It's her turn

>but it's not natural.
Nice appeal to nature.

There is NO REASON too deny women equal rights.
It's Her turn.

Attached: peggingIsGreat.jpg (318x159, 9K)

Other urls found in this thread:

eating glass isn't natural either but i do it anyways so my buddies on reddit dont laugh me into obscurity with the irrefutable "appeal to nature" fallacy

Tried on myself
Doesn't feel good

Come at me brah

its less about something in your ass and more about being dominated by another person

>Come at me brah
I'll come for your ass, fucking beta

>its less about something in your ass and more about being dominated by another person
Which is a good thing

Ooohh.. I love it when you talk dirty.

if you're into it sure

>Ooohh.. I love it when you talk dirty.
Dirty as your 56% country.

Attached: luberjackWithWoman.jpg (298x169, 10K)

>if you're into it sure
We should all humble ourselves while our Muslim overlords use our assess for their sexual emergencies.

uh yeah no thanks, I'll just stick to my wife thank you

Don't know anything about 56%... but you better be giving me 100% of that fake phallic you keep teasing me with...

She has ZERO sensation in that plastic thing, and is a mutant with the flesh thing.
She may as well die now.

>>but it's not natural.
>Nice appeal to nature.
What's the problem with that?

>There is NO REASON too deny women equal rights.
Yes there is, women are different to men you idiot.
>It's Her turn.
Let her try it, I'd open her mouth like a pez dispenser.

What are you, gay?

Attached: 1234189648591.jpg (489x367, 37K)

>She has ZERO sensation in that plastic thing, and is a mutant with the flesh thing.
>She may as well die now.
Also I'm against anal for anybody, so /thread over

LOL these fucking normies with their faggotry what a bunch of faggots

only if being a cuckold is gay

Try harder cuck shill

Bitch i will cockslap you so fucking hard i will break your fucking jaw. That is why it's always my turn.

>he thinks taking it up the ass doesn't feel good
someone was doing something wrong

I missed you, bro. Maybe I don't come on /pol as often as I used to but I haven't seen one of these in weeks

>There is NO REASON too deny women equal rights.
Equal rights are not natural. Evolution is purposefully discriminatory. Get used to losing roastie, your cavernous blown vagene is stinking up again go wash it out agaaain.

yeah you clearly dont come here often if you havent seen that in weeks

Sex has nothing to do with leaning. My wife and I are both an caps. I like a finger in my ass. It's sex nothing more. Anyone over thinking this is weak.

>> female feels nothing
>he doesn't know about the Feeldoe

>NO REASON too deny
same spelling mistake everytime this slide thread is posted







Thanks for pointing out mistake newfriend.