Murdoch Murdoch

What are your thoughts on this guy and his animations? I think they're pretty good stuff

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Other urls found in this thread:

retarded larper shit.

hilldawgs tell em

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100% Jow Forums approved

HE IS A very very bad goy

They redpilled me on race. Keep the good work goys.

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watch galaxy m88

Havent watched it yet, what is it about?

nazi mechs vs jews in space and on alien worlds

it s the funniest of his video honestly

That sounds promising, I'll go watch it right now, btw, do any of you have the file for the mouth gif he uses? Im trying to make a shitty bootleg murdoch murdoch but I lack the mouth animation

its possibly his best

pretty good

When My Brothers Finally Wake Up unironically changed my life


I like them

Autist. Proud to have mass flagged his first account offline

>when the wagner hits you

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gets me everytime m8

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What's the point of making a MM thread without a new episode?

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i likes his stuff but there's been a drop in quality since the sargon one desu senpai

Really? Border runners and bongland are better than the sargon episode.

I liked their material girl cover where taylow was in chains surrounded by pigs and jews.

i liked the art style of border runners, and bongland had a good premise but i felt like they didn't have much payoff and some of the jokes just didn't work that well. not to mention that as a leaf i love the queen

Do you prefer the uplifting endings as compared to the blackpilled ones?

Often one of the Murdochs show up in these threads and you get to talk to them.
The conversations are really interestimg and they also often drop teasers to the next episode.

Harmless good time.

I liked border runners, last one was a little milquetoast however.

I know but I saw this kind of thread every night

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Started off bretty gud, became way too esoteric. Also, most people have worked out by now there's no girl and he just puts a voice on for Murdochchan

i never really thought about it like that, but i think you're right. metamorphosis is great because it's so uplifting and shows you something to strive for, but i don't see how ending an episode by beating the shit out of one of the last monarchs in europe

is a very good way to push an alt right message

Maybe mm is just blackpilled right now.

Pretty good stuff bucko

wouldn't be surprised, he still seems pissed about his channel getting jewed

I love the show, but it always leaves me feeling depressed. Even the "Happy Ending" episodes are low key black pills. It just makes me realize how doomed everything is, that we are never getting off this rock, and how everyone on it is heading toward a mud blood low IQ stone age.


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Metamorphosis almost makes me cry, not even ashamed to say it

You wouldn't think so after watching Speak Freely,

Autism kys

holy fug, is this actual murdoch murdoch fan art?

this is really fucking cool. got any more?

cringey as fuck

the ending of both Ghost of America and MM88 legit made me cry

no u


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It's only going to grow stronger. I liked in Border Runners 3 The Embrownening how the Murdochs were given different roles then the usual 3 friends situation. New Episode = Highlight of the Day on the internet.

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Best shit. Reminds me of old school South Park when it had some teeth. Either way, it's been getting better and better every single time.

Murdoch Chan has brown eyes though

Metamorphosis gets me the same way

Most of their videos are whitepilled.

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>old school South Park
yes, exactly. my brother told me recently that Matt Stone and Trey Parker came out as Republicans this entire time... just took his word for it. didn't fact check

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Canada is truly the worst UK colony, truly lower than India and Pakistan

I would die for it.

This show is what turned me full 1488. It's dangerous propaganda. Plus the fact that it's a cartoon could be attracting a younger audience.

Oh user you just gave me an idea
Why don't we meme this cartoon to be trendy enough for kids to watch it? This way we can take gen Z fully

>when the wagner hits

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In my personal opinion, this was MM's best work.
Link related:

Pic unrelated.

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He's a weaboo faget, but he's /ourweaboofaget/
Also metamorphosis is best MM

What I find sickening in their new episode is they had Dr.Murdoch get all cozy with Lauren Southern again. Lauren Rose is supposed to be his new girl, and they completely scrapped that.

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I do everything for her, and nasim.

lauren rose is /ourgirl/ not /hisgirl/

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They are fucking genius....80's / 90's kid culture mixed with race realism...making our western world situation funny and lighthearted ...even tho our world is crumbling.....redpilling internet scum all anime never told

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I love this. Murdoch if you're in this thread, You're one of the main reasons a ton of people don't get black pilled. Believe it or not.

Fuck man i kno...i don't wana sound gay but i have teared up over certain episodes

The ending of MM88 gets me

Do this commie low life

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Murdoch makes these threads to plug hinself

Galaxy MM88 is the masterpiece of our time.

I unironically want to be his friend in real life.

So, a push-post in the guise of discussion huh? That's ok, their last published video didn't get the discussion it deserved, because of the April Fools day nonsense. (TEAM PEEP!)

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Im going to wear my MM shirt tomorrow to work and Im watching metamorphosis right now.

Do we actually have grills on the internet? Don't lie to me bros

I was team peep too. Peep peep.

Quality will ebb and flow. You've got to let the artist do what he wants. I love his deep-trouble, deep-digging inspirational ones, but you can only do that so often. Let him do what he wants, he'll keep growing. He's done some genius episodes imo.

I'm actually hoping this is part of an extended storyline where they discuss niggardly behavior of whites immitating the degeneracy of blacks by having children outside of wedlock and having single mother raise monster school shooter children messed up on SSRI's.

You take it back! I'll white-knight for MC all day and all night.

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Mostly true, but the uk is a Paki colony.

Yeah, and all the t-shirt money flow cut off.

Just bobs

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huge fucking Murdoch Murdoch fan. even my old lady likes it.

so do the kids but i gotta be careful which episodes i show them

Better than whatever Jew shit is on tv

...all the times I say wheatfields... now i have the perfect gif. thank you user. and you're spot on with the the lauren southern bs. I hope the story leads to paying the toll. but maybe the creator just has a huge crush on southern still. fag

Hey - going to South Africa and doing that good work earns her /something/. Anyway, /maybe/ having been a coal-burner in the past is nothing to blacklist a person for.

starting to hate the alt right so these guys are becoming less entertaining and more annoying

This anime is literal fucking garbage. The first episode with the cuck guy was pretty funny but the rest of his shit was gaay


It pisses me off that they aren't on television.

>When My Brothers Finally Wake Up
one day soon or on the final day in heaven we shall be together with jesus


Metamorphosis and Last Son of the West are required watching.

Give it a go there bub.

Galaxy MM88 is right up there, and 'The Ghost of America' is tip-top, too - about perfect.

>pro Confederate
They continued to breed and bring in nigs, so I’d say they messed up a bit on that episode.
Even if the Civil War never happened, it would’ve been Haiti 2.0.

autistic but entertaining

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I love Murdoch Murdoch. I never miss an episode. They get what it's like to be a national socialist but also a normal compassionate human. It's funny and relatable.

Hey, it's the 1-year anniversary of this video, about Trump bombing Syrian runways:

All For Love:

And they say history doesn't repeat.

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something to show the kiddos every month.