This is our fate

We are living under the most abusive, satanic government in this nations history. The game is rigged. And they are laughing at us. Because we are the most cucked group of “men” to ever live here. They like to make us suffer and are perversely entertained at how much we will withstand. They coerce our women to abandon us. They created an environment where 50% of the time the formerly sacred bond of marriage fails, and then they devastate us economically to reduce the pool of women available to us if we are dumb enough to try again. And then they take a woman who at any other time in history could be a loving wife and mother. And they make her our boss. And tell her never to promote us because it is more fair that way. The people running this country are getting off on the pain they inflict on us. And we just sit here. The most cucked men in American history. Spoiler alert: President Rand Paul is more of the same. It doesn’t matter who we elect. There will never be a time when the federal government acts with genuine benevolence for its people. History designate this time periods as the Great Cuckening. We are the biggest group of faggots in world history :(

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Nice projection, faggot

Jesus bitched less than you when he got put on the Cross.

Nah, things aren't that bad. You're just angsty because your hormones are all out of whack. If you don't swallow a bullet, you'll realize this in your 20s

>they devastate us economically to reduce the pool of women available to us

Kek is dead, kiddies. Deal with it.

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Nearly every previous generation had a wife and a house and job in their twenties. You are happy cucked. I’m not

I've been phoning it in since they passed the Patriot Act and nobody cared.

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A lesbian with 4 quadruplet niglet kids moved into the unit next to me. Honestly if a car took them all out I'd be dancing on the sidewalk.

>Degenerate dyke
>Can't have kids, so VOLUNTARILY inseminates herself with the seed of a nigger
>Her and the cunt she lives with "raise" these fucking half breed brats
>Kids go to public school and the kids have to "tolerate" their degeneracy and are indoctrinated that it's ok

I just don't know where to go from here. Nature was doing it's job weeding out homosexuals. Because they don't procreate, they don't get their genes passed on. Now this cunt goes and FORCES her degenerate, mutated, disgusting genes into not one, but FOUR separate kids.

Also she's a roastie, probably pushing 40's so she had to use fertility pills and thats why she has four fucking NIGGER children. ON PURPOSE.


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Reminder that we live in this society (pic related)

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I have no idea what new horrors they have in store for us. But I am certain that whatever it is will have us wistful for the good old days of just trannies and niggers

if you aware of this then you should be enjoying the front row view of major human event that is occurring and appreciate it

read this: If society doesn't screw us over, the environment will. Buckle up OP.

What we need is an antithesis to Marxist philosophy. We need a cohesive ideology to first take over the universities, and from there the media, and from there the mainstream culture. The right is too focused on pragmatism to dedicate enough effort to redpilling the next generations, like the opposite of what Communists in our education system did to the millennials.

We need a Giovanni Gentile for the 21st century.

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Good call. I didn’t understand at the time. I thought there would be something in place to prevent it from being used abusively

this but unironically

>I thought there would be something in place to prevent it from being used abusively
FISA court. Anyone who wasn't naive realized it was only ever going to be a rubber stamp, though.

>Kids go to public school
And who pays for that?

In 99% of human civilised history we would have taken what is rightfully ours.

The public, which is getting more and more degenerate. I don't mind so much when adults want to be degenerate - they had their chance. But to POISON the minds of our children by saying their behavior is acceptable is over the line for me.

Those niggers didn't have the interbutts though. Between that and TV, placation is basically a science.

Could we just coopt that movement? We could demand $1 million in reparations for every POC. And that all POCs be set free immediately from the racist jails. We could have a million plus strong army of nig mercenaries behind us


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You are so obsessed with woman
You’re worse than a woman faggot

You're right, that's fine as long as that $1,000,000 goes to the $2,000,000 every POC owes whites for paying their bills for the last 100 years.

Agreed. If a wild madman like Trump can be brought down, and can’t get this cleaned one can.

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Don't fret, he has 6 more years to fix this.

We reincarnate endlessly, there is no death. Be fearless, think of this life as just a day out of your cosmic life.

Show me pictures of you OP. And tell me about your income and social ties.

I guarantee you're just depressed because you're a loser who feels he's at a dead end in life. 100% of blackpilling is projection about your own failings. Without exception. Not a single exception exists. I say that with 100% conviction.

inb4 "ad hom". you're a loser and you know it. no one should listen to you about anything.

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Nice concern shilling. Well done.

Read more history. Mankind is a cruel and despicable species. We are simply the stepping stone to the evolution of corvids.

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Yes, lead a Elijah Muhammad/ George Lincoln Rockwell alliance revival and get them to secede into their own ethnostate