Why is it socially acceptable for women to wear make up, but not for men to wear make up?

Why is it socially acceptable for women to wear make up, but not for men to wear make up?

A guy can still wear make up and pull bitches. Makeup can easily increase you by Atleast 1.5 points and in some cases can probably even increase your face by like 3 points.

Why aren't guys taking to the ez way out and wearing makeup?

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Men aren't supposed to care about their appearance in that way. It's considered feminine.

this isn't politics you fucking retard. do they even teach you idiots how to read anymore or is it all about genders and not offending the muslims?

Men who wear make up are faggots.

Not true. As a man, you should take pride in your appearance and the fact that you don't need to put ground up rocks on your face to be attractive. This includes being physically fit, well dressed, and well groomed.

But if men didn't care about their appearance then everyone with a dick would look like Neanderthal from the stone ages and men's fashion would cease to exist.

It's obvious that males care about their appearance that's why we get haircuts, we shave, brush our teeth, wear cologne, wear fitting clothes, etc.

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because woman dont care about your skin, or how cute are your eyes, so we as men and as species evolved to know that. They care about how you are able to protect her basically.

Isn't everything considered politics?

Men are already beautiful no homo

gay nigger babies fuck

no? go to /b/ or Jow Forums

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Dude, what the fuck? She got acid on her face from muslims and you wanna talk shit about her wearing make up?

>shaved eye brows
>removed eye lashes

Hurrrrr it’s the make up

>It's obvious that males care about their appearance that's why we get haircuts, we shave, brush our teeth, wear cologne, wear fitting clothes, etc.
for the nookie

makeup gives men a very limited boost in overall attractiveness, a good analogue would be leg lengthening surgery, hairplugs, beardplugs, or chin surgery

Women shouldn't be wearing makeup like that.

so we make sure to let her know that we can protect her, trough power position and good physic. we do these thing to show to woman that we are productive and in condition to offer goods to these semen demons.

Because an obsession with appearance is degenerate.

>women don't care about your skin
Wrong, some of my friends have natural golden skin and women mire them all day everyday.
>women don't care about men with nice eyes
Are you kidding me? Go watch any YouTube video with Daniel Craig and see women go crazy over his eyes.
>care about protecting/ providing
I agree with that statement but physical attraction plays a massive role too.

Shut the fuck up faggot.

I'm not talking shit about her, I'm saying that men would look objectively better if they wore make up.

Who said anything about an obsession?

Spotted the homo

>you should take pride in your appearance
That's why we don't use make-up and leave it to insecure and inferior women.

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its called beard, you beardless faggot

mods are to blame for this. SHould honestly just rename it /b2/ or some shit and gives us back Jow Forums

Yes because I want to look like I'm some hipster or homeless dude when I go into a board meeting.

Haha fag just wear make up if you want. Everyone that knows you already knows you're a faggot

My questions follows what the definition of politics is..

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because your a dirty tranny and should start being real and relise your still a man and you make us men look weak and I FUCKING HATE YOU FOR IT.

males have to be socially strong.
You fucks ruin it for us normal hetro males.
Its bad enough that we have to hush the gays and chaser scum.

but you trannies are the worse of them all.

what in fucks name do you think its okay to mimic a woman and cutt your dick off
you sick men make me feel ill.

as a repressing riceburner I get hell for my fetich and you get nothing but chasers and positive feedback.
THIS IS NOT NORMAL and NO YOU males don't need make up

that's for GIRLS.

He's very handsome.

lmao, this nigga
you should trimmed it and keep it clean, not like those niggers you talking about.

>It's obvious that males care about their appearance that's why we get haircuts, we shave, brush our teeth, wear cologne, wear fitting clothes, etc.

All of the things you list can be explained by convenience except for the cologne which only faggots use by the way.

Long hair is inconvenient, rotting teeth are really inconvenient, a long ass beard is inconvenient, clothes that don't fit and so on and so on.

I already do wear makeup because I'm an emofag. And yeah, as a result I get told I'm attractive quite often. Granted it's by 16 year-old goth, scene, and emo chicks, but I'll take the compliment nevertheless.

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poor rice boy

die kike

because the way a man's face looks is a relatively small paet of the way a woman views them

Okay so why do men spend time styling their hair, why do men spend time whiting their teeth (going above just basic brushing), why do men spend extra money or more aesthetically appealing clothing?

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Wow that’s scary.

Explain this then

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I grew up in the theatre surrounded by gays. I learned how to do make up in my teens. I am a 220 lbs 5'8 man with a beard and I dress like any other man. Jeans and a t shirt when I'm off and a polo shirt and slacks when I'm on.
But if I have an event to attend i will at times use foundation, powder, and a redness reducer.
It's not gay to take care of yourself. That being said guys should never wear eyeliner, mascara, blush, or lipstick...That is fucking fruity.
If you think i am gay for once a month using basic make up, then lets compare girls numbers in our contacts and talk after.

Why do you care so much about what's "socially acceptable"? I use a bit of foundation to even out my tone and the world hasn't fallen apart yet.

So knock yourself out and wear some makeup. Most of those men you see in the 8-10 range do it. Practically every pundit you see on TV is doing it. Every actor you've seen on TV. Every model in a fashion magazine or clothing catalog. There's countless men out there who have been wearing makeup for decades now, and you didn't even realize their beauty wasn't "natural" the entire time. Your turn now, good luck.

Like i said, it's faggots who do that.

A man goes to the hairdresser and simply says "make it short"

No one should wear makeup unless its for a ceremony or event of some sort. Look at lauren. She looks like molyneux without it but in a cute way.

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You're 100% a virgin.

I'm not saying go full on drag queen mode. I'm saying applying a small amount of makeup to cover any imperfections one may have on his face.

You can still be socially strong and wear make up. One coule argue that by wearing make up you will be viewed in a better light because you will come off more attractive and thus improve your social standing.

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That's literally what I tell my barber, along with "the only "product" I use is a comb". It's his job to figure it out from there as far as I'm concerned.

>only faggots whiten their teeth and style their hair

Listen to "men" like this at your own peril. They are the gatekeepers who want you to stay ugly, unfuckable and miserable.

I have superior genes so no.

Don't marry a girl who looks ugly without makeup. I wake up next to my wife every morning and although she doesn't look hot or anything at least shes still pretty.
t. married

Nice eyebrow rofl.. Women know this looks stupid right?

Okay whatever you say.
Maybe you're the one out of a 1000men who are blessed with godlike genes and will always look good no matter what you do. I doubt that is the case though.

The majority of men however care about their appearance

because they are jew-brainwashed bugmen who only follow trends

>when you were born ugly and desperately try to raise your 3 to a 4

Some of us are just natural 10's bro

>i will at times use foundation, powder, and a redness reducer.
>If you think i am gay for once a month using basic make up, then lets compare girls numbers in our contacts and talk after.
i dont think you're homosexual, but thats a fag move

>hurr durr anything that I don't believe with is something orchestrated by the Jews
Cmon men taking care of their appearance is something we have done since the beginning of time.

You have 23 6/10s in your contacts. Good job you foundation wearing faggot.

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Why focus on your weakness instead of building some real character?

23 6/10 is better then having no female contacts at all though.

>bragging about being a degenerate
wow you sure got him

Lauren is fucking hideous either way

You think the guy on the right doesn't look like a faggot? Holy moly, trudeau has really done a number on you people

Wanting to look good Is a weakness? Like I said before I'm not talking about having an obsession with makeup and wearing layers and layers of foundation, or taking 5hrs to get ready for the night.
I'm taking about applying basic make up to cover imperfections

He looks uglier.

>face and neck are two different colors
lol what a pud

>Some of us are just natural 10's
That doesn't change the fact that you're prescribing your advice for other men to follow, many of whom aren't going to be "natural 10s", and calling those who do otherwise "faggots".

And you're also likely ugly as sin.

Mine's only allowed a bit of lipstick unless it's a special occasion. It's fucking messy shite when you get right down to it.

This is true, but it's def nothing to brag about on a Malaysian Ladyboy board. Nor is it something you should use to justify something as lame as wearing makeup.

looks awful

Looking at the thumbnail I thought this was about acid attacks

superficial people have

anyone who falls for that makeup shit is retarded. you can see makeup on a face, and only girls who NEED makeup USE heavy makeup

anything more than a little foundation and eye makeup is what you need to steer clear of

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a man taking care of his appearance is one thing. a guy going to the hair stylist, getting manicures, and putting on makeup is a display that a person has been thoroughly demoralized and is grasping at straws to find some way to make themselves into what society considers to be "attractive"

Wow its as if without make up, it becomes apparent white women are just like albino great apes. Intresting, I wonder if white supremacy soley resides in the beauty of muh aryan white woman. Its in the mission statement for WN afterall. Literally the most important thing to our bipedal simian brethren. "Muh aryan beauty waifu-someday. "

>I'm taking about applying basic make up to cover imperfections

You're such a faggot.

Like I've explained, real men build character and understand that outward beauty fades.

You don't look for a wife based on her looks if you have any sense, and you certainly don't want one who would care about your "imperfections"

Jesus what happened to men.

Nobody should be wearing that shit but people do it anyways. Oh well.

You're telling me that any one who works in the public sector is superficial? You're telling me CEOs are superficial? You're telling me people who work in the servive sector are superficial?

All of these people are required to keep up personal hygiene and make themselves look presentable. By looking presentable they have to care about their appearance.

What do you mean "its not socially acceptible"?

Are talking about shithole countries?

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Okay so if you don't care about looks are you going to wife a 1/10?

Divide and conquer muh nigga. Been used throughout history and will continue to be used to control the masses, probably forever.

Her sister is hot tho

If you wear makeup people will think you're a faggot.

None of those jobs require you to wear makeup, buy looking presentable they are referring to you not showing up in your pajamas with pizza stains all over them

No they don't.

>I'm saying applying a small amount of makeup to cover any imperfections one may have on his face.

The state of white men.

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Fuck off to /b/ with that shit you quem.

Never trust women who are using heavily make-ups!

No but a the same real man can easily meet and get to know several 7-10's before making his choice.

i have a full beard, also i don't value anyone's opinion enough to put on fake pretenses to sway them
this fag may be a commie kike, but he was right with this one

They don't require you to wear make up but you need to have a clean haircut, you need to wear unsolided clothes that are clean, and you need to look clean.

CEOs regularly go out and get manicured and pedicures, if they have hair they style it, they wear certain colours because it attracts a certain thing.

Politicians care heavily on their appearance, they will have a team of stylists working to make sure they look attractive and appealing.

>white men
so which part of the "in arabian world, men who make up are considered noble and high statue" you didn't know?

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if you're a 1/10 make up isn't going to do shit and you are destined to end up with another 1/10 since you're physically repulsive.

I'd have wifed a 3 if she was intelligent, enjoyed life and had the right priorities. Luckily my wife is all of that and a cute 7

to be fair a lot has to do with the ability to do make up

white canvas are the best canvas
the darker the canvas the dificultier it is to change it

CEOs are a fringe case where the occupation is so hyper competitive that they are willing to debase themselves in order to take advantage of superficial people's subconscious appreciation for their faggoty attention to their appearance.

that's a sick burn on the archetypical ginger phenotype

Still basically white lmao. Whiter than most spainaird. How funny that you can be a white mexican, but not a white-persian. And the reason being they are even more hoity toity than white people. Thats funny, they dont want to be associated with you even though they could be.

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If youre wife wasn't a "7/10" and was instead a "3/10" you wouldn't have talked to her.
Don't lie and say you would have because we both know thats not the case. Humans shallow people at the end of the day.

What about salesmen? Sure you can still be a good salesmen if you are ugly, but if present yourself in an attractive way by caring about your appearance then you can improve your chances of closing a sale.
A 8/10 salesmen will find it easier to close then a 5/10 salesmen, if they both have the same level of charm, communication skills, etc.