Is this true?
Is this true?
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Yeah fear that my stuff gets stolen
We didn't seem to have much of a problem with it pre-1865, and white civilization has progressed much farther than black civilization since then.
Which national zoo is that?
good job Achmed.
Its the biggest fear the jew has. That is why they racebait so fucking much. Unified blacks pose no real threat to whites however.
Why don't they go unite in Africa, or some where else that I don't have to worry about them breaking anything I care about?
Asians are most feared.
nigger lover
Considering that black men are part of the world, would that mean they share that fear?
Jew cock sucker
God made man equal, and we have tampered with that. It is ungodly to hate your fellow man based on how god made him
There's a difference between fine, upstanding black dudes and niggers, my friend.
>when black man unites.
You mean a correctional facility?
When they unite don't they just put other blacks in tires and set them on fire?
Nobody knows because it's never happened and never will.
We used to unite niggers in pens, ships, cages...
Usually no probs with the gros.
I don’t see your point
Don't tell this kangz
Nein, it's when Germans united, legit scary.
The original pimp
Chinese or Indians are much much worse
Well we've all seen what happens in planet of the apes
Many have this misconception that physical strength=warfare capabilities.
In reality, warfare is mostly an intellectual and mental ability, testing the resolve, strategy, organisation and unity of a country.
East Asians crumple in 1-1 fights, and generally shy away from small scale violence, but in warfare are machine-like and merciless. Blacks may look tough, but there has never ever, throughout humanity's written history, been a black army that is a match for a white or Asian army.
Thats a little racist
Yet historically checks out
why do you think all the rich people of the US donate billions to Africa in the name of charity? they propped them up so they could breed into a large enough number to eventually take over Western Civilization. they will be the next wave of "refugees".
No such fear.
The most detrimental force in the world is niggers.
But thats only because they didnt have guns back then
kek fuck no
The World's greatest fear is the White Man uniting and reking all of the shitskin subhuman scum.
Give em a hundred years and they'll stop holding them sideways
if they were scared they wouldn't be invading and taking over our countries as we speak.
Even if they did have guns, they will loose
Whites only created guns 500 years ago.
We fought without guns since our history began.
Remember that only 300 Spartan kept a 1,000,000 Persian Army at bay for three days.
If thats true than why did they lose ww1 or ww2?
because we don't do shit about it lad
If Europe was NatSoc, would shitskins dare step foot in Europe?
Fuck no
They would know that this action would be the end of them.
Barely 1000 Nazis show up and peacefully protest in Charlottesville and the mayor calls in the National Guard.
Meanwhile Ferguson MI had been looted for 72 hours before riot police was told to calm them place down.
You tell me which worries the ZOG most.
niggers can't unite
they end up fighting each other always
What about the japanese?
> White Men fighting White Men = White Men loosing
WW1 and WW2 were not wars fought between White Nations and Nonwhite Nations
If all White Nations united right now under NatSoc and Fascism, we could exterminate all nonwhites on earth if we wanted to, keep that in mind shitskin.
that's just it. they know we aren't going to do shit about it except bend over and take it
>When the man unites
What about them?
fucking Americans rekt the Japanese in the Pacific Theatre, they beat them fair and square, and that was just Japan.
You nonwhites don't realize this, if White Nations were to actually unite forming one mega Reich, that's the end for nonwhites.
We will be the one's giving orders.
They can keep trying i guess
There are non white countries with nukes. Whites can still lose
fake spic meme flag speaks truth.
black power stems from white pity
so no
they are poking a sleeping giant my fren
lel good one hanz
This is a huge misconception that blacks didn't have guns.
When Europe conquered the world, most of their enemies had access to firearms through trading, its not like traders gave a shit about exporting critical technology. Hell the Ottomans used more firearms than Europe did. (And China even invented firearms).
However, it did not matter at all, because firearms required a much higher organisation requirement on soldiers, which the lesser civilizations did not have.
The African slave traders always had firearms, but blacks lacks the tactical mind and the moral bravery required to use them effectively. So every black country was able to be conquered by a thousand soldiers
If you are black, this will be a tough pill to swallow, which is why you should shy away from the concept of a race war, it will NOT end well for the blacks.
China created guns, and the persian army certainly did not number 1 million.
Kek you think we won't invent a device that renders their nukes obsolete ?
Russia alone can invade any nonwhite nation one vs one and fucking rek them hard.
Germany alone fought against the other white powers and almost won, Germany whose the size of fucking Oregon.
They already have. It's called, prison.
I'm not afraid. One of our soldiers would probably kill 20 niggers. It would take only the niggers of normal intelligence to fight properly, no doubt these niggers would be given better weapons and command over the bullet monkeys. The bullet monkeys would sort of be like practice, you can get some kills without any realistic danger to yourself because they would be armed with some of the poorer armaments and handguns, and they just plain suck at battle. So some of the green guys on the other side would get some practice in on these guys. The real challenge would be the rare genius niggers. They would probably have at least one legendary nigger sniper, and some of the non retarded niggers might survive long enough to actually gain some military experience. Even so, their numbers would be too much for infantry alone, which is why we have air support, navel support, artillery, all sorts of nigger number thinning tactics. Too many niggers for us to win an all out war with? Then we simply need less niggers, and how are they to stop superior technology?
>all those reports of 'shots fired' on MLK's birthday
only because of the crime and violence they naturally cause though
Return and rebuild brothers
300 spartans plus a few thousand greeks , but whatever.
No fear at all because they are too busy maiming and nigging out on eachother
The USA had black troops and pilots during ww2 and nukes=instant win
KONY 2012!!!!
The MSN's greatest fear is when blacks and whites unite against them.
Whites are the best fighters, we are a warrior race.
Nonwhites just come up short against us.
This is because Whites evolved in harsh climates.
We Survived and lived in the Ice Age with ferocious mammals.
> canon fodder
fucking kek
nah. if they stand that close together it just means you have to use less ammo.
If whites are so strong why do they get shitted on by isis and other brown people?
lel I don't think so.
If anything blacks being united would be an improvement. Maybe they could get their shit together. Won't happen though.
I’m pretty sure they took down some germans
>Aryan adrenaline intensifies
Blacks barely fought on the battlefield in WWII, just serving as truck drivers mostly, while the Japanese unit fought brutally against the Germans with the highest casualty rate in the entire US army.
In the Korean war, the largest US unit to surrender was the 24th unit, a black-soldier unit.
Of course, dindus will argue that they were discriminated and therefore surrendered, but the Japanese Americans fought incredibly valiantly depsite having their family interned in camps back at home.
Do you now understand why blacks will always be poor and weak?
what the fuck happened here
Yeh its true.
Blacks be fighting each other so mass distraction from wakandavill
Anytime anyone turns hivemind is scary. Why do you think the problem with Jews are?
Fuck off racist.
This too.
>the world's greatest fear is when the Blackman unites
But how can they do anything when stuck together in prison?
See Africa.
>Two random pictures somehow disproves detailed arguments using history and comparison to other race's performances.
Truly. this is the power of the black mind.
It was my mistake to assume a nigger can understand arguments at all, apologies.
Will we ever have another GLR?
Football field