Pssst. Hey, you! Come listen to me for a second

You know all the spam and chaos on this board? It's because they're scared. The shills, the paid posters, and all our enemies. You know which ones, they've got the big noses and clasped hands being rubbed together. Those guys. Well they're trying to give off the perception that there's a lot of turmoil and chaos right now because they know their backs are against the wall. Israel was exposed yesterday and called out today and you shouldn't ever forget that. The IG report is also going to drop which is gonna expose a ton of things that Israel has done, including spying on our President during the campaign through social media apps, which bypassed the need for a FISA warrant. Last year when there was a false flag chemical weapons attack Trump fired tomahawk missiles. When we got the pictures from the supposed airbase that got hit there was no damage. You know why? Because Trump knew it was a false flag. Israel decided to use chemical weapons on the Palestinians and Trump decided to fire those missiles at an Israeli air base. Netanyahu and his wife are both going to be indicted in Israel soon. Yesterday Trump baited Israel into striking in Syria first claiming that he would follow Israel's initial strike with a big strike against Syria. He didn't follow through, KEK. He got Israel to expose their submarine locations and Israel got some jews in jets blown out of the sky. The Jews are trying to literally MEME WW3 into happening. Ignore the shills. I think we're about to witness something magical soon.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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>something magical soon
magic mushroom cloud

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fucking kikes

this meta thread is equally useless, although you are right: the catalog in more than a half slide threads, shills, shitposting

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Hold onto your butts

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I remade this thread because the MODS ARE FUCKING KIKES WHO SHUT DOWN THE LAST ONE AT 290 POSTS.

was cp or other shit posted?

Pretty good run tho.


It was the comfiest thread on Jow Forums all day. That's why I'm mad.

Kek is dead, Trump is completely fucked in every orifice, and hoping for a Pence presidency won't save you either. Swallow the black pill and accept your fate.

Attached: Black Pill.jpg (520x520, 12K)

well, I will provide bumps in this case

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The only thing that's fucked is you, your country, and your entire way of life you pathetic jew.

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No you listen to me for a second.

Trump knew 9/11 was going to happen and he said nothing.

He bragged of the nuclear technology his uncle would discuss with him. The same uncle who happened to steal Tesla technology.

Stormy Daniels is a non story compared to the fact Trump anticipated 9/11 and is quoted as comparing a future terrorist event to the WTC Bombings of 1993 - saying a future event would make that look like children playing with firecrackers.


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Oh, that's the beauty of our little endeavor. You blame "muh Jews!" for every little thing that happens, never once thinking that even they are mere pawns in a far greater scheme. In the end, we shall bury you all in a common grave.

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>You blame "muh Jews!" for every little thing that happens, never once thinking that even they are mere pawns in a far greater scheme. In the end, we shall bury you all in a common grave.
And all you can do is try and deflect by saying "muh Jews!". You get what you fucking deserve and you all deserve death. Slow, painful and excruciating death.

Your post is defeatist, anyway IF Trump should ever go along with the neocon agenda we will know for sure that all hope is lost

I would welcome WW3 at that point, fuck this kiked shit.

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>forseeing escalation is a crime
>saying "it'll get w*rse" is literal terrorism.
niggers are allowed to vote.

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Don't let the human-mutants in on too much of it my brother. We will restore this planet to its former glory soon, there is no meaning in toying with them beforehand.

What does that have to do with stolen Tesla Technology?


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I don't give a fuck you pathetic bitch.

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Very easy to frame things

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You're very wise. I'm actually a little amused, how did you figure this out? Honestly, I didn't think you people are capable of this kind of analysis.

The Illuminated Ones are eternal. If one of us falls, there is always one waiting to assume our place. Even if you were able to strike me down in the next instant (which is entirely unlikely), our plan will march to its inevitable conclusion.

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The Kali Yuga ends this month and you can't stop that.

Well because I'm Jack Parsons of course.

The Kali Yuga ends in your annihilation. There is more than one species on this planet. We may look the same but our blood never mixes.

Ah just LARP. Never mind then.

I'm a real Jew.


Attached: Screenshot_20180404-195112.jpg (1080x1920, 715K)

>Jack Parsons
No you're not, you're hiding a fucking British flag under your meme shit because you're the same Rothschild loser that spams the same shit every day. You're so fucking pathetic that your family got turned to trash in less than a year because of Trump. Nothing will save you or your family. You're not even named Jack. You're a woman.

Is it possible that he is talking about EU? Like, that he is tired of their shenaningans and will stop all military support USA gives EU countries through NATO?
I mean, our cucked "national governments" bashed on him without shame.

Rothschilds aren't real jews.

thread got 404ed after i said

pepe is love

they fear love

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My name is Jacques, I can assure you.

I also go by Adam.


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Goyim of the world unite.


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And what cares the Illuminated Ones about the primitive ramblings of a race of people who are so backwards that they willfully starve to death while worshipping an animal that any sane man would kill and eat in order to survive?

Show your flag. I guarantee you it's a british one because I remember everything and I remember you. In my mind I catalog posters and I remember you clearly.


Attached: chrome_2018-04-10_09-38-00.png (517x508, 457K)

Then you will remember that my name is Jack Parsons.

Grasp your foreskins with pride

No, you're a woman and a neurotic one at that.

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Silly Pepe..get out of the closet! It’s safe out here now.

That kid looks scared as fuck

>You're going to find that out

I think being awake, on a Mongolian shopping list comparison site at 3am on a Tuesday morning is rather more neurotic. However, to entertain your proposition for a moment, my neuroticism is a result of my Oedipus complex.

I am a man. As you know.


Attached: jews_maybe.png (274x290, 11K)

It's only 1am. Also you're a woman, because we've talked before and you've said it yourself. I remember you posting all the way back even before the Vegas incident. You and your friends seemed a lot more confident back then. Not so confident now, are you? Don't kid yourself. I remember everything.

My name is Jack Parsons.

My birthday is October 2nd.

I am more confident than I ever have been because I have direct lines of communication with everyone now.

Any attempt to subvert me will be met with brute force. I control the weather, remember?

Whatever you say, honey.

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I did 9/11 and Las Vegas

-Jack Parsons

feels good user. Thanks.

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>pointless schizo shitposting

this is proving exactly the OP's point
everyone look at (((him))) and laugh

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Everyone serves the Devil.

-Jack Parsons

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its ok user. Predators are an evolutionary response, and something will always be out there in the dark waiting. People would not take such drastic measures as to try and control an entire population if they were not afraid. They can drape themselves in fancy silks, and ride absurd vehicles, abuse their pet underlings, but they build a giant wall around themselves in the physical and metaphysical, and seek to extend their influence out of a simple truth; fear.

And that fear user, it excites, makes nails and teeth tingle. It is like a whip driving ever forward, heedless of risk or reward, only the red. Its beyond reason, that hunger. That drive. And like all things, an environmental Niche cannot be destroyed, and the natural law cannot be forever ignored. Greater responses will simply mount.

Be well.

Attached: tumblr_o359842ZQV1rnmu00o1_500.jpg (500x500, 111K)

You're serving the devil now.

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>hey do you see all those threads and opinions i don't like
>it's because of those people i don't like
reddit strikes again

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What you call Satan. I call savior.

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Cry more you pussy.

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de way of de debil. You are this silly.

Attached: he knows de wei.png (1280x1280, 1006K)

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You don't remember me.

We see user, god be with you.

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true. you faggots are stuck in this level of existence eternally. you've been trapping many of us here, feeding off of us. you know what our true nature is, and what our potential is. most of all, you know the supreme truth.

you. are. fucked.

Attached: phil collins.gif (447x344, 899K)

Calling me silly great.

I talk directly to my Father and no longer the CIA.

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>waaah there are threads and opinions i don't agree with.. mom! were is the downvote bottom on Jow Forums?? It's not fair! muh opinion is the only right one..
Suck a dick faggot

Attached: OP.jpg (1280x720, 53K)

Nobody gives a fuck.

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Cry more bitch. Don't forget to wear your diapers.

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You're all just pissed off I won't email my handler.

Enjoy living amongst the plebs. The currency reset will end your family.

You do. That's why you are trying to make a big deal saying you know who I am, to try an intimidate me.

You cannot Handler man.

Opinions are allowed here, they are either discussed or ignored and it is legit.

Senseless shitposting and obvious baits are a different thing tho and everybody knows they're done to subvert/slide the place.

>why don't the mods do something.. mom.. why should i see opinions i don't like??
thats unamerican!

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I'm not trying to intimidate you. I'm just saying your LARP is tiring and you do it so often that I remember who you are.

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I know exactly who you are and what you are up to, make no mistake about that.

Yeah? What's the 3rd letter of my last name?

It's among* not amongst

>everybody knows they're done to subvert/slide the place.
You just make that up. You only know that in your faggot fantasy.

thats what redditors do when they can't downvote.
call somebody a jew.

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Look, I could end it right here by calling you a kike, but truly there is no need for it: your smug lying is so adamant that I will leave it here floating around the thread.
Thanks for the bumps.

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its a fascinating duo.
they out themselves.

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Hello, I'm a person with (often) a different opinion than the Jow Forums majority (when it's not ironic) I try not to shill (I don't post, or bait or copypasta) but I argue my opinions, try not to be a hypocrite because I hate that.
I do support what you guys consider degenerate, sexual freedom, abortions, anal sex, wealth redistribution and more. Was pro Bernie, became anti Hilary and the 2016 election including present day is just a treat for me.

So I'm good with you people, as classical liberal, I value individual freedoms above all else. Your opinions are yours and expressing opinions is even more important to me.

There can however be paid shills here, that's totally plausible.
But this OP makes it into conspiracy, not suprised.

AMA faggots?

Fuck off you dumb Jew. This is a conspiracy.

you are basically a jew if you don't agree with american t_d tier opinions.