Anyone else here used to be right wing but started to get more and left wing over time?

Anyone else here used to be right wing but started to get more and left wing over time?

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I started to become more third-position over time, I suppose.

People start out young and intimidated by having to deal with life, and they want socialism.
Then they grow older and find out it's not hard at all, and they get more conservative.
You must be a loser from a conservative family if you are going more to the left, commie.

>even being right or left anymore

There is only one path.

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After reading Jow Forums for several years now, it has definitely moved me more left.



>Essential is not what we are fighting for, but how we fight. Onward toward the goal, until we triumph or are left behind. The warriors' spirit, the exposure of oneself to risk, even for the tiniest idea, weighs more heavily in the scale than all the brooding about good and evil.
- Ernst Jünger

>Eternal peace is a dream --and not even a beautiful one. War is part of God's world-order. Within it unfold the noblest virtues of men, courage and renunciation, loyalty to duty and readiness for sacrifice--at the hazard of one's life. Without war the world would sink into a swamp of materialism.
- Helmuth von Moltke

>War alone keys up all human energies to their maximum tension and sets the seal of nobility on those peoples who have the courage to face it. All other tests are substitutes which never place a man face to face with himself before the alternative of life or death. Therefore all doctrines which postulate peace at all costs are incompatible with Fascism.
- Benito Mussolini

>Fascism appears to us as a reconstructive revolution, in that it affirms an aristocratic and spiritual concept of the nation, as against both socialist and internationalist collectivism, and the democratic and demagogic notion of the nation. In addition, its scorn for the economic myth and its elevation of the nation in practice to the degree of ‘warrior nation’, marks positively the first degree of this reconstruction, which is to re-subordinate the values of the ancient castes of the ‘merchants’ and ‘slaves’ to the values of the immediately higher caste. The next step would be the spiritualisation of the warrior principle itself.
- Julius Evola

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Used to be. I switched at about 2pm today. Started off right wing when I woke up. I expect tomorrow I'll be liberatarian until about 4pm at which point I'll switch to being an hindu left-wing conservative.


