When did you realise that tulsi gabbard is unironically waifu/2020 material


>rank of major in us army
>iraq vet
>against toppling assad
>against iraq war
>against tpp
>puts principles before party
>isn't retarded
>would bang
>calls out dems when they're being hypocrites
>refused to endorse hillary during 2016
>says aloha
>literally her only flaws are her acne scars and the fact that she doesn't want a race war now

>On November 21, 2016, Gabbard became the second Democrat to meet with President-elect Donald Trump and his transition team at Trump Tower, after Michelle Rhee.[162] She described the meeting as "frank and positive" and said she accepted the meeting to influence Trump before neocons grew in influence and escalated the war to overthrow the Syrian government.


full disclosure (if you're wondering if i'm just a shill)- i put a bet on her in 2016 and i stand to win big if she wins the dem primary

Attached: 440px-Tulsi_Gabbard,_official_portrait,_113th_Congress.jpg (440x661, 74K)

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Let's be clear. These are her "official" stances on issues. She has a funded campaign. That means she is one of them. She is not, never was, and never will be on the side of we the people.

she is the only democrat that i like

when I saw her without makeup

Attached: craters_everywhere.jpg (500x386, 75K)

in case you're having any doubts

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Kirsten THICCibrand, though

Attached: img-kirsten-gillibrand_140410526155_article_singleimage.jpg (500x341, 86K)

She'll never be allowed anywhere close to the Democratic nomination; she receives a bit too much "alt-right" sympathy due to some of her positions and they'll destroy her over it.

I like her, I like her ass too.

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This woman is second only to Kamala Harris in terms of retarded cluelessness, but if in the end it comes down to these two, and Kamala loses, Kirsten will be up shit creek because black women will never forgive "White America" for this loss and not show up to vote in November.

Now if only her face really looked like that.

She looks like Lilo from Lilo and Stitch here. Would bang I mean vote for.

isnt she part of a bahai cult in hawaii

Aren't you part of the bahai cult in hawaii?

found it - its some hare krishna yoga dude not bahai

acne is relatable
she's like that cutie with the birthmark but you can see that she's beautiful and that she shouldn't hide her face under those glasses and frizzy hair

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ALSO a hindu president would piss off jihadists the world over like nobody's business

She's caked in makeup and it still shows through. I don't even want to imagine what she looks like without it.

she's too ditzy though, after that false alarm text thing in Hawaii earlier this year she started spazzing out about NK and Trump isn't taking this threat seriously. She's relatively high quality for a politician but you can't be a functional president if you let your menstrual cycle operate your brain.

Would love to see her run but the democrats won't allow it. If anything they'll rigg the primaries again.

>have a vagina
>looks cute
> ~ 100 IQ

What an accomplishment.

Over two years ago.

Her first statement in that video made me want to vomit.
Not my waifu

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it's a pipe dream.

She doesn't have the personal infrastructure/finances to fend off deep-state, which if she's really serious about, will be an inevitable conclusion for her like it is Trump. On top of that, she has 0 democrats she can pull from for support or trust. There's not a single person she could appoint from the dem side that wouldn't be severely tainted by now.

Our best bet is Trump currently, then pending a successful 8 years or an unsuccessful 4, Rand. Then if Rand is able to do some work, Tulsi has a much better shot and getting some shit done.

But i'm just a kid with a pipe dream.

Oh yeah, who did you bet with?

She's very good. Hopefully she's redpilled on the jq after facing the resistance she has for speaking the truth on these wars abroad.

>potential female surfer president

The minute after she resigned from vice chair of DNC after refusing to vote for Hillary at the 2016 conference.

She is a female John McCain. She deserves rope just as much as the rest.



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A few years ago