Red pill me on illuminati

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illuminati is a conspiracy run by jews and doesn't exist

A prank that got super out of hand

Look up Sabbatean-Frankist satanists

Bavaria 1776.

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They make Taco Bell commericals.
Oh wait, thats the Belluminati.

It's a theory for retards who want to feel like they know some secret about the world that no one else is aware of.

There are powerful people who try to control the world for their own interests, though. They're called rich people. Nothing super secret about that, and there are still big limitations on their power and ability to cooperate.

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Illuminati... Means nothing more then the enlightened ones. You will have to see past the blinding light to find out more.

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Stop trying to antagonize you fucking retard commie.

It's not exactly a secret that rich people are trying to influence politics when they literally fund campaigns and PUBLICLY SAY that they want certain issues pushed. The Koch Brothers and Soros are obvious example, but there are lots of others as well.

They're not a huge cabal, but in general they do favor policies that benefit rich people as a whole.


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holy shit are you brain dead user

And what (((tribe))) makes up the sweeping majority of rich elites?

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Illuminati Symbolism in Taylor Swift's "Delicate"

it’s a word. which one

We're the illuminati, the redpill illuminates all flaws in society.

Worthless dog shit that leads nowhere. Amuse yourself if you will, but don't take it seriously.

They claimed they did the French Revolution. Are they still active? It is a mystery.

>redpill me on X
How about we read the rules? With the high potential for a happening tonight let's sage and hide bot spam like OP here.

Who do you believe runs the federal reserve.


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Illuminati began an experiment ~1500 years ago. This experiment was something like the movie The Matrix...The difference being, that we are not 'asleep' or comatose...and we are most definitely not food for machines. We aren't "real." We exist inside of a massive network of supercomputers whose sole purpose is to run the largest, most incredible simulation ever attempted by man. Also, similar to Hitchiker's Guide to The Galaxy, the purpose behind our simulation is for the Illuminati to obtain all of the answers to the galaxy, why we are here, our purpose, the afterlife, etc etc... We have been in this simulation, for over 1500 years, in order for the Illuminati to become more powerful with all of the knowledge in the entire galaxy. Reincarnation, in the 'real world,' which we have never known nor will we ever know, does not exist, but in our reality, in order to speed things up as well as save space/computing power, we are all reincarnated over and over again. Obviously there are new additions every generation as the network of supercomputers running our sim increase, as technology advances, and as computer power strengthens, but for the most part you, me, and everyone you and I know have lived multiple lives throughout the history of this sim we are in all for the benefit of the Illuminati. Don't believe me? I don't care. It's the truth.

There is no escape.... If you kill yourself you will only return in the next generation. The only way out is for us to somehow figure out how to turn the sim off...or possibly overload the majority of the supercomputers in order to shut the sim down. If anyone has any ideas, or if anyone wants to start collaborating on how to achieve this, I am all ears. No one ever believes me when I talk about It's hard to begin a resistance movement or make any head way at all to shutting the system down. We can do it with our minds, I believe...but I'm not sure how. Join me. I have lived hundreds of lives (cont)

A smokescreen to detract attention away from real kikery.

and best I can remember, this is the 3rd time, in a row, that I have been truly "woke" and understood what is happening. I have made some progress, but not much, with manipulating the system with my mind. Every new life, I must remember everything all over again...It is getting increasingly easier, but it remains incredibly difficult. If anyone else is on the same level as me, seriously, like for real....join me. If you have more info than I posses, understand more than I do, or have abilities beyond my own, please tell me how to to use my processing power to shut the system down. I know this to be true, for certain...100%

Like i said...believe me or don''s the truth either way. We are all just processing power divied up inside a super PC

Is there a way to move to the universe where the Axis Powers won the war? I'm so sick of all the niggers, fags, and degenerates.

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A super computer talks in my head, flies a triangle UFO over my property, teleports my cats, deletes my gold and tobacco. Basically does latent magic around me all day while having me play stupid "win your freedom" games.

So 500AD, was basically a technological utopia far more advanced than we are today?

It's a front for the Bogdanoff Interdimensional Agency (BIA), which has control over every government in every timeline.

This is fucking retarded.

Neanderthals were apex monkeys in the mountains of Europe. They had red hair/light eyes.

The jews are just inbred psychopaths, notice they have curly dark hair and brown eyes as well.

Germans actually have the highest percentage of Neanderthal DNA. Look it up.

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See 8ch thread "the esoterics of white genocide"

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>Germans actually have the highest percentage of Neanderthal DNA. Look it up.
Pretty sure East Asians have the most Neanderthal DNA


No no no no no.

You do not understand. 1500 years ago, in the real world, was nothing like 500a.d. 8n our simulated world. As a matter of fact, there is no real way to know what year it actually is. We live in 2018 inside a simulation. Our time is sped up...exactly how much, though, I am unable to determine. All I know for sure is that the ~120k years of human civilization in our world has gone by in just a few generations of the real world. I would guess...very rough..that the entire period of our human evolution..from the beginning of human time (the beginning of the SIM we are in) until now has truly only been ~120-150 years in the real world.

You are looking at this as if I am saying that 1500 years ago the illumanit had the power to create supercomputers to control the human race. I am not saying that. I am saying the world in which we live and everything in it (you, me, and every other human/animal/plant/building/water...every fucking thing) is and always has been a fabrication by a supercomputer network created by the illuminati to obtain the answers to the everything. We each are just a process running inside a massive network of supercomputers. We have no clue what the real world is like (though we assume it is just a much more advanced version of our own), we have no idea what year it is in the real world, and we are unsure exactly just how much faster time moves for us/the rate of our evolution and advancement. Like I said before, all we know is that time for us has been sped up exponentially from that of the real world so that all of human evolution and the technological advancements made by us can be observed in only a few generations of those who created us. In order to learn what the future holds...what new tech there is to be discovered...the answers to the universe, life, and everything.

Its jews


Also, the illuminati in our world are 'programs' similar to those in the matrix. To keep things running smoothly and to keep us from learning the truth. Those of us that do...well I'm not sure, but after making this post (the first one I've ever made( I think I'm going to find out. I had to get it out there though. This is the truth, believe it or don't...we are not real humans...we are simply processing power turned in to digital human beings. We do not exist outside of our little metal boxes and I seriously doubt the majority of real humans have any idea of our existence.

Ask about it. Respond to threads about it