Nudeshop practice

going to be taking nudeshop requests - i'm very much a novice so its mostly practice for me.

any experienced shoppers - i'd greatly appreciate advice.

Attached: sample.jpg (722x538, 252K)

Attached: 3453456.jpg (540x960, 70K)

Show me your moves!

Attached: 556A18F8-7987-43F9-B31B-FCACE2E7D398.jpg (1536x2048, 778K)

Attached: FB_IMG_1557043785530.jpg (540x960, 50K)

Please! It's important to me to get this done! I would appreciate any attempt!

Attached: IMG_5454.jpg (750x1334, 193K)

I can post other ones of her too if this ones a to awkward to do, thank you!

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-01-29 at 2.30.53 PM copy.png (800x1280, 1011K)

any attempt appreciated

Attached: DSCF1075.jpg (1332x1975, 640K)

You can barely even see her face, and her whole body is covered. There’s not much anyone can do with that pic

Please help me with this one user!

Attached: IMG_2731.jpg (596x835, 114K)

im doing this one - i'll be doing them in order of ease

i thought maybe you could remove the blue shirt, but I gotcha, I'll try another, she doesnt get to skimpy ever

Attached: Screen Shot 2017-10-21 at 12.30.54 PM copy 2.png (454x799, 608K)

Nudeshop please!?

Attached: 55627FF8-E85E-405A-BB81-C01697EDDC23.jpg (750x895, 169K)

any constructive advice / feedback is welcomed

Attached: nude2.jpg (375x667, 159K)

this one is next easiest

Do anything you want to her, feel free to make her your cum and fake toy XD

Attached: IMG_7981.jpg (3456x2304, 2.67M)

Attached: 1553628231695.png (1054x1320, 993K)

Like it! Good match. I tried it myself.

Attached: Tris-_5454 (1).jpg (746x1078, 135K)

Attached: 20190503_053951.jpg (1066x1475, 548K)

Can anyone clean this up a bit?

If you got time try her

Attached: F0DEBD00-1610-44A1-9E4E-2B6D748B60D4.jpg (750x1086, 146K)

Attached: nude3.jpg (519x770, 283K)

Attached: IMG_1557084437545.jpg (1080x1080, 165K)

this one next

Attached: leighdallas (195).jpg (572x766, 60K)


Attached: Screen Shot 2019-05-06 at 8.03.06 AM.png (634x1154, 1.05M)


Attached: 39351_1486900249087_1706589_n.jpg (720x540, 62K)

Attached: 204_1014541449118_2253_n.jpg (453x604, 35K)

Attached: 1515334246778.jpg (1920x800, 169K)

Attached: IMG-20170706-WA0001.jpg (1200x1600, 135K)

Please can u show her boobs?

Attached: IMG_20190505_010546.jpg (420x720, 122K)

But she has none...

Attached: leighdallas (191).jpg (628x477, 44K)

Attached: ....jpg (607x607, 53K)

Attached: leighdallas (58).jpg (720x540, 64K)

Can you please try anything here?

Someone already told you in another post that she was 15 in this pic you fucking pedo

Don't do this one, this girl is only 15 on this pic.
Damn Pedo... lurking around.

I'd appreciate it if you can give this one a go op

Attached: 1557187724080.png (1440x1876, 3.33M)

Is this easier?

Attached: 389432.jpg (854x1188, 242K)

really struggling with the color in this, do you have a different image?

having a go at this while iw ait for

Attached: filterlevelhard.jpg (612x612, 70K)

Here's another of her to choose from

Attached: 1557236365816.png (1440x1650, 2.24M)

Attached: nude4.jpg (3840x5760, 3.88M)

Anyone good at nudeshop can you kik Weejamie98 thanks

Warm the colors on the boobs try to blend the skin better

Attached: nude5.jpg (587x880, 361K)

You stretched the face to much super creepy

nudeshop please

Attached: 21224567_260630341124365_108486651944108032_n.jpg (1080x1080, 1.46M)

Attached: nude4a.jpg (501x746, 194K)

Nudeshop her?

Attached: mxNQfhl0.jpg (720x960, 54K)

Attached: 20190506_212940.jpg (795x1586, 551K)

Pretty good!

Nudeshop or atleast butt

Attached: 20190504_012129.jpg (628x1313, 363K)

Could you please make us all this favor?

Attached: 39067233_1979782905377045_967121511439663104_n.jpg (1080x1350, 100K)

I'll post 2 more (including this one) if you like practicing on her

Attached: 54511867_306070296688703_4633283018250156291_n.jpg (1080x718, 154K)

Attached: 46038017_1261360457340208_7995962219570897207_n.jpg (1080x719, 87K)

Here u go :D

Attached: Screenshot_2019-04-29-19-08-44.png (1440x1953, 1.57M)

Attached: IMG_20190507_173606.jpg (714x549, 78K)

Could you do this girl?

Attached: Screenshot_20190505-190515.png (1080x2160, 1.17M)

Damn nice ty

can you show us her tits OP?

Attached: 414036_4052665118777_980840517_o.png (702x939, 1.22M)

is OP gone?

Attached: 53728882_258817524997123_437883568073474048_n.jpg (320x320, 20K)


Attached: 10168345_10201242756905634_1891917023_n.jpg (480x640, 92K)

Attached: onlyone.jpg (702x939, 485K)

wow hey dude thanks, that's pretty cool!

well, sometimes less is more, work with the fantasy of the people.

Can you try to put their boobs out please?

Attached: Snapchat-2001474073.jpg (4500x6000, 1.87M)

Attached: 14695479_10154682408838256_207677768885359176_n.jpg (593x422, 45K)

I'd so love a boobslip there

Attached: 13962664_10210271124877831_8887008583689273563_n.jpg (497x537, 151K)

there's some transparency issues around the boob but you did a great job matching the size and shape of what it should look like, it really makes it look more real than a copy+pasted full set. I think focusing on making it look good rather than getting full exposure is a good approach to fakes, so well done

hey op, keep on doing!
girls, sry for the fakes

Attached: hairswaptoo.jpg (1020x1531, 683K)

Attached: Screenshot_2017-12-10-18-33-53-1-1.png (480x518, 198K)


hi guys, any way you can nude her?

Attached: c.jpg (618x905, 402K)

big is beautiful

Attached: bigones.jpg (1417x1890, 1.69M)

what can you do?

Attached: tms.jpg (1024x1363, 450K)

Thanks, try this butts please

Attached: Screenshot_20190316-155527_1.jpg (455x637, 106K)

Attached: green.jpg (618x905, 371K)

Attached: 1557232239176.png (454x799, 549K)

if possible could you expose the big sisters fat tits?

Attached: 19228836_143950752839068_2464347986998591488_n.jpg (1080x834, 84K)

thx man!

option 2

Attached: lv.jpg (275x349, 52K)

Pls make it look she is posing nude.

Please shop her tits out!

Attached: E65EA2EF-7861-40A3-8225-60104BB4A12A.jpg (960x720, 98K)

Help me plx ^_^

Attached: Ferlito180.jpg (750x931, 115K)

Attached: 0042577A-447B-4921-A57C-35D38DE0D0EA.jpg (1099x1473, 319K)

Attached: 394557_10151021428238565_152770625_n.jpg (960x720, 82K)


Attached: 1534060744875.jpg (420x420, 19K)

Attached: Sisters.jpg (1080x834, 127K)

Underage and looks like gollum

shop her top off

Attached: CANON_Canon PowerShot A70_5901482-59030804753.jpg (367x1055, 102K)

Attached: Nothing under.jpg (367x1055, 79K)

would be nice to have some nips lol

Please give her a try

Attached: 20190417-0001.jpg (1080x1267, 229K)

hey there

Attached: 32920047_1637104349741749_5952216457642246144_n.jpg (700x946, 371K)

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