Mods deleting threads trying to stop a literal cabal indoctrinating young men to become traps
why hasn't a USSR style purge happened yet.
Mods are jews
That picture is cancerous. Also, you sound like a flake.
they want to feel hated because they eat shit
Trips of truth, but seriously what is the chances of the cabal having janitors on their side?
the tranny doxxing experiment going on in r9k is proof enough to me that the janny's and mods are part of the same group, the 'something awful' group
he does it for free
Can it wait? You don't even have anything to start on. We already knew about the schools training people to be metrosexuals.
What you think it's a psyops from some other gay forum
if this reiko guy is responsible for shauiby's suicide i would like to see some revenge
What do you mean there is plenty of proof that the discord cabal are the ones posting the majority of gay enabling threads on r9k.
for example
yes, SA. They've been here for a while
i read that it may be the case but havent seen anything that can point to it being the singular truth
Yeah, I know all tha, but what are you going to do about it? What is your plan? That shit has been going on for over a year.
guys call me paranoid but i have a feeling something darker might be going on here. what if the alphabets are trying to destroy Jow Forums with some MKULTRA shit to make us hero? this whole situation glows
it not talking about it half the battle? if no one is in the know or even cares the change will never happen
for example, look at what they did to bradley manning? he went into jail a man and came out a woman
what i am most pissed about is the fact that the mods i obviously trying to keep the whole cabal talk on the down low deleting threads that call for action
Well that's unsettling but don't you think the guys need or a sex change might have been caused from the trauma of being in prison?
>Tranny doxing experiment
Can i get a basic gestalt on that senpai?
Is that to do with the reiko discord blackmailing robots into becoming traps?
well they have a dead kid on their hands from a website they make adbucks on, dont they? ever heard of "negligent homicide?" they could be in deep shit if it turns out adult faggots were using Jow Forums to groom kids
That sound like a real fucking cesspool
it would be great finding a definite connection between the kid who killed himself and the trap cabal
well for years now gay enabling has been slowly but steadily taking over r9k and reikos cabal is a big part of that even trying to leak that shit over to pol but it thankfully did not take and so the current situation is at hand
What i'm most scared of is that the this surge of brotherhood between the r9k and pol to stop the cabal will run its course and in the end achieve nothing.