers buying into the anti israel left wing shills
there are more jews in america than in israel we are literally you

Whats amoral about killing people?

hitler did nothing wrong .

You are who you are. It's what you're race is.

What? To be 5'2 and 140 lbs? XD

Lel this nigga. Has no merits to stand on so he crutches on his skin color.

I'd take a spic, nigger, chink, or kike over you any day.

killing kikes is not a barbaric thing to do . they are satan on earth . they are a cancer to this world . literally if jews wouldn t exist , we would have 1000% less problems

Csn't wait to shove you in an oven achmed and make shishikebab

At what point did I say you were White?

To have to live life with jewish cock in your mouth and ass and enjoy every minute of it.

It seems clear to me that you can do no wrong against these creatures.

>meme flag

Oh wait... don't tell me the history of this board, i remember when this was the place where all edgelords would do is react to shit. We've evolved faggot, try to keep up

The Jews will shoot you if you approach the fence

What do the retarded Pali's do ? take a run at the fence -- they are retarded. A least they could run through mine fireld and clear a few mines for humanity , but Noooo

""USA will respond strong to assads attack"
I mean with the palestinians
Have things gotten much worse in the last few weeks from your point of view?

isreal will be ethnically displaced within the century, the leftist shit you spewed all over the western world will come to bite you in the ass. Your ethnonationalist apartheid state cannot survive and is propped up by US defense spending, once that drys up because of the policys YOUR people pushed, you will be shit out of luck. You could try to get in with the Chinese but unlike whites you cant pretend to be on their side.