Is tucker gonna be ok?

i didn't think it was possible to drop a redpill like this on mainstream tv. are the overlords going to let him live?

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That’s way too authentic of a red pill, you don’t get in the way of the Mafia when they want to convince the world of something this important. Praying for you tucker

they need him. he's their guy


There’s always a kike puppet that speaks to the “no war”. MSM is never completely one sided. They’ll get you stupid goyim watching their networks one way or another


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Last 2 digits determine how many times he shoots himself in the back of the head


Attached: the-goyim-know-shut-it-down-jew-walkie-talkie.jpg (408x632, 32K)

Last 3 digits determine how much ammo tucker has left in his RedPill Launcher (tm) before he’s murdered/taken off air/cloned

>What's the American national security interest in overthrowing the Assad regime?
>"Well if you care about Israel....."

They're not even trying to hide it anymore.
>"Go to war for Israel goy!"

quick rundown pls

what the fuck did he do?

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There was just a comment saying "He's going to get #metoo'd soon" that got removed. What's that about?

>”’shut up’, they explained”

He was talking about going to war in Syria, not conducting a limited strike on it.

>fox news anchor
>red pills

He's part of the club dummies. He's the limited hang out to make fox not completely pro president or republican. No high level news anchor will ever be on our side. We just have to wait for them to slip up.


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Christ. Tucker did very good today.

>all the politicians and MSM and telling us we have to go to war with Syria
>It's always very (((suspicious))) when they all shill the same line
>did Assad really do it?
>motives don't make sense
>last time we said for sure he did it, it turns out we didn't actually have proof
>even if he did do it, how would going to war and killing more people help?

Mr congress shill comes on and tucker asks >mr congress shill insinuates Tucker is a russian spy for questioning the official narrative

Calm down, user.
(((They))) tried taking him down a few years back with some sex assault shit that turned out to be complete bullshit. With that failure, each additional attempt afterward would just make him more and more credible in the eyes of independents and conservatives (look up the Streisand Effect). Additionally, being the only black sheep in news makes him much more appealing when everyone else is spouting the same script.
He’ll be fine.

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>"Well, uh...uh...if you care about Israel..."
Jesus Christ!

What kind of mantra is that?