How does it feel that Drumpf can’t even fucking win a trade war?

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>jobs, jobs, jobs
>Xi - DJT partnerships

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...Are you retarded?

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blumpf BTFO

Here at Jow Forums we’re sorry OP is literally retarded

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...do you even understand what this means? And how tariffs work?

Lolwut... OP, you ok?

heh how does it feel to be as stupid as you are?

you basically posted hey trumps winning the picture and are trying to pass it as a bad thing

I still vastly prefer him to shillary, faggot.

I honestly don't even know if this is the worst bait ever, or if this guy is actually a tard.

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It's probably AI bots fucking up.

If you honestly think the OP is a sign of Trump not winning, I think you're heavily projecting at this point or an actual troll.

>lower tariffs

Isn't this good for America, since it's a major car manufacturer?

You are a fucking moron, The only other people who make cars worth importing our all our allies.

It's bait. You're in a bait thread.

I think OP is being sarcastic here.

You realize that means we're winning right? They're lowering what they charge us to export to them.

Dolopf has fucked up again!

>If you kill your enemies tariffs they win

At least try.

That's how you win a trade war.
Xi Blinked.
I don't know how many panicky anons I had to explain to last week that the US could take the pain better and longer than China, but they it wouldn't come to that. People are just reactive and stressed out.

Media is really biased. This is pretty impressive.

this bait is a 2/10, try harder and take a long hard look at your life ;)

>tfw when OP receive’s an email from his team leader at Shareblue asking him to his office for an unscheduled meeting

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T-This...this..has to be bait.... right?

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blimps are cool

OP is always a faggot but sometimes OP is too retarded to brain.

I-is this bait? or is op actually retarded?

> implying all of this wasn't already planned ahead in backroom dealings weeks in advance

I expect Jow Forums of all places not to fall for the media circus bullshit.

They call wang president but not our actual president. Really makes you think.

ITT people don't realize this is a China NO! thread




best bait i seen tonight. 3/10.

Woah woah woah!! BACK. THE FUCK. UP.

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I was going to be really mad but then I read all the comments and now I'm happy

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>posting the same pic less than an hour apart

Trump broke OP

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The fuck is wrong with you?

Let’s note here that China doesn’t import a lot of cars. Most imports are high end vehicles, like Teslas.

They’re pushing the general population to use electric cars made in China.

This is literally a I cutting costs for his buddies.

>1post by this retarded shill

I post it and then I click on it so it gets bigger and then I look it and makes me smile. Don't be such dreary fucks.

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Autofuck... “a I” = Xi

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