Tucker Carlson just went NUCLEAR
Will Tucker "resign," shortly?
He'll be found dead in a few days
Stop thinking with your head Tucker unless your want a plot next to Seth Rich
he'll admit to "sexual abuse" and resign within the week
I saw it live. He’s been getting spicier by the day. Last time he had a segment over several nights about the white displacement in a rural Pa town. Soon he’ll go too far and (((resign))).
Trump isn’t feeding him his lines today
>he doesnt know its 64d battlefields
Tucker is going to get fired for this. Screencap this.
he's going to get Breitbarted
Fox news is at war with itself my dude.
It's all burning.
The man is right. Provide me with one piece of solid evidence that says the Syrian government did it.
no he is not he will be fine.
Rupert Murdoch is not Jewish
Open mouth stare man is finished.
Tucker should run for President
Name the Kike Tucker.
Nah he'll just get MK'ed again and show up with blond hair.
Based Tucker calling out jews.
Tucker is /ourguy/ for sure, hits all every alt-right talking point in this interview tonight with a typical republicuck senator. Tucker asks him, “why is it in the US’ interest to promote regime change in Syria”, the first words out of the Senator’s mouth are, “if you care for Israel”, holy fuck, it’s not even a meme anymore.
Is this controversial? Every thinking man would say this... Assad is the best possible way for peace in the middle east. Retarded wishing for justice or democracy is basically a repeat of Iraq and Afghanistan, and those were a disaster.
Tragic news as popular tv host Tucker Carlson was found to have committed suicide with 2 gunshots to the back of the head.
Found the Jew
This, no one gets that close to the Jew, backstabs them and gets away with it.
INB4 the ADL/Mossad pays Tucker a visit.
Bolton is going to be very upset about this.
absolutely based. now if only any of my friends would even talk about this subject or be remotely aware of it, so that I could redpill them. most of them are more in the territory of "what's a syria?'
Anybody with a heart knows that its better to ruin a country and kill a 1/4 million people to avenge a handful of dead kids (killed by Israel)
>Is this controversial?
also a dump on how tucker started this all, before trump got elected.
He's right but in the end nobody cares about the truth, (((they)) only want to keep the wars machine grinding.
Scandal that causes him to lose his show when?
Can't have good looking young wasp in power who isn't an israel shill
B-B-But, shills on Jow Forums told me he was a kike shill???
maybe this story is less relevant than I though but fuck it.
I wonder how much the Kremlin pays him. They've got their hooks in every level of the American media.
this is fucking based as fuck. this was on live TV tonight? I'm in shock.
kill yourself
>Last time he had a segment over several nights about the white displacement in a rural Pa town
I think some CNN anchor even ripped him for that segment later, calling it racist.
lmao remeber when jon stewart made fun of his bowtie?
The rope is here brothers.
It's happening.
literally more based than most of the alt media cuckservative retards, bizarre times
>"If you care about Israel"
Every time.
I would gladly vote for Tucker over Trump, he is a God Tier debater for our side and actually eloquent.
>when you're the president you get privileged information
>and if you care about Israel you'll stop asking questions
>how dare we ask questions as to exactly why our servicemen should die for Israel
It takes no courage to say this, it's simple fact. I say it to anyone I know.
It takes courage to stand up and kill the people who perpetrate this. We are at war, not with Syria but with Israel and it's sycophantic traitors within our own government. Courage means killing them all and excising the cancer infecting the lifeblood of our nation.
>God Tier debater
Worse, he's Australian.
he'd be more dangerous without the jewish paycheck
Reminds me of Ben Swann
Do you have a link to the segment, or remember what town it was?
>there are Christian communities in Syria
Holy shit, I didn't know that. No wonder Israel has been pushing so hard for America to help them overthrow it, they don't want Christians right on their doorstep!
The best part was Tuckers face when the ZOGBOT said "If you care about Israel".
That was basically his entire argument too. MUH Israel and MUH regional interests. They aren't even trying to hide it anymore. I agree Tucker is treading a fine line here, he's got massive reach to the normies so if he keeps shifting the Overton window like this on prime time I honestly fear for his career at best and life at worst desu.
To his credit he does do a great job of treading the line really well to hide his power levels but even that won't save him if he gets in (((their))) way in any significant way, no matter his ratings.
me too. I can't believe this aired
He's not hiding his power level at all, Tucker is clearly alt right. The more he deals with Jews the more hard right he gets.
he made this senator look like a child. he exposed their hand as absolutely nothing. it's amazing to watch him stumble through this and have nothing to justify billions of dollars, more lives, and potential WW3
Tucker is one of the few MSM guys I think is legit. He'll be fired soon enough though. Shame.
>gradually i began to hate them
>mein tuck
>Rupert Murdoch is not Jewish
I don’t believe it. He’s a hardcore Israel-supporting Zionist who surrounds himself with jews. Murdoch is ultimately a semitically-derived name from Marduk. He’s genetically a jew, 100%. There is no question and no doubt in my mind.
Wicker looks so bad in this. Mississippi pls.
Tucker, no!
Assad himself is from some weird religion of muslim/christian fusion. Eitherways, two things kikes hate the most.
It's his nose more large and pointy?
Does that mean he's going to dump Trump when he does start a war? Of course not. Shut your mouth if your ass can't back it up, Tucker.
Also, everybody over the age of 20 remembers what a shameless bloodthirsty neocon Bush shill you were during the Iraq War, hypocrite.
He didn't make his question a poll because he knows how badly his uneducated opinion would be btfo.
I’d go to fucking war with this guy behind my back.
Suck a dick you black pill anal depository.
bump our/guy
Would the educated opinion be to turn Syria into another Libya?
I hate the disgusting sand nigger but the days of toppling secular dictators in Muslim countries are over.
Being a wall street trader is a bad thing? I don't understand that picture.
"For my purposes I'm convinces...". This guy is a total whore for Israel. Do they all fuck kids? Have they all sold their souls to Satan?
Hail Tucker holy shit this guy is a madman did you see his head tip to the bullshit he was hearing when the senator took it from “well if you care about Israel to “” Iran is a menace”
>what is lebanon
embrace the high energy lads
Follow the money
They funded the fucking communist Bolsheviks you fucking shill
Why would he get himself killed, wtf tucker
I always liked Tucker, but now he truly has ascended to redpilled status.
Good man, shame he will pay dearly for this Tweet, maybe he'll go nuclear and call out the jews as a swan song
He is the only good man in media
He has the slimy looking skin and fish lips.
>can’t refute his logic
Fuck off out of my country, you bloodthirsty kike shill
Have more faith, user.
It will happen.
Every single one of them is on it.
A senator from MISSISSIPPI of all places, no less. Pull your shit together, southerners. Stop your Zionist cucking, for fuck's sake. You guys didn't USED to be a bunch of Christian Zionist cucks. As recently as the early-80's, this stuff was fairly rare. It can be rare again - make it so.
based barbiebro is based.
ive bbqd with some barbies before out on da aina. good times.
Israel has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think Syria is going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Israel is not going to be the monolithic society that they once were in the last century. Syrians are going to be at the center of that. It's a huge transformation for Israel to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode, and syrians will be resented because of their leading role. But without that leading role, and without that transformation, Israel will not survive.