Hank Yoo Was Arrested, Crowdfund his Bail

Last night at 10:30 PM CST, Hank Yoo was arrested by ATF agents for possession of a huge array of firearms for "racewar/secessionist preparation" and was reported on last night by NextShark who noted, "Yoo has been arrested before, indicted for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon on December 2, 2016. Officials on the scene discovered “a tactical vest, three magazines, a handgun, two rifles, a machete, and a shotgun” and set his bail to $60,000."

Please send $5 or at least something our way to free this madman, we are taking absolutely nothing in profit and only want to see our Korean Uncle Chen comrade freed.

Attached: free hank yoo 1.jpg (662x629, 63K)

Other urls found in this thread:


that's good for all asian who abandon his own dreams and serve westerners

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Shit, forgot to include the link.

There you all go.

>three magazines, a handgun, two rifles, a machete, and a shotgun
Wow that sure is a "huge array"

Sorry but he's nonwhite meaning he doesn't get my money because he wouldn't be welcome in the huwhite ethnostate.

Did you really create fakenews to scam money?
Crazy world
The oriental seems like a nice enough person btw


If you wanted to make money off of this, you should have made it lower. If you don't hit the goal, indiegogo takes all the money.

>being taken alive
first mistake

Wait so he was arrested for wrongthink by the ATF?

>fake news


Wow definitely fake news


Do you really feel safe for people like him having guns? He is nuts.

He's still not white, so he isn't entitled to any of my money.

Would probably only shoot nogs so yes

>Asians are white supremacists

We need to spread this meme.

I feel less safe for the government taking him in for wrong think.
You leftist are nuts.

I support peoples of European descent... Not asians.

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Sounds like bullshit. You don't get arrested for having a bunch of weapons in the US, especially not Texas. I feel like this gook is trying to scam people via gofundme

>Kekistani flag
No I don't think I'll be donating any shekels

I hope they arrest the creator of this funding too.

>racewar preparation

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Apparently he got arrested for lying on a 4473.


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He probably was a felon


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I didnt believe op, so after he gave sources it said he lied on a form when purchasing guns. His own fault if you ask me.

$5 says he got diagnosed as mentally ill & involuntarily committed, then he lied about it on a 4473.

There's been several studies done that show that the rates of mental illness among asians is severely underreported because of the whole "don wan to bring shame upon my famiry" thing.

hi there

He probably watched a documentary on the LA Riots

>First they came for the asians, and I did nothing because I was not asian
>Then they came for me, and I did nothing because I'm a pussy ass cuck

White ethnostate/White ethnonationalism does not mean "I financially cuck myself for mentally ill asians". They can go back to their own countries.

fuck no he can eat shit i've personally talked with this asshole on snapchat he is the most arrogant annoying imperialistic loser and will do nothing for us as a movement he just rambles on his stories ab conspiracies and trump being the new emperor

lmao they arrested one of our memes, thats hilarious, that pic on the right is priceless, i cant believe that guy is actually real, lmao

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take the eurasian pill. we're all children of the steppes after all.

It isnt the first time he's been arrested for dumb shit.


for real i know this guy he thinks he is a badass because he does martial arts but he got his ass beat, he also got head form a prostitute on a toilet.

He wouldn't have been able to purchase firearms if that were true.

I know agg. assault & home invasion isn't a felony in Texas but there's more to the story than OP is telling us. This guy is one sick trashy puppy.

You bantz'd with him for a while or what?

Holy fuck, they got him for lying on a 4473? They almost never prosecute 4473 violations.

Considering he got arrested for doing a home invasion & agg. assault with some trailertrash and a spic about 5 months ago, I'd imagine the ATF doesn't look to kindly on him owning firearms while he was out on bail.

>Asian White Supremacist
>racewar preparation

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if true, he can fend for himself; committing home invasion like a nigger does not deserve any support from Jow Forums

What is the creature inside the rune? Looks neat

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>if true


>Four men have been indicted in connection with an aggravated assault on Dec. 2 in Tyler.

>Carlos Jose Hernandez, of Tyler, Heon Jon Yoo, of Tyler, Jesse Long, of Gaylord, Michigan, and Matthew Lack, of Brownsboro were indicted on charges of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

>According to Tyler Police spokesman Don Martin, the four armed men entered a property in the 3900 block of McDonald Road in Tyler. Once on the property, the men became involved in an altercation with the homeowner. Weapons were drawn during the incident, then the suspects fled in a vehicle but were stopped a short distance from where the incident occurred.

>At the time of the arrest police found inside the vehicle a tactical vest, three magazines, a handgun, two rifles, a machete, and a shotgun.

Japs, Viets, and philips ony recieve money. sending prayers instead



a literal fucking cuck lmao. I bet he prostitutes his mother to white men and then slurps the semen.

He might, apparently he has some serious mommy issues.

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>arresting someone for having different beliefs than soyboys and owning weapons.
>land of the free

What kind of country do we live in?

>literally racist


>bail set for 60k

>set the crowdfund goal for 63k

LMAO, you suck at scamming bro.

Maybe he doesn't want to suck white dick for money anymore
>part 1

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>part 2

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If he lied on the 4473 form why did NICS issue a proceed? Should have just been denied.

fucken degenerate deserves to be gassed

Honorary Aryan.

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>All these newfags don't know about this lolcow
He got arested a year ago (or I'm suffering from the Mandela effect). There was even a leaked pic of him with a prostitute sucking on his baby dick.

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Sadly this sounds like a typical white supremacist. Sometimes life sucks and sucking is the best course of action. At least he didn't suck on a snowdog or something. That's real degenerate shit

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Will I get a Hank Yoo if I donate?

He'll probably give you a little succ if you donate, especially if you're white.

Are there even any white people left on Jow Forums? Is this board a microcosm of the west in general?

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>a black man in Asia is asian
Is this chink retarded?

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>ywn suck off your comrades
why even live

If you havent gotten a DNA test done, you're most likely muttmerican.

t. Poo

>a tactical vest, three magazines, a handgun, two rifles, a machete, and a shotgun
should kick him out of texas for not having the minimum number of guns required to live in texas

Click on my ID and read the facts I posted ITT...I'm not giving any money to a literal dick-sucking degenerate that goes out and does home invasions with spics.

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>pays taxes
is rent expensive in your dream?

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Good he deserves to go to jail for killing that innocent black men. That pig will probably suffer in there. A little poltard like him sucking on some BBC and getting his asshole rammed everyday for the rest of his life. How fitting. FeelzGoodman.

>a tactical vest, three magazines, a handgun, two rifles, a machete, and a shotgun
fucking casual

Wow really makes me think, I guess I better dip into my savings account and donate thousands of dollars to this BASED dick-sicking criminal that hates his own mother

>giving my money to a non-white

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This image just shows that white people have inferiority complex. Its because they age badly from coming from albinism. They created an artificial matrix to make them forget they are bipedal great apes that came from albinism.

Like the ATF did during fast and furious? Even more reason to believe it is a lie.... they don’t ever prosecute for false 4473. Almost as much as never prosecuting voter fraud.

Preparing for a happening was ENCOURAGED by our nations founders and their teachings. What fucking nigger judge did this.

fuck this asian nigger

sounds like a school shooter

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Come on, can't we make exceptions for /ourchinks/? If anyone earned it, it's him!

You guys are heartless niggers if you can just let him rot in jail after what hes done for the european people he deserves better

>A spokesman for the U.S. Marshals Service said Monday Yoo's arrest stemmed from making false statements during a firearms purchase.
ok sweetie, I guess I'll trust the word of a mentally ill dicksucker who hates his mommy

wow what the hell is the story behind this
they brought some gaylord all the way from michigan to join in the fun

Good. Siegetards need to fuck off.

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>announcing your sages
>using a memeflag
Nice projection, sweetie. Hope you enjoy your warning/3 day ban.

Have a (Yoo)

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i think hes on to something. i have met some blacks who are basically tanned aryans. and so many who are fucking prehistoric. i wish race science was still a thing so that this question could be persued in an accademic fashion and discussed openly.

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>three magazines, a handgun, two rifles, a machete, and a shotgun
with all of that he was ready for a all out war
who needs 3 magazines

He's been arrested multiple times
He's an Asian nigger

It probably could be if you insecure losers could do it without making people feel bad about themselves over things they had no choice in.

Uh yeah? They are his guns idiot. Why should anyone else touch them? Much less raid him risking everyones life?

Like if you learned empathy and just werent some jackass who likes to boast.

they asked for $5, but hey why not build a straw man instead. abd it's not like you aren't already doing the same to feed and house the 2.5 million niggers currently incarcerated in the US, or the ones that aren't for that matter.
i don't care if you don't want to help this gook, but you don't get to be ignorant of the fact that you're paying a niggers way every time you a candy bar.

What was he arrested for?

Prove it, you are making claims now. Let's see the evidence.

Responding more than once to a post on Jow Forums is pretty much an instant L. Just letting you know.

The (((feds))) force us to pay taxes with the threat of incarceration or force. This criminal dicksucking mommy-hating nigger isn't doing anything like that if I don't donate to him.

Why do you hate this country so much?
Why don't you just move to the EU?

what the fuck how is that lawful

go down to the station with a mob and get him out you idiots

If that were true in Texas he would be in Prison.