What's your opinion of Trump's new National Security Adviser Michael Bolton?

What's your opinion of Trump's new National Security Adviser Michael Bolton?

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kike shill. Follow the dots

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his version of When A Man Loves A Woman is almost as good as Percy Sledge original

His only job is to increase the stocks of Halliburton and Lockheed Martin by waging a new war

Guy is a nut job. Banned from Press Club for attacking some guy there a while back. I like him.

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>When a man loves a woman
Can't keep his mind on nothing else
He'll trade the world
For the good thing he's found
If she's bad he can't see it
She can do no wrong
Turn his back on his best friend
If he put her down

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Good news is that Trump hired him. Consequently this means that Trump will most likely fire him.

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A true patriot.

Jow Forums has literally always supported war in Syria

He's taking their energy.

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Best moustache in global politics for decades.

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He has openly stated he's a Zionist and that Jews should build wherever they want in "Judea and Samara".

He's fucking insane and would risk the life of every last American for Israel.

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Has been wrong on everything, on day-one of his new job he starts WWIII for Israel. Deserves a painful death.

May god bless him if he bring War into Europe.

just bought $20k today

You get a war, You get a war, and You get a war, and You get a war

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He's probably about to resign because Trump hasn't taken action on the Norks yet.

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>Guardian of Zion

Literally his WH Title

Read this book called the odd clauses for school. This is what I remembered when I heard of him being appointed lmfao

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I don't like war advocates.

He'll be dead in less than 20 years and he knows it.

You fags have no idea how bad McMaster was. Well, maybe you do and that’s the point.

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>Literally his first day on the job.
>False flag in Syria happens.
This guy works fast. Just like how he got us into Iraq so quickly hes about to get us back into another war.

wasnt his name john bolton? or is that a middle name?


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Correct. OP is retarded.

such a funny guy

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He's a closeted fag who is completely controlled by Jews.

He looks like the guy that sells peppermint candy to you from the general store, you go home & find him sitting at your kitchen table asking "want some more?"

He's so fucking sexy.

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>>When a man loves a warmongerer
>Can't keep his mind on nothing else
>He'll trade the world
>For the good thing he's found
>If she's Nikki haley he can't see it
>She can do no wrong
>Turn his back on his best friend
>If he put her down

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he has been put there to start a war.


Mattis apparently told Bolton upon meeting him “I heard you’re actually the devil incarnate and I wanted to meet you"

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He needs to be killed asap. Traitor to our republic.

I'm not thrilled about Bolton but if President Trump trusts him and cosigns him then it's for a good reasons that might not make sense to us right now but it probably will in the future. Have faith guys. When has Trump lied to us? exactly, so just remember to keep defending him against these shareblue shills

i don't think he'll be smiling when assad BTFOs his faggot army and the pipeline goes to russia

In the last few days ive seen a disturbing amount of anti semitic speech. I usually just browse but you fucktards got the game fucked up so i must ponder a notion. In these current times the obsession with discrimination against blacks has made you millennial skinny arm liberal fgts overlook the abhorrent and chronic discrimination against Jews for over 90 years, ending in the 80s -- that recently! "But, theyre taking over now!" No, theyre surviving. Why are there so many Jewish hospitals? Because Jews were banned from all hospitals. Why Jewish law firms? Because they couldn't get jobs as lawyers in regular law firms. There are neighborhoods throughout the country in which Jews could not buy homes.The amazing question is why Jews remained so dignified and productive in the face of all this hatred and disrespect. A lesson others might learn from them (BLACK). And these people just didnt take a few bullwhips, pick a few cottons. They lived through the harshest of human torment, conditions which in this day n age is beyond anyones imagination. From darkness to surviving, and then mastering survival to become the bosses of earth. Dont hate the player, hate the game. On earth only the strong survive, only the enlightened master it. Id bet some nignogs, muslims, and a few of you would love to aquire that willpower and ability. Im not Jewish but I damn sure respect them!

Based. Absolutely based. Anyone who triggers libcucks and pisses off kids at my school is a winner in my book.

>There are white niggers. I've seen a lot of white niggers in my time, if you want to use THAT word.

That's my opinion of Bolton.

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>"bolton redpill"
the absolute fucking state of MAGApedes

fucking christ

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You mean the classroom dork?
He gets the whole treatment.

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Garden variety Neoconservative

Would be a better fit for WWII America or Cold War America rather than the 21st century

My opinion is that I'm glad I already did my military time, because we're about to get into another fucking pointless war for ZOG that kills American soldiers and costs egregious amounts of money that could be used here at home. I just hope Trump isn't gullible enough to fall for his machinations, or conversely hasn't swallowed the neocon pill.

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Seems to fit right in with 21st century Trump

>b-b-but 4D
Trump hired him

Has a moustache, only two slips away from Hitler.

Just look at him, he's clearly as mad as a cut snake.

Neokike, I hate him.

>hello fellow nazis

He's a warmongering corrupt piece of shit. Trump fucked up when he chose him.

>baiting this hard

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Fuckin pissed because I was going to go see him on a panel at the Panetta institute for school and he had to go to dc to do government stuff so the panel was 3 liberals agreeing with each other instead of a shade fight :(
Other than that, breddy gud.


Exactly what the doctor ordered.

He will sort the world out!


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A good old-fashioned war is a good kickstart for the economy. And it projects American soft power across the world as we rightfully should.

Well his first day on the job was sure interesting... Here's to hoping this doesn't start another war

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we know

Yes Jow Forums we totally support war for the jews
you got us, good shit my fellow nazi
heil satania

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Love him

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>Trump fucked up
As if Trump didn't realize what he was doing. Hes fucking turned on us man.

warhawk probably

Pretty terrible, probably a Kushner appointment

someday that meme will make sense user

No goy, it's all just a misunderstanding

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A big coincidence

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George C Scotts second best role.

Fuck off shill, no we haven't.

Shit happens

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Conditions change, you know?

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We just have to wait a little longer and Trump will totally turn on the Jews

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But Q said..

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dude if the US got involved.... jesus, the war wouldn't be just us. It would be Israel pushing for territory too. Not that that's a terrible thing, but still. damn. I'd prefer no war, but when Trump does strike I'm not sure if it's just gonna be tomahawks again. If I was in Syria, I'd just surrender now and make it easy on the civilians, but I'm also pretty irrelevant.

Trump pimping out his own favorite daughter to the Jews is 10d chess

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>pol one person

I don't like his ideas or goals, especially a war in Iran. The worst part about him is that he doesn't even look like a bad or tyrannical type guy physically.

good banter lol

>a naked bureaucracy has little overhead, a flayed bureaucracy has none

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literal cuckold

wtf you talking about? Jow Forumss always been anti-semitic

Dude looks possessed

The devil. I'm a gun totin bbq eatin hold my beer republican that has purposely misspelt words in my autocorrect because i think they read better and I dont trust that goddamn neocon fuck one bit. He's a kike plot enabler and I still cannot figure out what Trump traded to have that fuck in the position he is in.

>when has trump lied to us?
I voted Trump and I support most of his agenda, but to pretend Trump hasn't lied a number of times to advance his agenda, get publicity, or gain support, is just fucking naïve. Please stop pretending there are honest elites in business and politics. I still support Trump, and I'm not a fucking shill, but the man has lied out his ass plenty. I trust his judgment in Syria and I think he's just baiting reactions, like he has in the past with his gun control comments and his DACA moves.

Beeeeeech bOOOdy!!!!

lunatic or deviant

it´s fucking real hahahahahahahaha


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Thanks for pic user, I've been trying to red-pill my ant farm