British ***people***

I really, really hate them. Their authoritarian and general leftist, feminist, cuckolded natures disgust me.

Here's what you should do if you're a white male in the UK. Leave.
The only thing white males have left to vote with over there is their feet.
Leave the disgusting, white, feminist, British women to the African/Muslim hell-hole they so desire.

The only problem is, even after you leave (due to the aforementioned issues) you still manage to remain entirely cuckolded. You vote leftist over here, despite agreeing that the main reason you left is leftist insanity in your own hellhole.
It's reached the point where if anyone opens their mouth and speaks with some stupid British accent, I just immediately end communication with them. I hate you so much.

Can you all just fuck off from existence? That would be awesome.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Based Fin

she looks kinda like my turkish gf.
What is wrong with her?

>Here's what you should do if you're a white male in the UK. Leave.
That's how we founded the new world, America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa.

Any British man with a pair of balls left for the new world. Britain today is a bunch of low T cucks wanting to be subjugated.

>Any British man with a pair of balls left for the new world. Britain today is a bunch of low T cucks wanting to be subjugated.
This is why we all need to get together and invade the old country.
Cleanse the filth, so to speak.

I completely agree with you. Almost everyone in the UK is an absolute faggot and even the most right wing parties are Zionists. They give away their free speech, right to self-defense and still talk about based Israelis and Sikhs and moderate Muslims. It's just pathetic and undignified and everyone is too comfortable / scared to do anything. I see it only getting worse over time.

I can't even fault you for hating every British person instinctively. There are almost no genuinely brave or outspoken ones left.

That isn't one.

you didn't "leave" you were banished for degeneracy

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100% true. UK is shit and no one here even notices.

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America needs to undertake a reconquista of England.

There must be something in the water in the UK. Never before has their been such a universally cucked country

Are you inviting them to Finland?

I would happily leave if it weren’t so ridiculously expensive and difficult to do so. Send help.

I agree 100%. There is something so infuriating about the deluded britfags who still think that the UK is worth defending. They engage in 'banter' with other flags while their police arrest them for hate speech. They have unbelievably cucked gun laws and their entire political elite have conspired with the full backing of their population to enact decade after decade of anti native policy and outright replaced the population as much as possible. Truly I hate them. Don't get me wrong NZ is well on its way to becoming a similar dystopia. In some ways we are even worse. But I'm under no illusion. I remain convinced that the only hope is mainland Europe (if they decide to stop being little bitches anytime soon and kick out the non europeans) or the USA. For all their faults, the USA is special in that they have their godly first and second amendments.

I am sorry to say but I share OP's contempt and disgust of the British people. Weak and sniveling, ready to abandon history and tradition all at smoments notice. Not because of invaders or military defeat, but simply to fuel your genocidal self-hatred. Why should such a creature be permitted to slime upon the earth? Sometimes I think what England needs is the black flag. A weak culture should be replaced with a strong one.

There is an English tramp in my town here. Bloke's from Grimsby and begs on the main street. Seems to get by reasonably well. I was in a bit of financial trouble once, and chatting with him, and he offered to lend me a fiver to get me through the week.

>>Their authoritarian and general leftist

If your .gonna mock the english at least learn to write in proper english fucking faggot.

Worst fucking place I've ever lived in, and I lived in Eastern Europe mate.

Australia getting taught about male privilege doesn't make the UK any better.

What kind of retarded thought process is this?

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I lived in Germany for 2 years. It was really nice compared, but that was back in 2001.

Ditto. I lived ten years in Moscow and ten more here in Spain. The British state does its best to keep our people in the dark about how badly off we are, in terms of the general shittiness of our day to day surroundings and the tenor of society. You'd hope travel would help more people realise this and start clamouring for change, but most are prisoners of the shit their own minds have been shaped into and can't see the real root problems. Others, regrettably, feel powerless to shift the dead weight of the rest and are compelled to stay abroad. I personally did plan on coming home to raise my children, but when all you hear day after day is new attacks on free speech, on the family, on our heritage and on the very bodies of our daughters and sons, you have to think twice if it's fucking worth it. Our primary duty as fathers and future fathers is to our children. We would have a duty to our nation too, but when it's collapsed into such a dysfunctional uncohesive sludge there's not much you can do to help when the state works actively against you at every step. If I go home, I risk getting flung into prison with jihadist cell mates to stab me to death, or having my children taken away from me and handed over to two pederast fosterparents.

>There is something so infuriating about the deluded britfags who still think that the UK is worth defending.

Because it is. These islands are ours, and I'll fight to the death to keep them that way. If we run, then we lose our ancestors' lands, our courage and our culture. We have to stay and fight, because even if Britain today is fucked, there's still a future for Britain.

Now that would be a good reason to put another star on the flag

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>Their authoritarian and general leftist, feminist, cuckolded natures disgust me.
You've been reading too much London media. Outside of London/Scotland it's not like that.

>Weak and snivelling, ready to abandon history and tradition all at moments notice
I could say the same about America. At least we don't knock down statues and have our governments condemn the past.
You know how many times countries like India and the Carribbeans have demanded we apologise for our so-called 'crimes'? A lot. And we've never apologised because there's nothing to apologise. Meanwhile in the 'great nationalist' America you have apologised for all sorts of things, things that no one even cares about.
And lets not forget what most of your people like. Your people cry at fucking movie trailers, for fucks sake. You have no room to talk, yankee scum.

Most of these countries speak as though they're better off than Britain. In truth, they are worse off. Doesn't mean we should stop fighting against our tyrannical government and this toxic ideology pushed by them, but it does mean we needn't heed the hatred of these foreigners.
But, then again, you're probably a foreigner yourself.

this, the native middle class are already leaving in droves, the English need to consider the Reconquista method and pull back to eastern Europe and US, Aus.

Being a native white man is almost illegal here.

>about America
This thread isn't about America. What you're doing here is part of the problem. People point out terrible things and all you can do is try to brush it off and turn it around, looking at other posters' flags.

Go fuck yourself snownigger


At the very least get to a white enclave(York?)

I know, America's not important enough to care or be considered about.

this thread is so comfy

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Wow. I didn't know Finland was a real country. Having looked it up: enjoy your racist, Nazi, shithole, you stupid cunt. You don't deserve Sibelius, Saariaho, Rautavaara etc.

Why did this anti-british hate start when the Uk banned e-celebs. Are the soys angry that their cam whores got banned?

Fuck nu/pol/ honestly. People hate the british more than they fucking hate the jew how pathetic. When america turns into Brazil I hope Britain denies all white americans.

What an idiotic response. Christ, you probably even think that passes as "bants" or something...

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Fuck off NATO shill.
Britain isn't authoritarian. They aren't a police state. They have right wing in power.

American damage control in these threads are always fun. The only thing that matters is the demographics of your country and America is in a really bad shape, far worse than Europe. Not only are they less white but the whites themselves are far less homogenous than us in Europe. We know who is Swedish, German, Italian and so on. Americans have no fucking clue what actualy makes you American. Are Italians Americans? Are the Irish? what about the Germans? How long does your family need to be in America to be considered American? This is why so many of them believes in civic nationalism whereas here in Europe we are not as prone to such idiocy.

Americans may have Trump but he is just a civic nationalist. We have had real nationalist parties here for decades now and they are gaining momentum. Europe will survive beacuse we have strong national identities whereas Americans have no idea who they are and have no unity whatsoever.

As for the usual Amerimutt damage control

>B-But you are the white homeland

not an argument and no one cares. You are still less white and a bunch of euromongrels.

>M-muh gun laws

Better than in Europe for sure but there is no shortage of guns in europe. Anyone who lives here knows that.

>M-muh free speech

The biggest danger with speaking out against mass immigration have always been that you may lose your job. This happens very frequently in America where SJW's rule most of your insitutions and have taken over most of your pop culture. So you do not really have free speech. Actualy getting arrested for it is very rare even here.


Maybe but also irrelevant since ethnic displacement and cultural genocide is the main problem. Getting invaded is bad no matter who is doing it, be it Chinese or Somalians.

>You are more leftwing and therefore more cucked!!!!!

We are more socialist definitely but SJW culture is an American phenomenom that you exported to the rest of the west.

If Trump is civic nationalist then tell me what he done for whole nation USA that is nationalistic?
Nationalism means to nationalize, not privatize.

Only yanks and some select euros talk about America. EVERYONE talks about Britain. You'd be retarded to think America's influential or popular, or what have you.

You didnt leave Bruce, youre old fella was kicked out for noncing

Sure Lads if you want to restore order go for it

Just make sure there ain't no occupation afterwards

Britbong here about to travel around SE Asia for 10 weeks. Should I aim to never return and get out of the rat race?

You miss the point that the USA has a history of dealing with racial diversity in a way that permits whites to thrive, along with the constitutional tools for reaching desirable outcomes. Bereft of free speech or even the right to defend ourselves physically, we Europeans have a LOT of catching up to do, and very poor prospects of achieving what needs to be done. America has a certain vivacity to it that many of our nations now lack, and being the top dog is more likely to change direction and set trends for others. Our weakened and confidence-lacking nations will just follow, not lead. I hope I'm wrong, but I'm saying it how I see it.
Do you think this idiocy is endearing or something?
>youre old fella was kicked out for noncing
He was more likely kicked out for refusing to tug his forelock at some actual nonce in the judiciary or constabulary, or standing up for his rights as an agricultural labourer and tenant in the face of some fat pampered landlord, just as your ancestors are statistically more likely to have been the lacky and lickspittle type who did have the "deference" that helped him keep his serf-style position in England.

“Finland has no immigrants”

most of the british people you are going to find anywhere in the world are on the left side of things. i've been an expat for 10 years in different countries and the majority of brits, americans and white europeans i have met were all left of centre. it was rare to find someone who didn't kowtow to whatever the opinion of the day was. more conservative people will have stayed at home and been conservative instead of embracing the change needed to leave home.

>most of the british people you are going to find anywhere in the world are on the left side of things. i've been an expat for 10 years in different countries and the majority of brits, americans and white europeans i have met were all left of centre. it was rare to find someone who didn't kowtow to whatever the opinion of the day was. more conservative people will have stayed at home and been conservative instead of embracing the change needed to leave home.

Right wing/nationalistic people tend to stay in their home country due to them loving it.

>Having a Black president is OK
>Having 40 million blacks is OK
>Having 55 million hispanics is OK
>Having 30 million illegals is OK
>Being 56% white is OK
>Inventing feminism and SJW´s is OK
>40 million interracial marriages is OK
>putting blacks on your money is OK
>inventing affirmative action is OK
>imposing federal quotas for employment of non-whites is OK
>giving $3+ billion per year to Israel is OK
>fighting wars to suit the Saudis and Israelis is OK
>losing wars repeatedly to Third World countries is OK
>having America ruled by liberals for 16 of the last 24 years is OK
>the fact that Hillary Clinton got a massive majority of votes is OK
>banning the American flag from schools because it upsets Mexican illegals is OK
>cops getting machine gunned in the streets by Black Lives Matter activists is OK
>losing control of entire cities to BLM rioters is OK
>making it a crime to misgender someone is OK
>making it legal to give other people AIDS is OK
>jailing someone for 15 years for putting bacon in a mosque is OK
>destroying historic monuments because they hurt niggers' feeling is OK
>America is based as fuck and totally not cucked

Let us all appreciate that while us Ahmeds in countries like Sweden, Germany, UK and France are all "cucked", done for and should "be nuked" and "genocided". At least we still have America, the great uncucked white haven of conservatism, strict immigration laws and common sense.

Yes, lets appreciate and ponder on that for a while.

A MAN WENT TO JAIL FOR TAKING A VIDEO OF HIS DOG DOING A NAZI SALUTE. A FUCKING DOG. IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN AT THAT POINT THAT YOU STARTED SHOOTING YOUR PRIME MINISTERS. I mean stabbing them. i mean, uh, are you guys still allowed pointy umbrellas? you fucking faggot cowards.

No - I'm British. A foreigner wouldn't care about Britain since they could just leave if they chose to.

and comparing shit to shitter doesn't make shit any more palatable.

Also, if you want to compare shit to shitter - I don't think "male privilege lessons" compares to pedo rings in government and the BBC

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Why is autism so prevalent in Finngolia?

I thought they were banished for illegally gathering firewood on their lord's land?


>That´s how we founded the new world
Spain did
Plus South Africa is netherlander/boer and the USA made it self.
Also you cannot claim both USA and Canada at the same time cause with those arguments, Canada would be a French creation

America suffers from an advanced case of the disease we all suffer from. Unlike us, it has various devices to resist it, and is doing so.You wasted your own time and ours writing your stupid list of things we all know about.

We use strongly worded letters.

Brits aren't authoritarian, neither are Germans, they are just cowards and don't give a fucks.

Why does america always get defended for it's actions, while Britain get hated thread after hate thread?

What the fuck are you on about, JuanJo?

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still got my gun and still aint as fucked as everywhere outside of here.

dont forgot to take your estrogen pill today or commissar tyron will visit.

Everyone gets "hated" on here, you queer.

>still got my gun
I despair that most of my fellow continentals don't get how fucking important this fact is.

Shut up mongol rape baby, we're more nordic than you'll ever be.

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from british grenadiers to allah our queen is related to mohammed akbar

Having a gun doesn't stop the Government doing literally any of the things he listed.

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Stop obsessing over us you silly chink. Get a hobby or a job or something.

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There are tons of armed police officers here... lol.

>There are almost no genuinely brave or outspoken ones left.
They're all dead! Killed fighting brother wars for (((bankers)))! I hate what OP says, but grudgingly I have to agree! That said, they're not much better where OP is!

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Go use it on the niggers, spics and Jews you’re always whining about then faggot.

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I agree, there's more of us than people think and though we have good people who apparently kowtow to Israel they may actually be more woke than they can let on in our current climate, the other thing that we have in our favour is that, as an island nation when we do eventually decide to reclaim our land we will have a natural, defendable border, europe is fucked because if any nations steps out of line it is surrounded by enemies
Make Britain great again

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That's how our biased media portrays us, our population is many times your own and more than half of it doesn't put up with this bullshit. You simply don't hear about the states that say fuck this nonsense. We voted in Donald Trump just as a massive "FUCK YOU" to liberals and the rest of the world. Think about that you fucking cuck...we made Donald Trump the goddamn president because we could. You don't have a fraction of the balls that took. Now go suck some Muslim dick batty boy.

I think i read somewhere that every country in the world pressured us dutchies to give up the colonies. Let them be free sort of speak, because we were the last.ones to hold on to our colonies. Tis true?

Your economy is a tiny fraction of America's, the entire world talks about us and our politics. Literally no one gives a fuck about the UK these days except for a few days when your next terrorist attack happens. The fuck can you do?

>Fat cunt and scruffy cunt strutting about like they're summat impressive
Say what you like about Islam, its visual aesthetics are abysmal.

My shithole is safer than your shithole.

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>our biased media portrays us
Not just yours, ours too! The BBC is always misrepresenting burgers, UNLESS they're Hillary supporters, then they're the (((good ones)))! I really fucking hate the media! Been to the US twice! Loved it both times, great people!

Based Portugal held on longest.

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You had a choice between two absolutely idiotic spastics. You voted in the one with the catchy slogan who was on tv. Oh, and he even got less votes than cunton. Eat a kosher foreskin, anal pirate.

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Those who are willing to trade liberty for safety will come to wake up one day realizing they have neither.

It's funny that Britbongs are scared of knives. I've seen videos of it, they fucking panic and just get stabbed and die.

Here in America we say "What the fuck are you gonna do, stab me?" get stabbed, suck it up, and carry on with our day. Because fuck yeah and fuck you.

How much of that is niggers killing each other, concentrated in a handful of US cities? How much of the British stats there involve third-worlders attacking natives? We're not comparing like for like at all.

We have an electorate to prevent the cucks, illegals, nig-nogs, and immigrants from gaining full control of our country and it worked. Trump won in a landslide, not only that he beat out every other Republican candidate without a contest. We put that fucker in control because we could and because fuck you. Because we're goddamn Americans and fuck the world, you don't even have a country anymore, you pussies just do whatever the EU tells you to. Your votes don't even matter anymore.

It works exactly the same way in both countries...

In this country, violent crimes only really happen in shitty council estates for poor families that are related to gangs.

I once got into a fight with some weirdo who spit on me without reason, and he had a concealed knife. So i threw my bike on him, tackled him, punched him a few times on his jaws before i quickly biked away cus i was scared the police would show up.

Have you seen those BBC "Faces of the dead" pieces? Most of the british murders are inner-city or council-estate fuckheads.

This is complete horseshit and you know it.

There is a reason why Amerimutt meme became popular. Even the American mods get so butthurt about it that they literally purge any thread that contains them. But hey, these threads bashing UK, Sweden, Germany, France or Canada is ok. But bash USA? Moved to Jow Forums.

pathetic. Jow Forums is literally r/the_donald.

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White and Asian communities in the U.S. have actually become safer than most communities in the U.K. because we're not shipping in and sheltering millions of 3rd world Muslims that hate us. Fucking Brits think dropping a bunch of shit skinned pedophiles into their communities won't have devastating results.

This, you won't run into any trouble in this country unless you're literally gagging for it.

You had a nig nog as president for 8 years you mental amnesiac.

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Planning to leave.

how many times has someone you know had their home burglarized?

>We have to stay and fight.
*Arrested for hate speech* *No weapons to resist arrest* *converts to Islam in prison because it's easier than taking a beating on the wing every day*

Oh shit lads the Finns have turned against us. We're in trouble, where will we import our reindeer and rally drivers from now?

>Fucking Brits think dropping a bunch of shit skinned pedophiles into their communities won't have devastating results.
Not true! Bongland has cunts for leaders, and they're selling us out wholesale! It'll happen to you soon enough! MAGA!

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Do we have drives to convince people to get rid of their knives? Do we have elected officials telling us to give up our kitchen knives?

No, we don't. Because we're not fucking pussies. I've been carrying a knife since I was a teen, all the men in my family carry knives, it's considered normal to have one here. My dad and both grandfathers routinely gave me knives as gifts while growing up, they're a useful tool and good for self-defense. So if someone were to pull a knife on me they'd be pulling it on someone else with a knife...which is why it's not that scary of a threat.

You're pussies, just accept it.